TD 爭取降低手續費回覆 - ETF

Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2018-03-06T23:15

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我是原本的史考特用戶 今天早上寄信給客服


PS 我也是不到10萬鎂的奈米戶 可能是怕剛合併就流失客戶?

I would be happy to help you out today.

I understand your concern about commissions and the last thing we want to do
is lose your business. I have submitted a case to get you down to the Schwab
rates of 4.95. Do you plan on trading actively? Also, do you primarily trade
stocks or options?

Please reply to this e-mail and we can continue the conversation. The case
should be reviewed and either approved or modified within the next 24-48



Brian Kooienga
Client Services
TD Ameritrade, Inc.

3/7更新 上一封回信後又來了三個問題...

Thank you so much for responding to our inquiry.

In order to best process your request for a lower rate, would you be willing
to answer the following questions?

1. How actively do you plan to trade? How often?
2. Do you currently trade with another firm other than TD Ameritrade?
3. Are you considering bringing other assets into your account?

We appreciate your responses to these questions. Once you respond, we will be
able to process the request.

Best regards,

※ 引述《IsaacWeng ()》之銘言:
: 小弟之前是每四個月投入一次,一次也才 $900,持續了約五年
: 兩個月前寄客服希望調降手續費,也是回答了幾個問題
: 最後就降到 $4.95 了
: 不過客服問我的問題不太一樣,可能因為我沒有說要換另外一家
: 我是跟客服說雖然新的 ETF 很多,不過我還是想繼續買 Vanguard
: 其他家只要 $4.95 或 $2.95,雖然我量很少,還是希望可以調降
: 客服要我回答下列幾個問題
: 1. What rate are you looking for ?
: 2. Do you plan on consolidating any accounts with TD Ameritrade,
: making any large deposits or any large withdraws ? If so,
: approximately how much value do you plan on depositing or withdrawing ?
: 3. Do you plan on changing your trading activity in the future ?
: If you are changing your trading stratedy, how many stock and/or option
: trades do plan on trading in an average month ?
: 4. Do you plan on trading any index options ?
: How many contracts per trade for your options trades on average ?
: 從回答完問題到成功調降大概過了十天,因為我不知道在哪看自己手續費多少
: 所以是等太久了再跟客服問後續情形,客服才回說已經成功調降

Tags: ETF

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TD 爭取降低手續費回覆

Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2018-03-06T12:21
分享個人經驗。 自TD取消部分Vanguard ETF免交易手續費後,也有嘗試寫信去問客服能否降低手續費 ,或提供幾次免費交易(Free Trade)。第一次詢問時,客服很客氣的回答,我過去一 整個年度交易次數不多,無法提供降低手續費。但有建議我可以利用新的免手續費ETF 重新建立投資組合,且為了方便我建立 ...

TD 爭取降低手續費回覆

Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2018-03-03T18:27
一樣是寫信向客服反應,身為奈米戶得到的回覆就會有天壤之別XD 附上本人所得到回信內容如下 Thank you for writing! My name is Richard Vermillion and it is my pleasure to help you today. The removal o ...


Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2018-03-03T16:39
TD更改免佣ETF的消息出來後 我猶豫了一下就果斷轉IB了 但因為入金25000鎂且有請人推薦 所以有100鎂的獎勵金,推薦人也給我25鎂的推薦金 放不到3個月轉到IB後,TD帳戶留了100多鎂等著它扣 發現它沒有馬上扣就買了SPTM全美股ETF(也賺了好幾塊XD 有點好奇,請問有人獎勵金或推薦 ...

TD 爭取降低手續費回覆

Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2018-03-03T10:35
在TDameritrade投資了一年多的時間 金額不大 主要都是買免手續費的ETF 在TD調整免手續費標的以後 參考版上大大的做法寫信給TD爭取降低手續費 還威脅他要轉去別家投資XD 結果他回信要我回覆一堆問題 才要評估要不要幫我降手續費 想請教版上大大建議我怎麼回覆比較好 說實在的我還在學習階段 錢不敢 ...


Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2018-03-02T16:58
2種可能 1 你沒有買即時報價包 因此有15 分鐘quote delay 2 QQQ 本身bid ask 差異大 你需要去看bid ask 来掛 或者市價單 ※ 引述《XXaa (你好)》之銘言: : 小弟有在IB開戶頭 : 最近有買QQQ這檔ETF : 過程中發現一個很怪的問題 : 明明成交價都已經比我 ...