各類投資模式比較及圖示 - 投資

Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2008-12-08T13:28

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Bear in mind--this is a critical fact often ignored--that investors as a
whole cannot get anything out of their businesses except what the businesses
earn. Sure, you and I can sell each other stocks at higher and higher prices.
Let's say the FORTUNE 500 was just one business and that the people in this
room each owned a piece of it. In that case, we could sit here and sell each
other pieces at ever-ascending prices. You personally might outsmart the next
fellow by buying low and selling high. But no money would leave the game when
that happened: You'd simply take out what he put in. Meanwhile, the
experience of the group wouldn't have been affected a whit, because its fate
would still be tied to profits. The absolute most that the owners of a
business, in aggregate, can get out of it in the end--between now and
Judgment Day--is what that business earns over time.

-Warren Buffett

╴╴﹨ ◣ ◢◣ ↗↙ ●∵阿啦~這不是
╴ \∕ ╲╴ ↗↙ ∴ 新阿姆斯特炫風
ψKENOS\﹨﹨◥◣ ↖↘ ∵ ∴噴射阿姆斯特砲
███◤ ↗↙ ∵ ▆▅▅▆ ▆▅▅▆ 嗎? 完成度真高阿
██◣ ◢██↗↙ ∴ ╱╱╱/// 後面那個? 不是啦~
█◣ ◢██◢◤\◣↗↙ ∵∴ 那個不是阿銀啦~

Tags: 投資

All Comments

Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2008-12-08T14:34
Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2008-12-08T23:04

雙率夾殺 高息外幣玩完了

Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2008-12-08T11:22
※ 引述《sandpiper (今年竟見美瑞平)》之銘言: : 這原因其實很好理解:黃金基本上工業用途不多 白銀卻有相當多的工業用途 針對白銀的工業用途有點疑問 如果沒記錯,近來銀在工業上會突然增量使用主要跟歐盟推行RoHS有關 很多含鉛的焊條或是相關的產業都改用銀(導電性好) 可是銀價從USD4.x ...

綠角財經筆記 - 心理與金錢問題(部份轉貼)

Ina avatar
By Ina
at 2008-12-08T00:16
※ 引述《ffaarr (遠)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《dgc (逍遙遊)》之銘言: : : 恕略... : : 其實真的有在做「投機的人」,對「風險的控管」是非常嚴格的。 : : 多嚴格呢? : 到底有多少人這樣作呢?還是只有其中的高手或特別謹慎的人是這樣作? : 希望其他作 短線操作的版友也分享一下。 : ...

綠角財經筆記 - 心理與金錢問題(部份轉貼)

Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2008-12-07T23:45
※ 引述《ffaarr (遠)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《nixt (不會取暱稱)》之銘言: : : 我認為你說到重點了,其實我想法和你雷同... : : 到底多少人可以因為長期投資賺錢? : : 我曾經說過可以這樣的人我斷定比炒短線可以賺錢的人更少 : : 因為知易行難說的永遠比做的簡單,我甚至想知道綠角現在 ...


Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2008-12-07T23:37
各位高手大大們 小弟有三個問題請大家幫我解答一下 第一:台灣股票型基金有沒有法規規定,總持股比例最低一定要佔總淨值的幾趴, 意思就某某股票基金有一百塊現金,有沒有規定一定要拿出多少比例的錢投資在 股票上(例如最低要達到85%)?還是說零持股也行? 第二:如果沒有法規規定的話, ...

綠角財經筆記 - 心理與金錢問題(部份轉貼)

Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2008-12-07T23:31
※ 引述《ffaarr (遠)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《nixt (不會取暱稱)》之銘言: : : 這邊我有點不太懂... : : 為啥長期投資就是正和遊戲?而炒短線就是負和? : : 短線要交易成本長線也要交易成本阿... : : 以股市投資和賭博相比擬下面列舉的例子實在毫無說服力... : : 因為不管投 ...