消費者剩餘 - 經濟

Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2012-01-08T21:14

Table of Contents

來源: 黃貞穎老師考古題

科目: 個經


Consumer's surplus: A consumer has the utility function

U(x,y) =e^((ln(X)+Y)^1/3)

where X is the good in concern and Y is the money
that can be spent on all other goods. (So the price of Y is normalized to
be 1). The income of this consumer is 100.

(a) (10pts) Derive the demand function of x for this consumer. Make sure that
at every price of x, the consumer always has enough income to buy the amount
of x as indicated by hiss demand function.
(b) (10pts) Calculate the price elasticity of the demand function in (a).
Is it true that the absolute value of the elasticity of the demand decreases
as the amount of x increases?
(c) (10pts) Suppose price of x decreases from 2 to 1. Calculate the change
in consumer's surplus.
(d) (10pts) Suppose price of x decreases from 2 to 1. Calculate the
compensating variation of this price change.
(e) (10pts) Suppose price of x decreases from 2 to 1. Calculate the
equivalent variation of this price change .

目前解出a) x=1/px c) ln2

Tags: 經濟

All Comments

Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2012-01-09T18:43
老師上課有很快提一下 價格彈性可以把需求函數取log
lnx=...+elnp+... e 就是彈性 不過你算得跟我不一樣 XD
Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2012-01-10T04:51
單調轉換後 同lnX+P 彈性為一,你照點彈性微看看就知道了

股市上漲對M1b M2的影響

Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2012-01-08T11:17
先列參考書上的定義 M1b=M1a+活期儲蓄存款 M2=M1b+準貨幣 準貨幣=定期存款+外匯存款+....... 我的想法 股市上漲中=andgt;人們將資金從定期存款轉為活期存款 以便做投資 =andgt;M1b 增加 ,準貨幣 下降 ,M2不變 可是書上給的卻是 ...

政大考古 混合效用函數

Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2012-01-07T00:20
來源: 政大100個經 問題: 效用函數 U= min(h,c)+c,其中h休閒, c消費, Pc=$1 一天24小時,且工資率 w andgt; $1,非勞動所得$1 請求經濟個體之勞動供給與間接效用函數 我的想法: 1. 想請問這樣的效用函數,有經濟意義可以解釋嗎? 2. 分段下去討論 ...


Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2012-01-06T20:49
※ 引述《xurucjo (Jasmine)》之銘言: : 來源:96身心障礙四等 : 科目:經濟 : 問題:下列何者會導致一個經濟體系有金融深化(financial deepening)的現象? : (A)生產迂迴化(roundabout production)程度的降低 : (B)家庭 ...


Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2012-01-06T14:58
來源: 94 年特種考試地方政府公務人員考試試題解答 科目:經濟學概要 問題: 一財貨是正常財,則此財貨的需求曲線 (A)一定是負斜率 (B)若替代效果小於所得效果,則為負斜率 (C)若替代效果大於所得效果,則為負斜率 (D)一定是正斜率 為什麼是A? 我的想法: 正常財:ΔX/ΔMandgt;0 ...


Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2012-01-05T23:36
兩者雖然都是算所得效果跟替代效果 但是有時候題目沒有指定說要用何方法 兩者求出來的答案都可以寫嗎? 還是限定只能寫Slutsky的答案呢 像去年台大財金考的經濟有一題就是這種題目 題目如下: 某甲消費X與Y兩種財貨,其效用函數為U(x.y)=xy, 其中x與y分別為其對財貨X與Y的消費量。 財貨 ...