猴子實驗經濟學 - 經濟

George avatar
By George
at 2008-05-31T02:56

Table of Contents

來源: 不詳

科目: 個體

問題: 沒有問題純粹分享


this paper motivated one interesting question in

Ariel Rubinstein's midterm exam...

(If you have such question in the exam, there will be no fun at all XD)
(However, the solution is pretty simple...)

In an experiment a monkey is given m coins.
The monkey faces m consecutive choices.
In each instance he gives one coin to either one of
two experimenters, one who is
holding a apples and one who is holding b bananas.

(1) Assume that the experiment is repeated
with different values of a and b and that every
time the monkey trades the first 4 coins for apples
and then trades the next 8 coins for bananas.
The experimenter claims that the monkey’s choices confirm consumer theory.

Show that the above monkey’s behavior is
indeed consistent with the classical assumptions
of consumer behavior (namely, that his behavior can
be explained as the maximization of a
montonic, continuous, convex preference relation on the space of bundles).

(2) Assume that later it was observed that when the monkey holds
an arbitrary number m
of coins, then independent of a and b, he exchanges
first 4 coins for apples and then exchanges
the remaining m - 4 coins for bananas.
Is this behavior consistent with the consumer model?

Tags: 經濟

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Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2008-05-31T01:12
※ 引述《kapolo (膚淺國度)》之銘言: : 政府應該是以: : 使用國貨的好處, 選出優良的台灣商品宣傳 : 甚至是協助夕陽產業提昇效率及產品改革, : 教導大眾了解各行各業優秀的台灣產品 : 這樣對經濟有沒有幫助呢? 如果說台灣人接受了舶來品而把台灣生產的產品給淘汰掉了 比方說你底下講的沐浴乳牙膏 ...


Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2008-05-31T00:07
※ 引述《Simon (我是素食寶寶)》之銘言: 恕刪 : 就是試圖將存在這兩公司內部的不效率交叉補貼給降低 : 從制度面上營造一個 可能的國內油品零售市場競爭環境 : 畢竟 台塑位於高雄或桃園的直營加油站 目前需由雲林出油 : 同樣的 中油位於雲林的直營加油站 也需由高雄或桃園出油 : 這裡邊 ...


Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2008-05-30T17:37
※ 引述《douglash (通說不通是為通樂)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《Simon (我是素食寶寶)》之銘言: : : and#34;破壞人民對行政院宣布政策的信任感and#34;是一回事 : : 不過 政府若and#34;明確預告調價資訊甚至是幅度and#34; : : 則可能形成 中油與台塑在國內汽 ...


Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2008-05-30T16:33
※ 引述《Simon (我是素食寶寶)》之銘言: : and#34;破壞人民對行政院宣布政策的信任感and#34;是一回事 : 不過 政府若and#34;明確預告調價資訊甚至是幅度and#34; : 則可能形成 中油與台塑在國內汽油批售市場的and#34;聯合行為and#34; 這樣說的因果關係有點奇怪. ...


Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2008-05-28T23:40
因為石油的價格一直在升高,替代石油的生質能源的需求也大幅提高 造成很多原本種植糧食作物的耕地紛紛改種能變成生質能源的作物, 才造成糧荒,糧食變少,需求不變,推動糧食價格提升, 糧食價格提升造成物價飆漲..... 我想報告這方面的議題,不過奈於我是初學經濟的Rookie, 所以不太了解這議題的來龍去脈 ...