五題與債券相關的問題 - 經濟

Necoo avatar
By Necoo
at 2008-05-17T23:54

Table of Contents




1.When an economy gros out of recession, normally the demand for bonds _____

and the suppy of bonds _____ .

(A)increases; increases (B)increases; decreases

(C)decreases; decreases (D)decreases; increases


「out of recession」是指已經脫離衰退,還是正在衰退期間呢?

2.When prices in the art market become less uncertain,

(A)the demand curve for bonds shifts to the left and the interest rate rises.

(B)the demand curve for bonds shifts to the left and the interest rate falls.

(C)the demand curve for bonds shifts to the right and the interest rate falls.

(D)the supply curve for bonds shifts to the right and the interest rate falls.



3.An increase in the expected rate of inflation causes demand for bonds to

_____ and the demand curve to shift to the _____.

(A)fall; right (B)fall; left (C) rise; right (D)rise; left



4.Factors that can cause the supply curve for bonds shift to the right include

(A)an expansion in overall economic activity.

(B)an increase in expexted inflaction.

(C)an increase in government deficits.

(D)all of the above.

(E)only (A) and (B) of above.


5.In Keynes's liquidity preference framework,

(A)the demand fot bonds must equal the supply of money.

(B)the demand for money must equal the supply of bonds.

(C)an excess demand of bonds implies an excess demand for money.

(D)an excess supply of bonds implies an excess demand for money.




Tags: 經濟

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cross-sectional 與 time-series 的 da …

Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2008-05-17T22:43
以下討論的主要問題都是 iid 的假設和 OLS model 因為panel data通常是 大N小T the random sampling assumption does allow for temporal correlation. assume random sampling in the cr ...


Dinah avatar
By Dinah
at 2008-05-17T18:32
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Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2008-05-17T09:52
※ 引述《showheart (阿修)》之銘言: : 科目:產業經濟學 : 題目:中鋼的產業報告 : 我的想法: : 我是想從以下幾個方向先做: : 1.價格行為 : 2.訂價策略 以上兩者你要研究的是指? 原物料的價格? 還是加工後的鋼? 加工後的鋼有很多種, 分產業自有景氣 : 3.供應鏈 : ...

cross-sectional 與 time-series 的 da …

Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2008-05-17T09:08
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Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2008-05-17T00:59
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