一篇好玩的調查(關于經濟學PhD對機會成本的理解) - 經濟

By Hedda
at 2007-08-17T06:13
at 2007-08-17T06:13
Table of Contents
※ [本文轉錄自 DarthRaider 信箱]
作者: [email protected] ([email protected])
標題: 一篇好玩的調查(關于經濟學PhD對機會成本的理解)
時間: Fri Aug 17 06:10:50 2007
作者: DarthRaider (龍非池中物) 看板: BBMak
標題: 一篇好玩的調查(關于經濟學PhD對機會成本的理解)
時間: Fri Aug 17 05:48:16 2007
<Do Economists Recognize an Opportunity Cost When They See One? A Dismal
Performance from the Dismal Science>
by Paul J. Ferraro & Laura O. Taylor
One expects people with graduate training in economics to have a deeper
understanding of economic processes and reasoning than people without such
training. However, as others have noted over the past 25 years, modern
graduate education may emphasize mathematics and technique to the detriment
of economic reasoning. One of the most important contributions economics has
to offer as a discipline is the understanding of opportunity cost and how to
apply this concept to all forms of decision making. We examine how PhD
economists answer an introductory economics textbook question that requires
identifying the relevant opportunity cost of an action. The results are not
consistent with our expectation that graduate training leads to a deeper
understanding of the concept. We explore the implications of our results for
the relevance of economists in policy, research, and teaching.
Submitted: June 27, 2005 ﹒ Accepted: August 2, 2005 ﹒
Published: September 9, 2005
Originally published in Contributions to Economic Analysis & Policy.
※ 發信站: 批踢踢兔(ptt2.cc)
◆ From:
作者: [email protected] ([email protected])
標題: 一篇好玩的調查(關于經濟學PhD對機會成本的理解)
時間: Fri Aug 17 06:10:50 2007
作者: DarthRaider (龍非池中物) 看板: BBMak
標題: 一篇好玩的調查(關于經濟學PhD對機會成本的理解)
時間: Fri Aug 17 05:48:16 2007
<Do Economists Recognize an Opportunity Cost When They See One? A Dismal
Performance from the Dismal Science>
by Paul J. Ferraro & Laura O. Taylor
One expects people with graduate training in economics to have a deeper
understanding of economic processes and reasoning than people without such
training. However, as others have noted over the past 25 years, modern
graduate education may emphasize mathematics and technique to the detriment
of economic reasoning. One of the most important contributions economics has
to offer as a discipline is the understanding of opportunity cost and how to
apply this concept to all forms of decision making. We examine how PhD
economists answer an introductory economics textbook question that requires
identifying the relevant opportunity cost of an action. The results are not
consistent with our expectation that graduate training leads to a deeper
understanding of the concept. We explore the implications of our results for
the relevance of economists in policy, research, and teaching.
Submitted: June 27, 2005 ﹒ Accepted: August 2, 2005 ﹒
Published: September 9, 2005
Originally published in Contributions to Economic Analysis & Policy.
推 publius:其實在這邊, 徵求正妹當版主..... XDXD 08/26 00:24
※ 發信站: 批踢踢兔(ptt2.cc)
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