EPO 的新 FAQ...Chinese Taipei... - 專利
By Sarah
at 2013-04-04T00:02
at 2013-04-04T00:02
Table of Contents
不才今天收到 EPO 更新 Chinese Taipei Patent 的通知
就寫了封信去 Asian Patent Office 念了一下
跟他說我們國家叫台灣~不是 CT~~
Dear Mr ,
We are sorry to hear that you feel offended by the practice of international
organisations with respect to your place of home.
Personally, I spent almost two years of my life in Tainan, studying Chinese
language at National Cheng Kung University, and I have a deep connection with
the beautiful island. I also have many friends there. Therefore, be assured
that I can understand your feelings.
However, as the current political line of the EPO is the same as it is at
other international organisations, for example the IOC, we are obliged to
use the word construction "Chinese Taipei". The only alternative would be
not to publish any news related to the Taiwan Patent Office or about your
patent system. As we provide Asian patent information services and this
information is useful for our customers, you will surely understand that
this cannot be an option for us.
不才今天收到 EPO 更新 Chinese Taipei Patent 的通知
就寫了封信去 Asian Patent Office 念了一下
跟他說我們國家叫台灣~不是 CT~~
Dear Mr ,
We are sorry to hear that you feel offended by the practice of international
organisations with respect to your place of home.
Personally, I spent almost two years of my life in Tainan, studying Chinese
language at National Cheng Kung University, and I have a deep connection with
the beautiful island. I also have many friends there. Therefore, be assured
that I can understand your feelings.
However, as the current political line of the EPO is the same as it is at
other international organisations, for example the IOC, we are obliged to
use the word construction "Chinese Taipei". The only alternative would be
not to publish any news related to the Taiwan Patent Office or about your
patent system. As we provide Asian patent information services and this
information is useful for our customers, you will surely understand that
this cannot be an option for us.
All Comments
By Barb Cronin
at 2013-04-07T08:30
at 2013-04-07T08:30
By William
at 2013-04-08T08:44
at 2013-04-08T08:44
By Agnes
at 2013-04-12T19:41
at 2013-04-12T19:41
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