賽局理論 求貝氏均衡 - 經濟

Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2008-12-07T10:33

Table of Contents

1. Recall from Section 1.3 that Matching Pennies (a static game of complete

information) has no pure-strategy Nash equilibrium but has one mixed-strategy

Nash equilibrium: each player plays H with probability 1/2


H │1,-1│-1,1│
Player1 ├──┼──┤
T │-1,1│1,-1│

Provide a pure-strategy Bayesian Nash equilibrium of a corresponding game of

incomplete information such that as the incomplete incomplete information

disappears, the player' behavior in the Bayesian Nash equilibrium approaches

their behavior in the mixed-strategy Nash equilibrium in the original game of

complete information.

2. http://www.wretch.cc/album/show.php?i=wwwpppjjj&b=32764&f=1411333389&p=2



第一題我自己的想法是要用Harsanyi轉換,但我不曉得 (T,H) (H,T) 是否需要轉換
請大家幫幫我吧 拜託~

Tags: 經濟

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Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2008-12-06T23:05
※ 引述《matmoki (戶田最高)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《m9544072 (mm)》之銘言: : : It has a big stabilisation fund and the world’s third-largest reserves. But : 俄羅斯有龐大的穩定市場基金以及世界大三大 ...


Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2008-12-06T23:01
※ 引述《m9544072 (mm)》之銘言: : It has a big stabilisation fund and the world’s third-largest reserves. But : even as it has saved money, Russia has allowed firm ...


Sandy avatar
By Sandy
at 2008-12-06T22:19
※ 引述《m9544072 (mm)》之銘言: : It has a big stabilisation fund and the world’s third-largest reserves. But 俄羅斯有龐大的穩定市場基金以及世界大三大的外匯存底 : even as it has saved mo ...


Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2008-12-06T21:52
It has a big stabilisation fund and the world’s third-largest reserves. But even as it has saved money, Russia has allowed firms, including state-controlle ...


Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2008-12-06T21:21
科目:經原 題目:若廠商生產函數為Q=(K*L)^(1/2) ,其中,K為資本,L為勞動。短期時的K=1, 工資w=50,租金r=100,請導出短期平均成本(SAC),平均變動成本(AVC), 邊際成本(MC)三條曲線的函數,並請畫出圖形。 我主要想問的是邊際成本 可以先算出TVC=50L 然後因為L ...