澳幣有賺的快逃命吧~~ - 美元

Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2008-10-31T11:25

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Dollar dive: 40 US cents warning

The Australian dollar may fall to a record low next year, possibly dipping
below 40 US cents for the first time, as slowing growth in emerging markets
cools demand for the raw materials exported by the nation.

The currency has dropped 31% since reaching a 25-year high of 98.49 US cents
on July 16, sliding as prices of crude oil, gold and nickel declined. It
reached 47.75 cents in April 2001, the lowest since it started trading freely
in 1983.

"I can see it certainly dropping quite sharply from here," Carlin Doyle, a
London-based currency strategist at State Street Global Markets said. The
Australian dollar could fall "below the 40 cent level and I can see that
happening in the next year or so," he added.

The forecast is based on the assumption that the current pace of dollar
repatriation will continue as investors sell emerging-market assets around
the world, causing the US currency to overshoot by as much as 30%, according
to State Street.

Australia's currency rose 5.3% to 68.43 cents at 7:03pm in Sydney, from 68.43
cents late yesterday in Asia.

The currency advanced to its July high as surging commodities prices and a
benchmark interest rate of 7.25% helped attract investment. It has been the
worst performer of the 16 most-traded currencies against the dollar and yen
over the past 3 months as a seizure in credit markets fueled concern the
global economy is headed for a recession.

Commodities account for about 60% of Australia's exports and the
Reuters/Jefferies CRB Index of 19 raw materials has fallen 42% since closing
at a record high on July 2.

"Because the Aussie dollar is liquid, the punishment for emerging markets
undergoing a crisis will be paid through the Aussie dollar," said Doyle.
"It's like a contagion."

But others believe the currency is not likely to fall to that level.

"I believe that 40 US cents is a unlikely, not because I'm hugely bullish
commodity markets or think emerging markets will out perform, but because I
don't believe that US dollar can strengthen that much," HiFX Australia senior
consultant Thomas Averill said in an email.

"The structural concerns in the US economy that had weighed on the US dollar
since 2001 still remain and have no easy resolution. "

Since September the Reserve Bank of Australia has reduced borrowing costs to
6% to boost its slowing economy. Traders are betting that the central bank
will cut its benchmark rate by 136 basis points over the next 12 months,
according to a Credit Suisse index based on overnight swaps. A basis point is
0.01 percentage point.

Bloomberg with Chris Zappone, BusinessDay

有誇張~~~ 大概算了一下


如果澳幣真的貶到 0.4 換一美元

那對台幣大概是 13-14 左右


Tags: 美元

All Comments

Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2008-11-02T16:29
raw materials.....!
John avatar
By John
at 2008-11-04T22:54
平衡報導:也是有人說2009年底AUDUSD 1:1
Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2008-11-09T12:24
一堆說原物料行情結束的 好像以為人口今天起會開始變少
Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2008-11-12T02:39
樓上大R是在哪看的? 這家報導真是一片愁雲慘霧
Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2008-11-12T10:21
Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2008-11-15T22:36
早就要逃了呀 之前已經在高點了
James avatar
By James
at 2008-11-16T16:56
Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2008-11-18T01:20
Rae avatar
By Rae
at 2008-11-20T22:06
美元之後 會走弱(個人看法)
George avatar
By George
at 2008-11-22T03:30
希望對您有幫助 http://www.94istudy.com

台幣爆量升1.43角 禿鷹現蹤

Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2008-10-30T16:53
Ref. http://udn.com/NEWS/FINANCE/FIN4/4580125.shtml 新台幣兌美元升4.96角 收32.799元 【中央社╱台北三十日電】 2008.10.30 04:36 pm 新台幣兌美元匯率今天以32.799元兌 1美元作收,升值4.96角,成交量為33.29 億 ...

投機熱錢湧入 央行鳴槍示警

Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2008-10-30T16:42
Ref. http://udn.com/NEWS/FINANCE/FIN4/4579372.shtml 投機熱錢湧入 央行鳴槍示警 【經濟日報╱記者 雷盈、黃欣】 2008.10.30 02:43 am 新台幣連兩日止貶回升,昨日更升值1.43角,交易量也放大到23億美元。與其樂觀認為新 台幣在經過前陣 ...

新台幣狂升4.96角 32.799元作收

Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2008-10-30T16:31
〔記者鄭琪芳/台北報導〕中央銀行今天緊急宣布降息一碼,激勵台股大漲, 加上美元轉弱,出口商進場拋匯,帶動新台幣強勁升值,新台幣開盤後不久 即升破33元兌1美元關卡,終場以32.799元兌1美元作收,大升4.96角,台北外匯 經紀公司成交量擴大至33.29億美元。 今天新台幣以33.145元兌1美元開出,開盤 ...


Quintina avatar
By Quintina
at 2008-10-30T14:16
據中評社29日電,英國首相白高敦本周將致電中國總理溫家寶,請求中國向彈盡糧絕的 國際貨幣基金會(IMF)注入數以千億美元計的資金。  英國《衛報》29日報道,就在最近,IMF動用了290億美元,拯救匈牙利和烏克蘭的經濟 後, 仍有不少瀕臨崩潰的經濟體在向IMF伸手求助。雖然IMF目前仍餘下2500億 ...

日圓畸形狂漲 零利率惹禍

Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2008-10-30T02:02
Ref. http://mag.udn.com/mag/wealth/storypage.jsp?f_ART_ID=156760 日圓畸形狂漲 零利率惹禍 ‧聯合理財網 2008/10/29 【聯合報╱東京特派員陳世昌/28日電】 東京股市28日出現上沖下洗的局面,早盤先跌破七千點大關,創26年來新低 ...