紐西蘭減息150點 - 理財

Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2008-12-04T05:13

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Date 4 December 2008

The Reserve Bank today reduced the Official Cash Rate (OCR) from 6.5 percent
to 5.0 percent.

Reserve Bank Governor Alan Bollard commented that “ongoing financial market
turmoil and the marked deterioration in the outlook for global growth have
played a large role in shaping today’s decision. Activity in most of our
trading partners is now expected to contract or grow only very slowly over
the next few quarters.

“Economic activity in New Zealand will be further constrained as a result,
compared with our view in October.

“Inflation is abating here and overseas as a consequence of these
developments. We now have more confidence that annual inflation will return
comfortably inside the target band of 1 to 3 percent some time in the first
half of 2009 and remain there over the medium term. However, we still have
concerns that domestically generated inflation (particularly local body rates
and electricity prices) is remaining stubbornly high.

“Today’s decision brings the cumulative reduction in the OCR since July to
3.25 percent, and takes monetary policy to an expansionary position. Given
recent developments in the global economy, the balance of risks to activity
and inflation are to the downside. Thus it is appropriate to deliver this
reduction quickly to support the economy and keep inflation from falling
below the target band.

“Monetary policy is working together with the depreciation of the New
Zealand dollar and the fiscal stimulus now in train, to provide substantial
support to demand over the period ahead and to create the conditions for some
rebound in growth as global conditions improve.

“To ensure the response we are seeking, we expect financial institutions to
play their part in the economic adjustment process by passing on lower
wholesale interest rates to their customers.

“Further movements in the OCR will be assessed against emerging developments
in the global and domestic economies and the response to policy changes
already in place.”

澳 (12/2) 5.25% --> 4.25%

紐 (12/4) 6.5% --> 5%

Tags: 理財

All Comments

Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2008-12-08T12:16
Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2008-12-10T23:33
Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2008-12-13T13:40
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Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2008-12-03T22:33
書名:健康險,買對不買貴  ̄ ̄  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ==================================================================== 【內容簡介】 http://0rz.tw/f956N  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄   ...


Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2008-12-03T22:29
之前有看到新聞說 這陣子一直降息 導致保險費比以往都要來的貴 我不懂這之間的關連性 為什麼降息會導致保費的提高 有誰可以替我解答呢 感謝 - ...

人民幣急貶 台幣面臨貶值壓力

Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2008-12-03T21:48
Ref. http://mag.udn.com/mag/wealth/storypage.jsp?f_ART_ID=163890 人民幣急貶 台幣面臨貶值壓力 ‧聯合理財網 2008/12/02 【聯合報╱記者羅兩莎/台北報導】 人民幣開始貶值了。為刺激出口、讓中國大陸明年經濟成長率「保八」,中國人民 ...


Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2008-12-03T21:45
Ref. http://mag.udn.com/mag/wealth/storypage.jsp?f_ART_ID=164001 陶冬:人民幣看7:1美元 ‧聯合理財網 2008/12/03 【經濟日報╱記者陳盈羽╱台北報導】 人民幣兌美元匯率連兩天大幅貶值,2日創下近五個月來最低價位,瑞信證券中國首 ...

雙率政策轉向? 人民幣不會一貶到位

Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2008-12-03T21:42
Ref. http://mag.udn.com/mag/wealth/storypage.jsp?f_ART_ID=163999 雙率政策轉向? 人民幣不會一貶到位 ‧聯合理財網 2008/12/03 【聯合報╱記者孫中英、羅兩莎、藍孝威/綜合報導】 人民幣前天急貶,兩岸金融業者認為,人民幣開始貶值, ...