經濟 AD-AS模型 - 經濟

By Iris
at 2012-10-25T12:58
at 2012-10-25T12:58
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※ 引述《scodowying (RAFF)》之銘言:
: ※ [本文轉錄自 Grad-ProbAsk 看板 #1GU-vffq ]
: 作者: scodowying (RAFF) 看板: Grad-ProbAsk
: 標題: [商管] 經濟-AD-AS模型
: 時間: Mon Oct 15 19:07:19 2012
: 以下是一題是非題
: Suppose a tax cut affects both AD and AS. The larger is the supply-side
: effect of the tax cut, the larger is the increase in real GDP and the
: smaller is the increase in the price level.
: 答案是O
: 但我不懂的是 AS右移幅度比較大 應該P會下降不是嗎?
: 老師給的詳解是:"當減稅造成AS右移幅度大於AD右移幅度 則此時所得會增加越多
: 而物價會上漲越少"
: 我在想會不會是英文敘述解釋的問題,,,但我實在百思不得其解
: 還麻煩好心板
首先,先畫出AD and AS curves, 然後將兩者均向右移,不過要把AS移多一點,看圖,你會發現equilibrium point向下一了一點,
X變化量就是the effect the tax cut has on real GDP.
Y變化量就是the effect the tax cut has on price level.
這樣一來,就得:the larger(effect) is the increase in real GDP and the smaller is the increase in price level.
hope this helps.
: ※ [本文轉錄自 Grad-ProbAsk 看板 #1GU-vffq ]
: 作者: scodowying (RAFF) 看板: Grad-ProbAsk
: 標題: [商管] 經濟-AD-AS模型
: 時間: Mon Oct 15 19:07:19 2012
: 以下是一題是非題
: Suppose a tax cut affects both AD and AS. The larger is the supply-side
: effect of the tax cut, the larger is the increase in real GDP and the
: smaller is the increase in the price level.
: 答案是O
: 但我不懂的是 AS右移幅度比較大 應該P會下降不是嗎?
: 老師給的詳解是:"當減稅造成AS右移幅度大於AD右移幅度 則此時所得會增加越多
: 而物價會上漲越少"
: 我在想會不會是英文敘述解釋的問題,,,但我實在百思不得其解
: 還麻煩好心板
首先,先畫出AD and AS curves, 然後將兩者均向右移,不過要把AS移多一點,看圖,你會發現equilibrium point向下一了一點,
X變化量就是the effect the tax cut has on real GDP.
Y變化量就是the effect the tax cut has on price level.
這樣一來,就得:the larger(effect) is the increase in real GDP and the smaller is the increase in price level.
hope this helps.
All Comments

By Robert
at 2012-10-28T16:12
at 2012-10-28T16:12

By Audriana
at 2012-11-02T04:29
at 2012-11-02T04:29

By Erin
at 2012-11-04T20:32
at 2012-11-04T20:32

By Thomas
at 2012-11-05T07:37
at 2012-11-05T07:37

By Joe
at 2012-11-08T16:03
at 2012-11-08T16:03

By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2012-11-10T21:38
at 2012-11-10T21:38
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