台大經濟系吳亨德外師誠徵專任研究助理 - 經濟

Una avatar
By Una
at 2018-10-01T13:06

Table of Contents

※ [本文轉錄自 NTU 看板 #1RiPmNGM ]

作者: visda (cano) 看板: NTU
標題: [徵求] 台大經濟系吳亨德外師誠徵專任研究助理
時間: Mon Oct 1 12:01:24 2018

【Company name】
National Taiwan University, Department of Economics
Assistant Professor, Hendrik Rommeswinkel

Research Assistant in the bachelor or master degree

【Job content】
1. Execute the project, ex: data analysis, data arrangement or documents
2. Other assignments

The project uses a dataset of purchasing decisions of households (Nielsen
Data) to estimate the freedom of choice over consumption goods these
households have. As a research assistant on this project, you will program
estimators, prepare data for analysis, and work with microeconomic models of
consumer choice.

You will gain insight into consumer choice behavior and learn skills associated
both with data analysis and with microeconomic modelling.

It is also possible to put greater emphasis on economic modelling of consumer
choice. This requires a strong background in economic theory or mathematics.

1. Graduated from Economics, Mathematics or Statistics departments
2. Past experience with data analysis (R or Stata) or interest in economic
theory / decision theory
3. Good mathematics skills

【Woring place】
Department of Economics in College of Social Sciences, NTU.
(No. 1, Section 4, Roosevelt Rd, Da'an District, Taipei City. Near Technology
Building MRT Station)

【Working duration】
From the actual date of employment to at least July 2019. It is negotiable.
8:00-17:00 or 9:00-18:00 from Monday to Friday with an hour for noon break.

【Days off per month】
Weekends and national holidays

Year-end bonuses will be 1.5 months’ salary. (It will be calculated
according to the proportion of the months of employment.)

In accordance with NTU's standards: https://bit.ly/2KUHHZ8

First year for bachelor degree: 32,466 TWD/month
First year for master degree: 37,132 TWD/ month

【Number of openings】

【Contact/ Contact method】
If you are interested in this position, please sent your
(1) CV and resume
(2) Other favorable application materials
to [email protected], Mrs. Wu Chia-Sui's mailbox.

Please make a subject entitled: "Apply for the RA position-OOO(Name)".

Thank you.

Tags: 經濟

All Comments


Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2018-09-29T00:33
郭教授所教授的經濟學課程的學期成績計分方式為, 只計算期中考與期末考分數,並且期末考分數的比重是期中考分數的 2 倍。 在x ? y平面圖上,期中考分數置於橫軸(x 軸), 期末考分數置於縱軸(y 軸),若陳同學只關心最後的學期 總成績, 則其對於期中考與期末考的無異曲線,應為: (A) 斜率為(-2)的直線 ...


Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2018-09-27T22:23
各位前輩先進大家好 小弟是初入經濟學的小廢渣 今天在讀”需求量的變動與需求的變動”讀到偏好一節時 有一段寫著 “同樣的價格下: 今天突然喜歡某物,則需求線右移 今天突然不喜歡某物,則需求線左移” 畫了一下午的圖怎麼畫怎麼不對 谷歌大神上的圖表也不太完整 跑出來的好像跟無異曲線有關 故上站來跟前輩們請教 感謝大 ...


George avatar
By George
at 2018-09-26T12:34
一點小看法希望各位評論看看 事實上財富高度集中也不完全是壞事 完全看怎麼用 因為當財富高度集中了才能把錢一次性投入燒錢的研發裡面 而科技的發展才是真正帶動和推進經濟的發展 現在的狀況會扭曲是因為有錢人並沒有把他們高度其中的財富真正投入研發 而是投入股市房地產和金融商品裡面 而這些除了對GDP有幫助以外對經 ...


Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2018-09-25T09:15
※ 引述《kusomanfcu (POE yea開始急速惡化了()》之銘言: : 調高基本工資的影響,目前是消費全面上升比平均其他洲略高(但非房相關也只高一點點 : )是房租和房價則是瘋狂上升(因為想在西雅圖就業的人變多)然後失業率降,因為房地 : 產居然真的變成當地中低工資的就業火車頭。 : 但總薪資不變。 ...


Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2018-09-21T17:34
想請問一下 經濟學lax 的符號 (在東方禹經濟學 相對利益那邊的符號 在word的哪邊 我非常需要這個符號 但是我google不到 長的很像andamp; 扣掉下面打勾的部分 拜託 我會感謝你 - ...