請教一題考題 - 經濟

By Damian
at 2005-08-12T00:08
at 2005-08-12T00:08
Table of Contents
1. A firm in a competitive market has the poduction function
Y = X1(1/3次方)X2(1/2次方), where Y is the amount of output
and X1 and X2 are the amount of input. The price of the output
is P, and the price of both inputs are 1. In the short run, the
amount of X2 is fixed at 1. To maximize its sort-run profit, the
firm will employ X1(P) = aP(b次方) units of X1, where a and b are
constant. What is the value of b ? (93中興財金)
註:1.第二行的Y是C-DUF函數,因為次方不知如何打 ><
3.Ans: b = 2/3
,所以想請各位高手幫忙解惑 謝謝<(_ _)>
首次發問,如有不當之處請大家告知 謝謝
Y = X1(1/3次方)X2(1/2次方), where Y is the amount of output
and X1 and X2 are the amount of input. The price of the output
is P, and the price of both inputs are 1. In the short run, the
amount of X2 is fixed at 1. To maximize its sort-run profit, the
firm will employ X1(P) = aP(b次方) units of X1, where a and b are
constant. What is the value of b ? (93中興財金)
註:1.第二行的Y是C-DUF函數,因為次方不知如何打 ><
3.Ans: b = 2/3
,所以想請各位高手幫忙解惑 謝謝<(_ _)>
首次發問,如有不當之處請大家告知 謝謝
All Comments

By Frederic
at 2005-08-14T03:43
at 2005-08-14T03:43

By Franklin
at 2005-08-16T08:05
at 2005-08-16T08:05
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