優惠期 新法 VS 舊法 - 專利

By Zenobia
at 2014-08-06T18:04
at 2014-08-06T18:04
Table of Contents
112th Congress Record
We intend that if an inventor's actions are such as to constitute prior art
under subsection 102(a), then those actions necessarily trigger subsection
102(b)'s protections for the inventor and, what would otherwise have been
section 102(a) prior art, would be excluded as prior art by the grace period
provided by subsection 102(b). Indeed, as an example of this, subsection
102(b)(1)(A), as written, was deliberately couched in broader terms than
subsection 102(a)(1). This means that any disclosure by the inventor
whatsoever, whether or not in a form that resulted in the disclosure being
available to the public, is wholly disregarded as prior art. A simple way of
looking at new subsection 102(a) is that no aspect of the protections under
current law for inventors who disclose their inventions before filing is in
any way changed.
※ 引述《VanDeLord (HelloWorld)》之銘言:
※ 編輯: VanDeLord (, 08/06/2014 17:29:03
Disclosure包含document 和 actitivies
all activites 不代表all documents
A simple way of looking at [the new grace period] is that no aspect
of the protections under current law for inventors who
disclose their inventions before filing is in any way changed.
Senator Leahy
※ 編輯: VanDeLord (, 08/06/2014 17:44:58
112th Congress Record
We intend that if an inventor's actions are such as to constitute prior art
under subsection 102(a), then those actions necessarily trigger subsection
102(b)'s protections for the inventor and, what would otherwise have been
section 102(a) prior art, would be excluded as prior art by the grace period
provided by subsection 102(b). Indeed, as an example of this, subsection
102(b)(1)(A), as written, was deliberately couched in broader terms than
subsection 102(a)(1). This means that any disclosure by the inventor
whatsoever, whether or not in a form that resulted in the disclosure being
available to the public, is wholly disregarded as prior art. A simple way of
looking at new subsection 102(a) is that no aspect of the protections under
current law for inventors who disclose their inventions before filing is in
any way changed.
※ 引述《VanDeLord (HelloWorld)》之銘言:
※ 編輯: VanDeLord (, 08/06/2014 17:29:03
推 deathcustom:我沒有不認同這個定義啊......so what? 08/06 16:59
→ deathcustom:明確來說,我文中並沒有認為揭露一定是紙本的揭露 08/06 17:00
→ deathcustom:但這個並不影響我們討論的主體(A揭露可否作為A1的前案 08/06 17:01
→ ipme:洗板? 08/06 17:24
→ ipme:你不是堅持說A可以作為A1的前案打進步性? 08/06 17:37
→ ipme:現在又說:優惠期間內所有專利權人的行為都不會成為先前技術 08/06 17:37
→ ipme:這是在搞笑嗎? 08/06 17:38
推 deathcustom:i大,知錯能改,善莫大焉,不要打臉了,要不然等等689 08/06 17:39
→ deathcustom:變9.2對你我都不好啊@@ 08/06 17:39
Disclosure包含document 和 actitivies
all activites 不代表all documents
A simple way of looking at [the new grace period] is that no aspect
of the protections under current law for inventors who
disclose their inventions before filing is in any way changed.
Senator Leahy
※ 編輯: VanDeLord (, 08/06/2014 17:44:58
→ ipme:你翻給大家看 這段在說什麼 在證明一下你英文有沒有問題 08/06 17:44
All Comments

By Ophelia
at 2014-08-10T13:58
at 2014-08-10T13:58

By Tom
at 2014-08-14T13:59
at 2014-08-14T13:59

By Kyle
at 2014-08-15T12:32
at 2014-08-15T12:32

By Irma
at 2014-08-16T17:06
at 2014-08-16T17:06

By John
at 2014-08-18T10:44
at 2014-08-18T10:44

By Frederica
at 2014-08-23T10:41
at 2014-08-23T10:41

By Ina
at 2014-08-24T13:24
at 2014-08-24T13:24

By Edwina
at 2014-08-26T19:48
at 2014-08-26T19:48

By Kama
at 2014-08-31T08:32
at 2014-08-31T08:32

By Charlie
at 2014-09-03T20:48
at 2014-09-03T20:48

By Vanessa
at 2014-09-08T18:11
at 2014-09-08T18:11

By Kelly
at 2014-09-13T13:16
at 2014-09-13T13:16

By Bennie
at 2014-09-14T17:00
at 2014-09-14T17:00

By Hazel
at 2014-09-17T14:30
at 2014-09-17T14:30

By Robert
at 2014-09-21T14:13
at 2014-09-21T14:13
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