為什麼都喜歡搞擴大內需這套? - 經濟

By Mia
at 2008-05-23T19:27
at 2008-05-23T19:27
Table of Contents
※ 引述《megaboost (最愛台灣)》之銘言:
: ※ 引述《ashugh (hugh)》之銘言:
: : 我怎麼記得是用增加貨幣供給 壓低利率
: : 至於增加公共支出 我就沒印象了
: 日本的公共建設型擴大內需,那是在1960年代
: (東京奧運1964,日本首度赤字發行國債1966)
: 為了挽救建設業開始的
: 而日本的經濟泡沫崩塌則是遠在其25年後的1992年
: 這兩個之間的關係似乎有點遠
Japan's Lost Decade
Policies for Economic Revival
orces, which magnified the downturn. For example, there is little doubt that
dysfunctionality in the banking system—because of a shortage of capital in
the face of still-to-be-recognized downgrades to asset quality—hampered the
ability of monetary policy to end deflation. It is also likely that fiscal
policy management—especially the focus on rural public works projects with
low multiplier effects—undercut that instrument's ability to support
aggregate demand.
: ※ 引述《ashugh (hugh)》之銘言:
: : 我怎麼記得是用增加貨幣供給 壓低利率
: : 至於增加公共支出 我就沒印象了
: 日本的公共建設型擴大內需,那是在1960年代
: (東京奧運1964,日本首度赤字發行國債1966)
: 為了挽救建設業開始的
: 而日本的經濟泡沫崩塌則是遠在其25年後的1992年
: 這兩個之間的關係似乎有點遠
Japan's Lost Decade
Policies for Economic Revival
orces, which magnified the downturn. For example, there is little doubt that
dysfunctionality in the banking system—because of a shortage of capital in
the face of still-to-be-recognized downgrades to asset quality—hampered the
ability of monetary policy to end deflation. It is also likely that fiscal
policy management—especially the focus on rural public works projects with
low multiplier effects—undercut that instrument's ability to support
aggregate demand.
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