幾題是怎麼也想不出來的參考書題目 - 經濟

By Edwina
at 2008-07-11T15:29
at 2008-07-11T15:29
Table of Contents
※ 引述《kisskiss172 (侵侵)》之銘言:
: 這幾題是我怎麼樣也想不出來的參考書題目,手邊又沒答案
: 有些題目翻譯的比較差的,我就把原文貼上,請大家有空看看
: 為了表示誠意
: 一題發300p幣
: Question 1.16: Conditional Convergence
問題 1.16 條件收斂
: Country W and Country Z differ in their current capital per
: worker k and their steady state capital per worker k*.
W 國跟 Z 國當期每人資本 k 及恆定均衡下的每人資本 k* 有所差異
: Country W has a higher growth rate of capital
: per worker if it has
W 國若在以下某種條件下, 則在每人資本上會有較高的成長率?
: A. Higher k and higher k*
: B. Higher k and lower k*
: C. Lower k and higher k*
: D. Lower k and lower k*
: E. Higher ratio of k to k*
: Question 1.17: Conditional Convergence
: Suppose the rate of conditional convergence is 20% per annum for all countries.
: Illustration: If steady state output is y* and current output is y, the expected growth rate is
: 20% × (y* – y) / y.
如果恆定均衡下產出為 y*, 而當期產出為 y , 則預期成長率為 20% x (y*-y) x (1/y)
: Countries W, Y, and Z have the following current and steady state output at 1/1/20X6.
W, Y 及 Z 國在20X6年1月1日的當期產出及恆定均衡產出如下:
: Country Current Output Steady State Output
: W 40,000 55,000
: Y 43,000 48,000
: Z 41,500 56,500
: Which country has the highest growth rate in 20X6 and which has the greatest output level
: at 12/31/20X6?
在20X6年時, 哪個國家有最高的成長率? 在20X6年的12月31日有最高的產出水準?
: Highest Growth Rate in 20X6
: Highest Economic Output at 12/31/20X6
: A W W
: B Y Y
: C Y Z
: D W Y
: E W Z
翻的不好, 請見諒!
你用翻譯軟體翻的嗎? XD
: 這幾題是我怎麼樣也想不出來的參考書題目,手邊又沒答案
: 有些題目翻譯的比較差的,我就把原文貼上,請大家有空看看
: 為了表示誠意
: 一題發300p幣
: Question 1.16: Conditional Convergence
問題 1.16 條件收斂
: Country W and Country Z differ in their current capital per
: worker k and their steady state capital per worker k*.
W 國跟 Z 國當期每人資本 k 及恆定均衡下的每人資本 k* 有所差異
: Country W has a higher growth rate of capital
: per worker if it has
W 國若在以下某種條件下, 則在每人資本上會有較高的成長率?
: A. Higher k and higher k*
: B. Higher k and lower k*
: C. Lower k and higher k*
: D. Lower k and lower k*
: E. Higher ratio of k to k*
: Question 1.17: Conditional Convergence
: Suppose the rate of conditional convergence is 20% per annum for all countries.
: Illustration: If steady state output is y* and current output is y, the expected growth rate is
: 20% × (y* – y) / y.
如果恆定均衡下產出為 y*, 而當期產出為 y , 則預期成長率為 20% x (y*-y) x (1/y)
: Countries W, Y, and Z have the following current and steady state output at 1/1/20X6.
W, Y 及 Z 國在20X6年1月1日的當期產出及恆定均衡產出如下:
: Country Current Output Steady State Output
: W 40,000 55,000
: Y 43,000 48,000
: Z 41,500 56,500
: Which country has the highest growth rate in 20X6 and which has the greatest output level
: at 12/31/20X6?
在20X6年時, 哪個國家有最高的成長率? 在20X6年的12月31日有最高的產出水準?
: Highest Growth Rate in 20X6
: Highest Economic Output at 12/31/20X6
: A W W
: B Y Y
: C Y Z
: D W Y
: E W Z
翻的不好, 請見諒!
你用翻譯軟體翻的嗎? XD
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