經濟系 問答集 - 經濟

By Olivia
at 2008-02-28T07:37
at 2008-02-28T07:37
Table of Contents
※ 引述《publius (殺恐龍的經濟學人)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《washburn (Just a game)》之銘言:
: : 首先, Marshall (1890) 認為, 經濟學即為 "人類日常生活的研究"
: : (the study of man in the ordinary business of life).
: 既然提到 Marshall, 突然想起這個 quote
: “The study of economics does not seem to require any
: specialized gifts of an unusually high order.
I don't know what the "study" means here.
To simply "study" every subject does not require any
specialized gifts, but only the willingness to study.
To study "well" is another thing.
: Is it not, intellectually regarded, a very easy
: subject compared with the higher branches of
: philosophy or pure science?
: An easy subject at which few excel!
It is interesting that more people excel at
some more difficult subjects, such as physics.
: The paradox finds its explanation, perhaps, in that
: the master-economist must possess a rare combination
: of gifts. He must be mathematician, historian,
: statesman, philosopher — in some degree. He must
I think the main reason is that in the subjects of
politics and philosophy there is no solid substance.
So very few can excel there and at the subject that
requires the combination of those subjects.
: understand symbols and speak in words. He must
: contemplate the particular in terms of the general
: and touch abstract and concrete in the same
: flight of thought. He must study the present in
: the light of the past for the purposes of the
: future. No part of man’s nature of his institutions
: must lie entirely outside his regard. He must be
: purposeful and disinterested in a simultaneous mood;
: as aloof and incorruptible as an artist, yet sometimes
: as near to earth as a politician.”
: - J. M. Keynes "Alfred Marshall, 1842-1924"
: The Economic Journal, (Sept.,1924)
: ※ 引述《washburn (Just a game)》之銘言:
: : 首先, Marshall (1890) 認為, 經濟學即為 "人類日常生活的研究"
: : (the study of man in the ordinary business of life).
: 既然提到 Marshall, 突然想起這個 quote
: “The study of economics does not seem to require any
: specialized gifts of an unusually high order.
I don't know what the "study" means here.
To simply "study" every subject does not require any
specialized gifts, but only the willingness to study.
To study "well" is another thing.
: Is it not, intellectually regarded, a very easy
: subject compared with the higher branches of
: philosophy or pure science?
: An easy subject at which few excel!
It is interesting that more people excel at
some more difficult subjects, such as physics.
: The paradox finds its explanation, perhaps, in that
: the master-economist must possess a rare combination
: of gifts. He must be mathematician, historian,
: statesman, philosopher — in some degree. He must
I think the main reason is that in the subjects of
politics and philosophy there is no solid substance.
So very few can excel there and at the subject that
requires the combination of those subjects.
: understand symbols and speak in words. He must
: contemplate the particular in terms of the general
: and touch abstract and concrete in the same
: flight of thought. He must study the present in
: the light of the past for the purposes of the
: future. No part of man’s nature of his institutions
: must lie entirely outside his regard. He must be
: purposeful and disinterested in a simultaneous mood;
: as aloof and incorruptible as an artist, yet sometimes
: as near to earth as a politician.”
: - J. M. Keynes "Alfred Marshall, 1842-1924"
: The Economic Journal, (Sept.,1924)
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