考試 研究所課程的個體經濟 - 經濟

By Megan
at 2012-06-10T20:48
at 2012-06-10T20:48
Table of Contents
下面的11題是我的期末考範圍的作業 希望有高手幫我解題
可以當面教我最好<約在台北捷運沿線皆可> 如果不行就把解題過程寄給我
我會給1500的報酬 以上 希望有好心人幫忙
1. let the utility of the form U(x)=x1*x2/x1+x2 derive theconsumers demand
functions and inverse demand functions
2. determine whether the following functions are ordinary demand functions can
you find the associated utility function
a x1=1/2*(y+p2)/p1 x2=1/2*(y-p2)/p2
b x1=1/4(y+p2)/p1 x2=3/4y-p2)/p2
3. suppose a consumer has an indirect of the form V(p,y)=a*b*y/(a*p1+b*p2)
find the associated demand functions and utility function
4. what are the slutsky and hick compensated price change use a graph to show
the slutsky and hick substitution effect
5. let n=2 use a numerical example to show that it ispossible that satisfues
WARP but (p1-p0)*(x1-x0)>0
6. let A=(a,b,c)=(100,50,10) be the set of outcomes and b~(t*a,(1-t)*c) find
the value of t for the utility functions of u(w)=根號w and V(w)=lnw
7. 某研究生效用u(w)=根號w 畢業後有A.B兩種工作
A 內勤每月薪資36000 B 行銷業務薪資由業績決定 業績的機率為P1=0.5
W1=42000 P2=0.5 W2=30000
若僅有B工作可供選擇 求研究生願接受的最低固定薪資並繪圖說明
8 證明 <先說明你將如何證明>
單調遞增的嚴格凹函數轉換風險趨避的效用含數 風險趨避程度增加
9. prove that if the investors preferences display IARA the risky asset must
be an inferior good
10. prove that for any VNM utility function the condition u,,,(w)>0 is
necessary but not sufficient for DARA
11.請說明風險性資產的報酬率全為負 Ri<0時 b=
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