方法請求項中步驟的產物 - 專利

Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2013-12-18T15:51

Table of Contents




A method for stabilizing liquid mercury, comprising the steps of:
A) reacting in stoichiometric conditions liquid mercury and a first elemental
sulfur through a milling process to obtain a first product;
B) adding said first product to aggregates, a second elemental sulfur and a
sulfur polymer to obtain a second product, said first and second elemental
sulfur is a sulfur powder with a particle size less than 60 μm, and said
adding is carried out at a temperature between 130° C. and 165° C.

其中first product與second product未提到各自組成為何?解釋上有點不明確

但如果從其他觀點來看,firsr product與second product是步驟A與B的結果,



A method of producing a hydrocarbon product, the method comprising:
hydrotreating a feedstock comprising at least one of a renewable
triacylglyceride (TAG), renewable fatty acid, renewable fatty acid C1-C5
alkyl ester (C1-C5 FAE), and a mixture thereof, in the presence of a
nonsulfided hydrotreating catalyst, to produce a first product comprising
hydrocarbons and optionally to produce unconverted starting material
comprising the at least one of the renewable triacylglyceride (TAG), the
renewable fatty acid, the renewable fatty acid C1-C5 alkyl ester (C1-C5 FAE),
and the mixture thereof, wherein in the first product, a concentration of at
least one of hydrocarbons with an odd-number of carbon atoms, cyclic
hydrocarbons, and hydrocarbons with an even-number of carbon atoms, is
dependent on a temperature used during the hydrotreating; and
controlling the temperature of the hydrotreating to be a first temperature
such that a weight ratio of the hydrocarbons having an even-number of carbon
atoms to the hydrocarbons having an odd-number of carbon atoms is greater
than 1:1, and then further comprising increasing the first temperature by an
amount of about 8° C. to about 55° C., such that the weight ratio of the
hydrocarbons having an even-number of carbon atoms to the hydrocarbons having
an odd-number of carbon atoms decreases to less than 1:1; wherein the
renewable TAG, renewable fatty acid, and renewable C1-C5 FAE comprise fatty
acid units that have an even number of carbon atoms.

其中first product有提到其組成,解釋上其為何很明確.






Tags: 專利

All Comments

Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2013-12-21T19:30
若要分析其claim construction 建議看申請時的板本比較準
Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2013-12-22T05:06
若非得要用公告板本看 那請配合file wrapper之內容觀之
Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2013-12-22T14:54
另外 問題太廣 無法明確回應 建議限縮
Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2013-12-22T17:35
Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2013-12-27T17:11
Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2013-12-30T22:13
Una avatar
By Una
at 2014-01-02T07:03
Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2014-01-07T03:28
將Sulfur 用某製程製第一物 第一物為product by process
Una avatar
By Una
at 2014-01-11T12:04
Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2014-01-15T00:48
Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2014-01-16T07:05
Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2014-01-16T15:52
Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2014-01-19T00:49


Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2013-12-17T23:15
請問什麼是and#34;顯而易試and#34;、and#34;顯而易知and#34;、and#34;非顯而易知性and#34;還有and#34;顯而易見and#34; 這幾個名詞上的定義 以台灣法規跟美國解釋上又有什麼差別?! 這幾個名詞常出現在生物專利侵害的訴訟中 有圖表或是流程圖嗎?! 謝謝各位 ...


Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2013-12-16T23:24
想請問一下 關於舉發之後的一事不再理原則 假設甲公司申請了一個專利A 並且非常接近乙公司的專利B 申請專利核准且公告發行 之後甲公司為了防禦乙公司 故使用丙公司的名義對專利A提出舉發 其中就是使用乙公司的專利B作為主力證據 但是丙公司消極取證 且甲公司積極取證 導致舉發不成立 嗣後乙公司發覺甲公司 ...


Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2013-12-15T23:35
※ [本文轉錄自 Law-Service 看板 #1IhSmEXl ] 作者: ninmit (silent all the years) 站內: Law-Service 標題: Re: [申請] 推薦增加板主 時間: Sun Dec 15 23:34:36 2013 o 板主您好, 已依您建議, 新增 ...


Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2013-12-12T10:53
※ 引述《initial (深邃)》之銘言: : 題目 : 關於最後通知,下列敘述,何者錯誤? : 答案 : (D)經最後通知後,申請專利範圍之修正,將不得增加請求項 : (其他三個正確的選項我就略過不述) : 可是我查了法條 是這樣說的: : 經最後通知者,申請專利範圍之修正,申請人僅得就下列事項為之: ...


Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2013-12-11T11:24
題目 : 關於最後通知,下列敘述,何者錯誤? 答案 : (D)經最後通知後,申請專利範圍之修正,將不得增加請求項 (其他三個正確的選項我就略過不述) 可是我查了法條 是這樣說的: 經最後通知者,申請專利範圍之修正,申請人僅得就下列事項為之: 請求項之刪除、申請專利範圍之減縮、誤記之訂正、不明瞭記載之 ...