優惠期 新法 VS 舊法 - 專利

By Hedy
at 2014-08-05T18:41
at 2014-08-05T18:41
Table of Contents
※ 引述《VanDeLord (HelloWorld)》之銘言:
: US 102(b)(1) & (b)(2)
: Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 31 /
: Thursday, February 14, 2013 / Rules and Regulations
: comment#30 p11065~p11066
: http://www.uspto.gov/aia_implementation/FITF_Final_Guidelines_FR_2-14-2013.pdf
: Comment30:
: A number of comments, including comments from a number of universities and
: university groups, opposed the Office's interpretation of the subparagraph
: (B) provision of AIA 35 U.S.C. 102(b)(1) or 102(b)(2)
: (the subparagraph (B) provision), requiring that the subject matter
: previously publicly disclosed by the inventor be identical to the subject
: matter of the disclosure to be disqualified under the subparagraph (B)
: provision (identical subject matter approach).
: The comments opposing the Office's
: interpretation of the subparagraph (B) provision stated that:
: ...blablabla...etc.
這裡討論的是35 U.S.C 102 (b) (1)(B)/(2)(B)
102 (b)(1)(A)整個讀起來是
A disclosure made 1 year or less before the effective filing date of a claimed
invention shall not be prior art to the claimed invention under subsection
(a)(1) if the disclosure was made by the inventor or joint inventor or by
another who obtained the subject matter disclosed directly or indirectly from
the inventor or a joint inventor
: Response:
: As discussed previously, the starting point for construction of a statute is
: the language of the statute itself.
: Subparagraph (B) of each of AIA 35 U.S.C. 102(b)(1) and 102(b)(2) provides
: that certain disclosures shall not be prior art if ''the subject matter
: disclosed had, before such disclosure [or before such subject matter was
: effectively filed under 102(a)(2)], been publicly disclosed by the inventor
: or a joint inventor or another who obtained the subject matter disclosed
: directly or indirectly from the inventor or a joint inventor.''
: ...(略)
: The single instance of the phrase ''the subject matter'' in subparagraph (B)
: of each of AIA 35 U.S.C. 102(b)(1) and 102(b)(2) cannot reasonably be read as
: concurrently describing two discrete subject matters. Therefore, the single
: instance of the phrase ''the subject matter'' in subparagraph (B) of each of
: AIA 35 U.S.C. 102(b)(1) and 102(b)(2) cannot reasonably be interpreted as
: including variations within its ambit.
: AIA 35 U.S.C. 100 defines inventor and joint inventor or coinventor with
: respect to the individual or individuals ''who invented or discovered the
: subject matter of the invention, '' and defines "claimed invention'' as ''the
: subject matter defined by a claim in a patent or an application for a patent.''
: USPTO 這部分的guildline已經出了,很詳細,應該很好找。
: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
: 今日看到智財局布告欄內容,讚聲其舉,公布USPTO對 102(b)(1)和102(b)(2)的解釋給大家
: 參考。
: 研擬放寬專利優惠期事由及期間公眾諮詢會議
: http://www.tipo.gov.tw/ct.asp?xItem=527343&ctNode=7127&mp=1
: US 102(b)(1) & (b)(2)
: Federal Register / Vol. 78, No. 31 /
: Thursday, February 14, 2013 / Rules and Regulations
: comment#30 p11065~p11066
: http://www.uspto.gov/aia_implementation/FITF_Final_Guidelines_FR_2-14-2013.pdf
: Comment30:
: A number of comments, including comments from a number of universities and
: university groups, opposed the Office's interpretation of the subparagraph
: (B) provision of AIA 35 U.S.C. 102(b)(1) or 102(b)(2)
: (the subparagraph (B) provision), requiring that the subject matter
: previously publicly disclosed by the inventor be identical to the subject
: matter of the disclosure to be disqualified under the subparagraph (B)
: provision (identical subject matter approach).
: The comments opposing the Office's
: interpretation of the subparagraph (B) provision stated that:
: ...blablabla...etc.
這裡討論的是35 U.S.C 102 (b) (1)(B)/(2)(B)
102 (b)(1)(A)整個讀起來是
A disclosure made 1 year or less before the effective filing date of a claimed
invention shall not be prior art to the claimed invention under subsection
(a)(1) if the disclosure was made by the inventor or joint inventor or by
another who obtained the subject matter disclosed directly or indirectly from
the inventor or a joint inventor
: Response:
: As discussed previously, the starting point for construction of a statute is
: the language of the statute itself.
: Subparagraph (B) of each of AIA 35 U.S.C. 102(b)(1) and 102(b)(2) provides
: that certain disclosures shall not be prior art if ''the subject matter
: disclosed had, before such disclosure [or before such subject matter was
: effectively filed under 102(a)(2)], been publicly disclosed by the inventor
: or a joint inventor or another who obtained the subject matter disclosed
: directly or indirectly from the inventor or a joint inventor.''
: ...(略)
: The single instance of the phrase ''the subject matter'' in subparagraph (B)
: of each of AIA 35 U.S.C. 102(b)(1) and 102(b)(2) cannot reasonably be read as
: concurrently describing two discrete subject matters. Therefore, the single
: instance of the phrase ''the subject matter'' in subparagraph (B) of each of
: AIA 35 U.S.C. 102(b)(1) and 102(b)(2) cannot reasonably be interpreted as
: including variations within its ambit.
: AIA 35 U.S.C. 100 defines inventor and joint inventor or coinventor with
: respect to the individual or individuals ''who invented or discovered the
: subject matter of the invention, '' and defines "claimed invention'' as ''the
: subject matter defined by a claim in a patent or an application for a patent.''
: USPTO 這部分的guildline已經出了,很詳細,應該很好找。
: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
: 今日看到智財局布告欄內容,讚聲其舉,公布USPTO對 102(b)(1)和102(b)(2)的解釋給大家
: 參考。
: 研擬放寬專利優惠期事由及期間公眾諮詢會議
: http://www.tipo.gov.tw/ct.asp?xItem=527343&ctNode=7127&mp=1
All Comments

By Edith
at 2014-08-06T17:33
at 2014-08-06T17:33

By George
at 2014-08-08T21:52
at 2014-08-08T21:52

By Frederica
at 2014-08-13T06:13
at 2014-08-13T06:13
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