TD 爭取降低手續費回覆 - ETF

Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2018-03-13T10:57

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※ 引述《arsandbox (arsandbox)》之銘言:
: 我是原本的史考特用戶 今天早上寄信給客服
: 以下是客服在傍晚的回信,看起來應該是有機會調降?
: PS 我也是不到10萬鎂的奈米戶 可能是怕剛合併就流失客戶?
: I would be happy to help you out today.
: I understand your concern about commissions and the last thing we want to do
: is lose your business. I have submitted a case to get you down to the Schwab
: rates of 4.95. Do you plan on trading actively? Also, do you primarily trade
: stocks or options?
: Please reply to this e-mail and we can continue the conversation. The case
: should be reviewed and either approved or modified within the next 24-48
: hours.
: Thanks,
: Brian
: Brian Kooienga
: Client Services
: TD Ameritrade, Inc.
: 3/7更新 上一封回信後又來了三個問題...
: Thank you so much for responding to our inquiry.
: In order to best process your request for a lower rate, would you be willing
: to answer the following questions?
: 1. How actively do you plan to trade? How often?
: 2. Do you currently trade with another firm other than TD Ameritrade?
: 3. Are you considering bringing other assets into your account?
: We appreciate your responses to these questions. Once you respond, we will be
: able to process the request.
: Best regards,
: ※ 引述《IsaacWeng ()》之銘言:
: : 小弟之前是每四個月投入一次,一次也才 $900,持續了約五年
: : 兩個月前寄客服希望調降手續費,也是回答了幾個問題
: : 最後就降到 $4.95 了
: : 不過客服問我的問題不太一樣,可能因為我沒有說要換另外一家
: : 我是跟客服說雖然新的 ETF 很多,不過我還是想繼續買 Vanguard
: : 其他家只要 $4.95 或 $2.95,雖然我量很少,還是希望可以調降
: : 客服要我回答下列幾個問題
: : 1. What rate are you looking for ?
: : 2. Do you plan on consolidating any accounts with TD Ameritrade,
: : making any large deposits or any large withdraws ? If so,
: : approximately how much value do you plan on depositing or withdrawing ?
: : 3. Do you plan on changing your trading activity in the future ?
: : If you are changing your trading stratedy, how many stock and/or option
: : trades do plan on trading in an average month ?
: : 4. Do you plan on trading any index options ?
: : How many contracts per trade for your options trades on average ?
: : 從回答完問題到成功調降大概過了十天,因為我不知道在哪看自己手續費多少
: : 所以是等太久了再跟客服問後續情形,客服才回說已經成功調降

第一次寫信去 客服直接打槍說不行


We can certainly review your account to see if we can get you a lower rate; however, please understand that TD Ameritrade does stand by the value of our pricing since we do offer a lot more products and services that other discount brokerage firms do not.

We offer multiple different platforms and mobile apps that are consistently ranked higher than our competitors by third parties such as We are consistently ranked higher in customer service, education offerings, and research tools as well as a variety of other categories. We also do not have some of the hidden charges that our competitors have such as charging extra for shorting shares, fees for canceling and replacing orders, among others.

In order to help with getting you the lowest rate possible, please reply to this message with the following information:

1. What rate are you looking for?

2. Do you plan on consolidating any accounts with TD Ameritrade, making any large deposits or any large withdraws? If so, approximately how much value do you plan on depositing or withdrawing?

3. Do you plan on changing your trading activity in the future? If you are changing your trading strategy, how many stock and/or option trades do plan on trading in an average month?

4. Do you plan on trading any index options? How many contracts per trade for your options trades on average?

Sent from my Windows

Tags: ETF

All Comments

Frederic avatar
By Frederic
at 2018-03-14T11:40
感謝這版...我的option trading 降到份$4.95 了...讚讚讚
Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2018-03-17T20:32
Bennie avatar
By Bennie
at 2018-03-22T11:52
我發現美國人滿注重"溝通"的 你越重視權益 他就越尊重你


Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2018-03-10T02:28
其實你可以投資的金額非常高 屌打90%以上的人.. 但這分配邏輯我覺得有點怪 雖然我$比你少得多QQ 分為投資方式和標的物來看吧 1.投資方式 與台灣券商和台股相比 美國券商有它的風險沒錯 (主要是不會/忘記處理問題的風險如W8表, 稅務遺產等等 我們叫操作風險好惹) 複委託就是標的少一點 費 ...


Todd Johnson avatar
By Todd Johnson
at 2018-03-09T08:57
各位前輩好, 關於資產配置想徵詢一下前輩的意見 目前投資的經驗約兩年多 之前一度想把美國券商的ETF轉回台灣複委託 一方面覺得自己英文不夠好, 另一方面覺得這樣比較安心 但是做完功課之後, 發現這樣並不划算 所以之後的資金分配是打算: 美國券商ETF 1/2, 台灣複委託ETF 1/4, 台灣台股存股類股1 ...


Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2018-03-08T22:41
請問一下,在TD改變免佣ETF名單後, 若無搬家FT或IB的情形下, 有需要為了拓展免佣ETF的選擇, 另外加開嘉信嗎? - ...


Lucy avatar
By Lucy
at 2018-03-07T15:15
剛剛突然發現IB position裡面顯示的ETF價格 和google查到的不太一樣 例如3/7下午截圖VTI IB顯示138.46 但google看到的美股收盤是140.3 請問各位先進有遇過這個狀況嗎? - ...

TD 爭取降低手續費回覆

Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2018-03-06T23:15
我是原本的史考特用戶 今天早上寄信給客服 以下是客服在傍晚的回信,看起來應該是有機會調降? PS 我也是不到10萬鎂的奈米戶 可能是怕剛合併就流失客戶? I would be happy to help you out today. I understand your concern about co ...