一篇好玩的調查(關于經濟學PhD對機會成本的理解) - 經濟

Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2007-08-17T06:13

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※ [本文轉錄自 DarthRaider 信箱]

作者: [email protected] ([email protected])
標題: 一篇好玩的調查(關于經濟學PhD對機會成本的理解)
時間: Fri Aug 17 06:10:50 2007

作者: DarthRaider (龍非池中物) 看板: BBMak
標題: 一篇好玩的調查(關于經濟學PhD對機會成本的理解)
時間: Fri Aug 17 05:48:16 2007

<Do Economists Recognize an Opportunity Cost When They See One? A Dismal
Performance from the Dismal Science>
by Paul J. Ferraro & Laura O. Taylor


One expects people with graduate training in economics to have a deeper
understanding of economic processes and reasoning than people without such
training. However, as others have noted over the past 25 years, modern
graduate education may emphasize mathematics and technique to the detriment
of economic reasoning. One of the most important contributions economics has
to offer as a discipline is the understanding of opportunity cost and how to
apply this concept to all forms of decision making. We examine how PhD
economists answer an introductory economics textbook question that requires
identifying the relevant opportunity cost of an action. The results are not
consistent with our expectation that graduate training leads to a deeper
understanding of the concept. We explore the implications of our results for
the relevance of economists in policy, research, and teaching.

Submitted: June 27, 2005 ﹒ Accepted: August 2, 2005 ﹒
Published: September 9, 2005

Originally published in Contributions to Economic Analysis & Policy.

publius:其實在這邊, 徵求正妹當版主..... XDXD 08/26 00:24

※ 發信站: 批踢踢兔(ptt2.cc)
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All Comments

George avatar
By George
at 2007-08-19T20:51
其實在這邊, 徵求正妹當版主..... XDXD


Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2007-08-16T00:16
剛剛讀一本野史文獻, 裡面提到一段話,讓我實在不懂: 「美國著名經濟學家約翰.肯尼斯.加布雷斯(John Kenneth Galbraith) 就曾一針見血地 指出:and#34;在內戰結束以後的許多年裡,聯邦政府財政每年都獲得了大量盈余。但是,它卻 無法還清它的債務,清償發行出的政府債券,因為這樣做意味著 ...


Hedy avatar
By Hedy
at 2007-08-15T23:09
※ 引述《qwpoaslk (大飛哥)》之銘言: : 最近引爆的美國次級房貸的事件 : 讓市場預期未來Fed將會降息 : 不過我不太懂未何降息可以稍緩次級房貸風暴? : 還有如果Fed降息對台灣匯率與股市會有什麼影響呢? : 照以前學過的經濟學原理美國降息應該會讓資金流出美國 : 台幣相對升值 外資流入股市 ...


Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2007-08-15T22:17
節錄新聞片段 法國巴黎銀行在宣布該行將凍結公司旗下投資美國次級房貸的 3檔基金贖回後,為市場引 發新的一波騷動。該銀行表示,美國有部分證券市場的現金流量完全蒸發,導致該行無法 公平的評估某些資產,不管這些資產的信用等級有多好。 當這場騷動蔓延到華爾街時, Fed也立即採取動作,藉由挹注銀行系統 240億美 ...


Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2007-08-15T15:37
請問 若要將賽局問題 轉換成矩陣表示的數學模型 要看哪些書比較容易理解? 有哪些書是比較適合初接觸的人看的?? - ...


Brianna avatar
By Brianna
at 2007-08-15T11:55
BOJH 所敘述的大致是正確的, 不過有兩個小地方要補充一下: 第一, 由於美國自 03 年聯邦資金利率降至 1% 的最低點之後, 景氣反轉, 利率又低, 美國房地產業自 03 年起景氣大好. 各銀行所發行的次級房貸抵押債券中, 有超過 70% 的債券, 其於 Sandamp;P 的債權評等是 AAA. 所 ...