徵求個經高手幫解 - 經濟

Olive avatar
By Olive
at 2012-02-21T15:48

Table of Contents

來源: 100 政大商院轉學考



下面有六題, 題目是英文, 希望各位高手們能耐心看下去(不然只看5跟6也可以Q_Q)

如果你對其中隨便一題有想法的都可以在下面推文, 感謝指教

1.Intuitively, we usually believe that at equilbrium the total revenue of a

high-productivity producer is higher than the revenue of a low-productivity


Logically, suppose the elasticity of demand is constant,

it happens only when the elasticity is

(A) greater than one.
(B) equal to one.
(C) smaller than one.
(D) greater than the difference of productivity.

我的想法: 這一題我是看到題目中有總收入,

所以用獨占的角度 dTR/dP=Q(1-Ed) 所以彈性>1 選 (A)



2.Suppose that the production to produce is x=L-F, where L is labor,

F is a constant and x is the production level.

Suppose also that potential producers enter the market freely and producer

choose output level to maximize profit.

(A) The market structure must be perfectly competitive at equilbrium

because of the assumption of free entry.

(B) If the production is greater than zero, the market structure cannot be

perfectly competitive because it contradicts with the assumption of

profit maximization.

(C) There must be only one firm survive at equilbrium.

(D) The profit must be positive for all surving produer.

這題我猜(B) , 但我不知道他給那個生產函數是要如何使用.....


3.X and Y are perfectly complement for consumer. Consumers can be categorized

as H and L according to their income level. H consumers are richer than

L consumers. The marginal cost of production is increasing for both X and Y.

The market structure is perfectly competitive.

The preference implies that the income elasticity

(A) is always greater than one
(B) is always smaller than one
(C) is always equal to one
(D) can be greater or smaller than one depending on consumers' income level

我想說完全互補是齊序效用函數, 所得彈性為1 選(C)


4. Based on question 3. Suppose that government transfers income from H to L.

Suppose also that the price is fixed at the original level. We difine

the aggregate quantity of demand of a good as the summation of H and L's

quantity of demand on that good. Then after the income transfer,

the aggregate quantity of demand

(A) is unchanged for both goods
(B) on both good decrease
(C) of X increases, while Y decreases
(D) on both good increase



5. The perfect competitive economy without friction is most efficient because

(A) demand is equal to supply at equilbrium

(B) the marginal utility of consumers equal to the marginal cost of production

(C) consumers have maximize utilities and producers have maximize profit

(D) all factor are employed

這題我一看到題目直覺聯想到P=MC 但選項中沒有, 感覺(B)有點像P=MC的概念,



6.When a firm operates under conditions of monopoly, it price is

(A) not constrained
(B) constrained by marginal cost
(C) constrained by demand
(D) constrained by its social agenda

我是想說獨占一開始先 MR=MC 決定 Q, 再對到需求曲線決定 P,

所以我選(C) 但(B)似乎也說得通?

另外, 如果此題改問完全競爭, 又該怎麼選?


謝謝各位高手, 希望聽聽多方的意見!!!

Tags: 經濟

All Comments

Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2012-02-23T02:00
第五題應該是B吧 邊際效用大概等同需求曲線P(Q)
Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2012-02-24T22:53
第六題我覺得是C! 獨占廠商是雖然價格決定者~
Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2012-02-26T02:59
Elizabeth avatar
By Elizabeth
at 2012-02-26T22:37
Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2012-02-28T19:58
Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2012-03-04T06:01
定的較低(P<MC)~超額利潤<0 退出市場了!
Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2012-03-05T01:34
Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2012-03-07T03:12
那他也賺不到阿! 所以獨占跟完全競爭都是依靠消費者的需


Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2012-02-20T18:41
來源: 教師甄試 科目: 公民與社會科 問題: 下列有關物價之敘述,何者正確?(A)物價持續緊縮將使消費者提前消費 (B)物價持續緊縮對債權人有利(C)物價持續上漲會提高皮鞋成本(D)物價持 續上漲可能會增加外資投資(E)物價持續上漲,對固定收入者實質稅賦提高。 答案:BCDE 我的想法(D)這個答案 ...


Charlie avatar
By Charlie
at 2012-02-20T09:18
※ [本文轉錄自 Philippines 看板 #1FGPz8HU ] 作者: fishliker (at atand#34;) 看板: Philippines 標題: [問題] 要如何查詢菲律賓的馬達2011年進口量 時間: Mon Feb 20 09:17:57 2012 因為不熟菲律賓的經濟與資料查 ...


Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2012-02-20T06:52
※ 引述《betray911015 (回頭太難)》之銘言: : U(X1,X2) = (√X1) + X2 : (P1,P2)=(1,8) ; M=15 : my answer: : MRS = 1/2√X1 =1/8 : 這題我算出來的X1 =16 , 那 X2就變負的了 : 好奇怪喔!為什麼??還是我算錯 ...


David avatar
By David
at 2012-02-19T22:19
U(X1,X2) = (√X1) + X2 (P1,P2)=(1,8) ; M=15 my answer: MRS = 1/2√X1 =1/8 這題我算出來的X1 =16 , 那 X2就變負的了 好奇怪喔!為什麼??還是我算錯了. 而且要判斷 這位消費者是不是平均優於極端? - ...

台灣在world bank的economic designation

Kristin avatar
By Kristin
at 2012-02-19T20:56
各位版上的前輩,小地本身是學 IT 不是學經濟的 只是最近要考證照時發現考試價格調了一倍 到了官網查詢才知道該考試費用的決定是根據 WORLD BANK 的 economic designation,每個國家的考試費用不一定相同。 只是我上網找了好久都找不到相關資料,只好到經濟版來求助,希望 有前輩可以告知查 ...