不是原帳戶,TD Ameritrade不給匯回台灣 - 投資

Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2022-07-19T09:26

Table of Contents


(1) 去年下旬開 TD 帳戶
(2) 去年底從中信外幣帳戶匯錢到 TD
(3) 入金後一直都有買賣一些美股,金額不大
(4) 今年五月時我在 E-trade 賣了些公司股票並將所得全數匯往 TD,
(5) 現在七月,我想匯一筆錢回(2)的中信帳戶結果被擋

但是(4)的 E-trade 帳戶是公司發股票的帳戶

我寫信詢問 TD 客服,我覺得(2)的中信帳戶應該也算是我的「原帳戶」
.原帳戶(account of origin)是系統決定的並且無法更改

代表我下次要把錢匯回台灣還是會遇到一樣的問題… 實在很煩

※ 引述《huhuhaha ( )》之銘言:
: 因為覺得這個情況很不可思議,所以就寫信去問了TD的客服。雖然沒有把話說死,
: 但如果是有投資,要再匯回到不同銀行同戶名的帳戶,大致上都是可以。
: I heard a rumour that TD doesn't allow wire the money to an overseas bank
: account that is different from the one you wire from even registered with the
: same title. For example, I wire the money to TD from A account at ABC bank,
: and later, I want to wire the money from TD to B account at XYZ bank register
: with the same title. Do you allow such a transfer?
: Thank you
: Thank you for allowing me to assist you today!
: TD Ameritrade does allow international wire transfers, but each transfer is
: subject to review. The example of the wire transfer you mentioned in your
: email would not be allowed. This type of movement would be considered pass
: thru since the deposited funds wouldn't be invested. The primary use of a
: brokerage account is for trading purposes.
: Hi,:
: Sorry, I think I did not described clearly. What I want to say is that the
: fund has been invested, and after a while, the user sells securities, but he
: wants to withdraw the money and wire to an account at a different bank with
: the same title. Is this OK?
: Thank you for contacting TD Ameritrade.
: I have reviewed your previous messages. We will allow this type of
: transaction, however every wire is subject to a general review so we cant
: guarantee that it will be acceptable until it is requested and approved. As
: long as the TD Ameritrade account is primarily used for investing purposes
: you should be in great standing. Is there a particular country you were
: looking to wire to? We can check that as well to see if its an acceptable
: country. Please let us know if there is anything further we can do to assist
: you.
: If you have any questions or concerns, please respond to this e-mail or
: contact the Outbound Wire department directly at 888-723-8504, option 3. We
: are available Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., ET.

Tags: 投資

All Comments

Kelly avatar
By Kelly
at 2022-07-20T09:04
Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2022-07-21T08:42
若是指最後入金帳戶 那還算好解決 至少可以自己操作決定
Rebecca avatar
By Rebecca
at 2022-07-22T08:21
each transfer is subject to review.
Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2022-07-23T07:59
只能說你原本的操作他們認定有 concern.
Tom avatar
By Tom
at 2022-07-24T07:37
Gilbert avatar
By Gilbert
at 2022-07-25T07:16
Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2022-07-26T06:54
那麻煩了 我最近幾次都用嘉信ACH到TDA...
Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2022-07-27T06:32
Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2022-07-28T06:11
Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2022-07-29T05:49
Cara avatar
By Cara
at 2022-07-30T05:27
Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2022-07-31T05:06
Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2022-07-30T11:16
很好奇是只有TD會這樣嗎? 我用FT都沒遇過這個問題,而且


Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2022-07-18T11:08
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Anonymous avatar
By Anonymous
at 2022-07-17T01:39
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Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2022-07-16T16:54
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Margaret avatar
By Margaret
at 2022-07-15T02:56
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Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2022-07-14T19:03
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