President Biden will unveil his $2 tr - 股票

Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2021-03-31T17:40

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President Biden will unveil his $2 trillion infrastructure plan today – here ar
e the details

Published Wed, Mar 31 2021 5:00 AM EDT


Key Points
President Joe Biden will unveil a more than $2 trillion infrastructure and econo
mic recovery package on Wednesday.

The plan aims to revitalize U.S. transportation infrastructure, water systems, b
roadband and manufacturing, among other goals.

An increase in the corporate tax rate to 28% and measures designed to prevent of
fshoring of profits will fund the spending, according to the White House.

President Joe Biden will unveil a more than $2 trillion infrastructure package o
n Wednesday as his administration shifts its focus to bolstering the post-pandem
ic economy.

The plan Biden will outline Wednesday will include roughly $2 trillion in spendi
ng over eight years, and would raise the corporate tax rate to 28% to fund it, a
n administration official told reporters Tuesday night.

The White House said the tax hike, combined with measures designed to stop offsh
oring of profits, would fund the infrastructure plan within 15 years.

The proposal would:

Put $621 billion into transportation infrastructure such as bridges, roads, publ
ic transit, ports, airports and electric vehicle development
Direct $400 billion to care for elderly and disabled Americans
Inject more than $300 billion into improving drinking-water infrastructure, expa
nding broadband access and upgrading electric grids
Put more than $300 billion into building and retrofitting affordable housing, al
ong with constructing and upgrading schools
Invest $580 billion in American manufacturing, research and development and job
training efforts

The president will kick off his second major White House initiative after passag
e of a $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief plan earlier this month. The administrat
ion aims to approve a first proposal designed to create jobs, revamp U.S. infras
tructure and fight climate change before it turns toward a second plan to improv
e education and expand paid leave and health-care coverage.

Through the plan announced Wednesday, the White House aims to show it can “revi
talize our national imagination and put millions of Americans to work right now,
” the administration official said.

The White House plans to fund the spending by raising the corporate tax rate to
28%. Republicans slashed the levy to 21% from 35% as part of their 2017 tax law.

The administration also aims to boost the global minimum tax for multinational c
orporations and ensure they pay at least 21%. The White House also aims to disco
urage firms from listing tax havens as their address and writing off expenses re
lated to offshoring, among other reforms.

Biden hopes the package will create manufacturing jobs and rescue failing Americ
an infrastructure as the country tries to emerge from the shadow of Covid-19. He
and congressional Democrats also aim to combat climate change and start a trans
ition to cleaner energy sources.

The president was set to announce his plans in Pittsburgh, a city where organize
d labor has a strong presence and the economy has undergone a shift from traditi
onal manufacturing and mining to health care and technology. Biden, who has pled
ged to create union jobs as part of the infrastructure plan, launched his presid
ential campaign at a Pittsburgh union hall in 2019.

While Democrats narrowly control both chambers of Congress, the party faces chal
lenges in passing the infrastructure plan. The GOP broadly supports efforts to r
ebuild roads, bridges and airports and expand broadband access, but Republicans
oppose tax hikes as part of the process.

“We’re hearing the next few months might bring a so-called infrastructure prop
osal that may actually be a Trojan horse for massive tax hikes and other job-kil
ling left-wing policies,” Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., said e
arlier this month.

Biden has said he hopes to win Republican support for an infrastructure bill. If
Democrats cannot get 10 GOP senators on board, they will have to try to pass th
e bill through budget reconciliation, which would not require any Republicans to
back the plan in a chamber split 50-50 by party.

They would also have to consider whether to package the physical infrastructure
plans with other recovery policies including universal pre-K and expanded paid l
eave. Republicans likely would not back more spending to boost the social safety
net, especially if Democrats move to hike taxes on the wealthy to fund programs

The administration official did not say whether Biden would seek to pass the pla
n with bipartisan support.

“We will begin and will already have begun to do extensive outreach to our coun
terparts in Congress,” the official said.

Asked Monday about how the bill could pass, White House press secretary Jen Psak
i said Biden would “leave the mechanics of bill passing to [Senate Majority] Le
ader [Chuck] Schumer and other leaders in Congress.”

As of now, Democrats will have two more shots at budget reconciliation before th
e 2022 midterms. Schumer, D-N.Y., hopes to convince the chamber’s parliamentari
an to allow Democrats to use the process at least once more beyond those two opp
ortunities, according to NC News.

The party passed its $1.9 trillion coronavirus relief package without a Republic
an vote.

— CNBC’s Kevin Breuninger contributed to this report

※ 機翻重點如下

總統拜登(Joe Biden)將在周三公佈一項超過2兆美元的基礎設施和經濟復甦計劃。




投資5800億美元 在美國的製造,研發和工作培訓方面

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Tags: 股票

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