TD要求Foreign tax identifying number? - 投資

By Puput
at 2017-09-14T12:59
at 2017-09-14T12:59
Table of Contents
※ 引述《yvonne10126 (透)》之銘言:
: 今天收到一份TD 的e-mail
: A new regulation requires TD Ameritrade to collect your foreign tax
: identifying number before January 1, 2018. Our records as of September 6,
: 2017, indicate that we don't have this number on file for your account. To
: avoid backup withholding and comply with U.S. tax regulations, please send us
: a completed and signed Foreign Tax ID Number Form from each account owner.
: We encourage you to send us this form as early as possible. To allow time for
: processing, we'll need to receive it by December 8, 2017.
TD處理這個事情蠻厚道的 讓客戶提供FTIN就好 沒有要求重寫W8-ben
給了3個月的緩衝期之外 還接受非正本的提交方式
這個事情是怎麼出來的呢 IRS在七月更新了W8-ben form & instruction
If you have not provided your jurisdiction of residence TIN on line 6,
provide your date of birth in line 8
you receive U.S. source income reportable on Form 1042-S associated with
this form, you must provide the TIN issued to you by your jurisdiction
of tax residence identified on line 3 unless:
You have not been issued a TIN
(including if thejurisdiction does not issue TINs)
多了一個must 就改變了世界
甚麼情況可以不提供呢 就是我沒有FTIN 想給都給不了
If you are providing this form to document a financial account described above
but you do not enter a TIN on line 6, and you are not a resident of a U.S.
you must provide the withholding agent with an explanation for why
you have not been issued a TIN. For this purpose, an explanation is
a statement that you are not legally required to obtain a TIN in your
jurisdiction of tax residence.
因為台灣戶籍法規定 (有戶籍國民)取得身分證(號)是義務 不能拒絕
對一些特殊例子 是否可以用護照號碼 統一證號 ARC號碼來代替
其實OECD對FTIN是有一些規範的 但針對台灣 沒有訂出規範
因此 才會有上面那篇應使用身分證號碼的文章出現
這個問題建議盡快處理 不好拿來開玩笑
去年底 美國匯豐用紙本郵件通知我 他們需要我一些額外的資訊
要我立刻和他們聯絡 不然我的帳戶會受到一些影響
那時我正好周遊列國 環遊世界去了
等我回國看到這封信的時候 美國匯豐已經決定關閉我所有帳戶(包含未到期的CD)
帳戶餘額他們會寄張支票給我 (折算台幣有八位數)
後來我讓有力人士介入 說你們只是要一個FTIN號碼 給的緩衝期又太短
這也不是監管的規定 是你們集團的內規 不可以這樣損害客戶權益
如果沒有有力人士的協助 我也不知道能不能解決這件事
有權限處理compliance的部門 不是不對外 就是只說英文
七月份香港匯豐也找上我 說依據監管規定 我必須在一個月內更新W8-ben
W8-ben失效 後果很嚴重(不知道有幾位朋友知道W8-ben失效會產生甚麼影響?)
海外投資並不是甚麼酷炫的事情 不見得要跟風去試試看
如果沒有自己解決問題的能力 海外投資是有一定風險的
: 今天收到一份TD 的e-mail
: A new regulation requires TD Ameritrade to collect your foreign tax
: identifying number before January 1, 2018. Our records as of September 6,
: 2017, indicate that we don't have this number on file for your account. To
: avoid backup withholding and comply with U.S. tax regulations, please send us
: a completed and signed Foreign Tax ID Number Form from each account owner.
: We encourage you to send us this form as early as possible. To allow time for
: processing, we'll need to receive it by December 8, 2017.
TD處理這個事情蠻厚道的 讓客戶提供FTIN就好 沒有要求重寫W8-ben
給了3個月的緩衝期之外 還接受非正本的提交方式
這個事情是怎麼出來的呢 IRS在七月更新了W8-ben form & instruction
If you have not provided your jurisdiction of residence TIN on line 6,
provide your date of birth in line 8
you receive U.S. source income reportable on Form 1042-S associated with
this form, you must provide the TIN issued to you by your jurisdiction
of tax residence identified on line 3 unless:
You have not been issued a TIN
(including if thejurisdiction does not issue TINs)
多了一個must 就改變了世界
甚麼情況可以不提供呢 就是我沒有FTIN 想給都給不了
If you are providing this form to document a financial account described above
but you do not enter a TIN on line 6, and you are not a resident of a U.S.
you must provide the withholding agent with an explanation for why
you have not been issued a TIN. For this purpose, an explanation is
a statement that you are not legally required to obtain a TIN in your
jurisdiction of tax residence.
因為台灣戶籍法規定 (有戶籍國民)取得身分證(號)是義務 不能拒絕
對一些特殊例子 是否可以用護照號碼 統一證號 ARC號碼來代替
其實OECD對FTIN是有一些規範的 但針對台灣 沒有訂出規範
因此 才會有上面那篇應使用身分證號碼的文章出現
這個問題建議盡快處理 不好拿來開玩笑
去年底 美國匯豐用紙本郵件通知我 他們需要我一些額外的資訊
要我立刻和他們聯絡 不然我的帳戶會受到一些影響
那時我正好周遊列國 環遊世界去了
等我回國看到這封信的時候 美國匯豐已經決定關閉我所有帳戶(包含未到期的CD)
帳戶餘額他們會寄張支票給我 (折算台幣有八位數)
後來我讓有力人士介入 說你們只是要一個FTIN號碼 給的緩衝期又太短
這也不是監管的規定 是你們集團的內規 不可以這樣損害客戶權益
如果沒有有力人士的協助 我也不知道能不能解決這件事
有權限處理compliance的部門 不是不對外 就是只說英文
七月份香港匯豐也找上我 說依據監管規定 我必須在一個月內更新W8-ben
W8-ben失效 後果很嚴重(不知道有幾位朋友知道W8-ben失效會產生甚麼影響?)
海外投資並不是甚麼酷炫的事情 不見得要跟風去試試看
如果沒有自己解決問題的能力 海外投資是有一定風險的
All Comments

By Bethany
at 2017-09-15T14:09
at 2017-09-15T14:09

By Belly
at 2017-09-15T22:29
at 2017-09-15T22:29

By Agatha
at 2017-09-17T13:09
at 2017-09-17T13:09

By Genevieve
at 2017-09-17T18:28
at 2017-09-17T18:28

By George
at 2017-09-17T23:26
at 2017-09-17T23:26

By Donna
at 2017-09-21T15:01
at 2017-09-21T15:01

By Ina
at 2017-09-23T12:50
at 2017-09-23T12:50

By Frederica
at 2017-09-24T08:26
at 2017-09-24T08:26

By Franklin
at 2017-09-27T06:59
at 2017-09-27T06:59

By Erin
at 2017-09-28T04:16
at 2017-09-28T04:16

By Noah
at 2017-10-02T05:10
at 2017-10-02T05:10

By Brianna
at 2017-10-03T22:09
at 2017-10-03T22:09

By Jacky
at 2017-10-06T15:21
at 2017-10-06T15:21

By Necoo
at 2017-10-11T02:55
at 2017-10-11T02:55

By Yuri
at 2017-10-13T10:48
at 2017-10-13T10:48

By Jake
at 2017-10-14T15:33
at 2017-10-14T15:33

By Yuri
at 2017-10-19T10:26
at 2017-10-19T10:26

By Daniel
at 2017-10-21T20:30
at 2017-10-21T20:30

By Una
at 2017-10-26T13:43
at 2017-10-26T13:43

By Mary
at 2017-10-27T17:09
at 2017-10-27T17:09

By Ursula
at 2017-10-29T21:00
at 2017-10-29T21:00

By Frederic
at 2017-11-02T16:04
at 2017-11-02T16:04

By Genevieve
at 2017-11-04T05:35
at 2017-11-04T05:35

By Edwina
at 2017-11-07T21:17
at 2017-11-07T21:17

By Robert
at 2017-11-11T21:05
at 2017-11-11T21:05

By Frederica
at 2017-11-14T01:56
at 2017-11-14T01:56

By Quintina
at 2017-11-15T11:16
at 2017-11-15T11:16

By Audriana
at 2017-11-17T07:06
at 2017-11-17T07:06

By Carol
at 2017-11-18T02:32
at 2017-11-18T02:32

By Freda
at 2017-11-21T23:57
at 2017-11-21T23:57

By Audriana
at 2017-11-25T18:29
at 2017-11-25T18:29

By Damian
at 2017-11-28T02:03
at 2017-11-28T02:03

By Kelly
at 2017-12-02T01:27
at 2017-12-02T01:27

By Callum
at 2017-12-05T22:39
at 2017-12-05T22:39

By Heather
at 2017-12-10T20:06
at 2017-12-10T20:06

By Damian
at 2017-12-12T07:20
at 2017-12-12T07:20

By Aaliyah
at 2017-12-14T04:04
at 2017-12-14T04:04

By Iris
at 2017-12-17T22:16
at 2017-12-17T22:16

By Damian
at 2017-12-22T05:58
at 2017-12-22T05:58

By Belly
at 2017-12-26T02:16
at 2017-12-26T02:16

By Anonymous
at 2017-12-27T22:56
at 2017-12-27T22:56
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