賽局中的bargaining - 經濟

By Jake
at 2007-11-12T06:26
at 2007-11-12T06:26
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※ 引述《esail (我)》之銘言:
: 哈囉,我又來發問了
: 這次要懇請版上的大大幫我解惑的是賽局中,player超過2人的bargaining
: 題目如下:
: A、B and C have a dollar to split. A gets to offer first, and offers
: shares y and z to B and C, keeping x for himself (so x+y+z=1). If
: both accept, the game is over and the dollar is devided accordingly.
: If either B and C rejects the offer, however, they come back the next
: day and start again, this time B making the offer to A and C, and if
: this is rejected, on the third day C gets to make the offer. If this
: is rejected, they come back the forth day with A again making the
: offer. This continues until an offer is accepted by both players. The
: present value of a dollar tomorrow for each of the player is δ<1.
: Show that there is a stationary subsgame perfect equilibrium.
: 感謝^^
輪到 i 提的時候 i 的均衡報酬的最小上界 Vi 最大下界 vi
j 提的時候 i 的均衡報酬的最小上界 Wi 最大下界 wi
可以證明 Vi=vi Wi=wi 從而只有一個均衡
B 提的 offer A 若是不接受
A 自己提時 最少能拿到 va
所以 B 提的 offer 最少要給他 δva
所以 B 最多拿 1-δva
Vi < 1-δvi
B 若是提出 δVa 給 A
則 A 一定馬上接受
此時 B 拿到 1-δVa 是最少的值
vi > 1-δVi > 1-δ(1-δvi)
然後換個角度 可以證明 Vi < 1-δ(1-δVi)
所以 Vi = vi = (1-δ)/(1-δ^2)
: 哈囉,我又來發問了
: 這次要懇請版上的大大幫我解惑的是賽局中,player超過2人的bargaining
: 題目如下:
: A、B and C have a dollar to split. A gets to offer first, and offers
: shares y and z to B and C, keeping x for himself (so x+y+z=1). If
: both accept, the game is over and the dollar is devided accordingly.
: If either B and C rejects the offer, however, they come back the next
: day and start again, this time B making the offer to A and C, and if
: this is rejected, on the third day C gets to make the offer. If this
: is rejected, they come back the forth day with A again making the
: offer. This continues until an offer is accepted by both players. The
: present value of a dollar tomorrow for each of the player is δ<1.
: Show that there is a stationary subsgame perfect equilibrium.
: 感謝^^
輪到 i 提的時候 i 的均衡報酬的最小上界 Vi 最大下界 vi
j 提的時候 i 的均衡報酬的最小上界 Wi 最大下界 wi
可以證明 Vi=vi Wi=wi 從而只有一個均衡
B 提的 offer A 若是不接受
A 自己提時 最少能拿到 va
所以 B 提的 offer 最少要給他 δva
所以 B 最多拿 1-δva
Vi < 1-δvi
B 若是提出 δVa 給 A
則 A 一定馬上接受
此時 B 拿到 1-δVa 是最少的值
vi > 1-δVi > 1-δ(1-δvi)
然後換個角度 可以證明 Vi < 1-δ(1-δVi)
所以 Vi = vi = (1-δ)/(1-δ^2)
All Comments

By Andy
at 2007-11-16T21:28
at 2007-11-16T21:28
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