投資英股REITs和債券ETF有成本優勢嗎? - 投資

Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2017-12-31T20:50

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Other indices—typically the Net Total Return indices—assume a withholding tax
is paid on dividends, but in practice in certain jurisdictions, either some
portion of or all of this tax can be reclaimed by the ETF’s manager at its
source jurisdiction, provided that there is a branch office in the country
where the tax is levied. This activity, known as tax optimisation or dividend
tax enhancement, can boost a fund’s return relative to its benchmark, but it
can also increase its tracking error.

Both physical and synthetic replication ETFs can be affected by tax
optimisation. In the case of ETFs employing physical replication, this activity
will be carried out at the fund level, directly impacting fund returns, while
in the case of synthetic ETFs, it will be implemented at the level of the
bank(s) standing behind the swap(s) embedded in the fund, thereby indirectly
impacting fund returns. The bank(s) providing the swap(s) can decide whether or
not to pass on any revenues from dividend tax enhancements within the framework
of the swap agreement between the fund manager and the swap providers.

So stand by your glasses steady,
Here’s good luck to the man in the sky,
Here’s a toast to the dead already,
Three cheers for the next man to die.


All Comments

Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2018-01-03T02:33
但是這個計算方式沒有指數追蹤 且iShare沒有詳細公布這方面
Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2018-01-04T13:03
收支 不會知道基金公司到底是把靠稅務優勢拿到的放到哪邊
Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2018-01-07T20:09
舉例來說 假設靠稅務拿到0.5%優勢 但是ret只有0.25% 剩下的
Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2018-01-12T07:37
Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2018-01-13T09:22
Noah avatar
By Noah
at 2018-01-18T01:50


Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2017-12-31T18:58
推 ENEP: IWDA有個大問題 他追蹤的指數是以30%稅率考量的 但是事實上 12/31 17:32 → ENEP: 很多國家有租稅協議的話 稅率會不到這個數字 例如15% 12/31 17:32 → ENEP: 中間的差距 是誰賺走應該不用多說 費用不能只看帳面 12/31 17:33 如果觀察IWD ...


Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2017-12-30T22:43
使用TD一年多一點, 股:債:REIT 80:10:10 VTI 16.57% VWO 16.77% VEA 15.24% VNQ 1.36% BND 0.10% BWX 5.29% GE -42.91% GE只是無聊亂買幾張(還好只買了幾張....), 整體來說資產是增加的, 祝大家2018賺錢好 ...


Connor avatar
By Connor
at 2017-12-30T14:48
請問前輩 晚輩我之前奈米投資賺750 Firstrade匯回收50手續 中轉收10台銀收6 有其他銀行匯回比較便宜嗎 台銀的匯出費也很貴 不能雙電匯 有大大可分享經驗嗎 謝謝 - ...


Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2017-12-30T05:30
我的海外指數投資及資產配置小結 20171230 時序: 2011/05~2017/12 前言 : 1. 海外指數投資6.5年 (firstrade/IB/複委託) 2. 股票投資標的 : VWRD / AOA 3. 債劵or固定投資標的 : IUAG / 國債 / 特別股 資產配置: 海外投資股/ ...


Eartha avatar
By Eartha
at 2017-12-29T16:41
轉眼間又年底了 回顧了一下今年美股投資的成效 大體來說今年真的滿不錯的 ETF大概都有15%以上的帳面回報 但仔細算算 今年台幣整個強翻 大漲8% 等於以台幣計算的報酬瞬間被砍了8% 即使台灣不升息 美國從有升息的風聲到幾乎確定升息 台幣的漲勢依然未止 這樣也跟一般我們認知and#34;升息=貨幣強勢=匯率走 ...