"日元先生"預測日圓仍會繼續攀升 - 理財

Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2010-03-25T11:26

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昨天傍晚看到的新聞 出自Wall Street Journal blog
只是怎麼才一發表完談話日圓就貶了 (只能說太巧~)

原文出處: http://bit.ly/a9Kegy

‘Mr. Yen’ Predicts Japanese Currency to Strengthen
By Alex Frangos

The yen is going to get stronger against the U.S. dollar, and the
Japanese government should sit back and relax, according to
Eisuke “Mr. Yen” Sakakibara.

The former Japanese vice finance minister for international affairs
said Wednesday the Japanese currency is undervalued at its current
level of around 90 yen per U.S. dollar.

“If anything, it will appreciate slowly toward 85, but the government
should not intervene,” he said at a Credit Suisse sponsored investment
conference in Hong Kong.

Mr. Sakakibara, an adviser to the governing DPJ party, earned his
sobriquet “Mr. Yen” in the late 1990s when as a government official
his public comments often moved currencies. At the time, Japan
routinely intervened in foreign exchange markets to depress the yen
against the dollar. It has not done so since 2004, despite pressure
from exporters who say the strong yen is hurting the economy.

Tags: 理財

All Comments

Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2010-03-25T12:27
Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2010-03-30T02:12
他鬥不過 羅賓森.坎諾 的!!!
Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2010-03-31T20:26
Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2010-04-02T02:57
XDDD 好歡樂的早晨
Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2010-04-06T15:18


Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2010-03-25T01:45
首先 理財跟你講得投資有出入更不等於代操 你要講投資那下面就跟你講 ※ 引述《cafe22kimo (cafe22kimo)》之銘言: : 看到有人想做顧問,不知夠不夠格,妳是會計師/律師嗎? : 很少有人,真正有資格,要求的報酬率是幾十%或一倍的報酬. 一定要會計師還律師才有資格嗎? 報酬率真的有個3 ...


Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2010-03-24T22:36
※ 引述《renos (IFA)》之銘言: 話說原PO說的很同意~ 很多人會說敢貼對帳單才有資格說話~ (尤其是很多玩股票期貨的人) 就讓我想起氣長與氣短的問題...... 在市面上,我們常會看到很多投資大師寫的書~ 很多成功的技術專家,可是會發現,他們都很早退休...... 每個所謂的大師,都有過十年十 ...


Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2010-03-24T19:34
最近開了台灣銀行外幣存摺 但對於即期與現金買賣的部份還是有個小疑惑…於是來這邊請益 以下以日幣對台幣為例, 假設金額為台幣十萬元 *假設在3/20這天我在下面的匯率時 利用網銀從我台幣帳戶轉錢至外幣帳戶 即期賣出 現金賣出 0.35110 0.35180 *再假設3/2 ...


Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2010-03-24T15:36
http://www.wretch.cc/blog/robinsoncano/12807253 上次太晚想到跟大家說 結果好像已經看不到了 這一期今天出版的 有空大家去便利商店看看吧 主要是講說如何先找線索研判未來走勢 再找數據支持想法 也是我之前講的重要經濟數據的分析方式實用篇 大家參考看看 -- ...


Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2010-03-24T13:23
看到有人想做顧問,不知夠不夠格,妳是會計師/律師嗎? 很少有人,真正有資格,要求的報酬率是幾十%或一倍的報酬. 妳有AE卡的萬能服務嗎?妳有多少關係。 妳有賺/賠過500-1000萬嗎?or 以上,心理的壓力跟幾十萬不一樣吧。 妳能拿出足額的定存單嗎?如5仟萬-上億,提出相對保證。 在台灣的個體戶理財顧問, ...