經濟成長 - 經濟

Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2010-01-05T16:56

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※ 引述《betray911015 (回頭太難)》之銘言:
: 1假設每一工人小時的資本每年成長百分之三,而技術變動則每年成長
:  百分之二。若使用三分之一原則,我們可以推論每一工人小時的實質
:  國內生產毛額會每年成長百分之?
: 我的算法: △Y △A △K
: ------ = ----- + -------
: Y A K
: = 2% +3%*(1/3)
: = 3%
: 我這樣算對嗎??
: 2.If the U.S. production funciton is Cobb-Douglas with capital share
: 0.3, output growth is 3 percent per year, depreciation is 4 percent
: per year, and the Golden Rule steady-state capital-output raio
: is 4.29, to reach the Golden Rule steady state, the saving rate must
: be:
: a.less than 18 percent
: b.more than 18 percent and less than 23 percent
: c.more than 23 percent and less than 28 percent
: d.more than 28 percent and less than 33 percent
: e.more than 33 percent
: 這題答案為 d,要怎麼算??

Y = N^0.7 * K^0.3 y = k^0.3 = f(k)

golden rule的k*由f'(k) = n + d

0.3 * 4.29^-(0.7) = n + d 可算出n + d

steady-state = sy = ( n + d ) k

可得s = 0.3

Tags: 經濟

All Comments

Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2010-01-06T05:54
順便一題 這題其實不用算 如果生產函數是C-D型
Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2010-01-08T09:24
James avatar
By James
at 2010-01-12T04:47


Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2010-01-05T12:36
1假設每一工人小時的資本每年成長百分之三,而技術變動則每年成長  百分之二。若使用三分之一原則,我們可以推論每一工人小時的實質  國內生產毛額會每年成長百分之? 我的算法: △Y △A △K ------ = ----- + ------- Y ...


Rosalind avatar
By Rosalind
at 2010-01-05T11:34
央行上自總裁, 下到局處主管, 已經數次公開表示不歡迎熱錢炒作台幣匯率. 前兩天熱錢又大量匯入將近500億台幣. 惹得外匯局長又發話了. 一番警告之餘, 他還有一句話:and#34;有很多方式可以對付不乖的熱錢.and#34;(大意如此) 我這個不懂財經的人還真不明白:and#34;央行想趕走熱錢, 幹麻還 ...


David avatar
By David
at 2010-01-05T08:16
經研所考古題中 有很多是經濟學英文的專有名詞 有沒有大大推薦好的書 可以中英對照的?? 例如 巫毒經濟學 voodoo economics 謝謝 - ...


Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2010-01-05T01:15
(1) Why do firms engage in IPOs? What is the role of the investment bank that serves as the underwriter? Why are there many IPOs in some periods and few I ...


Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2010-01-04T21:33
看一下香港,簽了CEPA的結果,再看看我們要簽的ECFA,本來要簽CEPA,後 來改名,究竟要怎麼簽,哪些東西該簽不該簽,才是重點吧。請經濟部長告訴我們,EC FA的草案裡,究竟有哪些要簽的吧。馬英九不是說要宣傳嗎?把草案拿出來討論,不就 是最好的宣傳嗎?還是說簽了馬上好,不好是你自己不好?這樣叫做宣傳? ...