Microeconomic的Reducing Risk - 經濟

Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2007-11-08T14:57

Table of Contents


教師: G. Bassett

科目:Microeconomics for Business Decisions

1. How does the diversification of an investor’s portfolio avoid risk?

2. Consider a lottery with three possible outcomes: $100 will be received
with probability .1, $50 with probability .2, and $10 with probability .7.
a. What is the expected value of the lottery?
b. What is the variance of the outcomes of the lottery?
c. What would a risk-neutral person pay to play the lottery?

3. Suppose you have invested in a new computer company whose profitability
depends on (1) whether the U.S. Congress passes a tariff that raises the cost
of Japanese computers and (2) whether the U.S. economy grows slowly or
quickly. What are the four mutually exclusive states of the world that you
should be concerned about?

1.There is an old saying: “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.” That
’s the diversification: Allocating your resources to a variety of activities
whose outcomes are not closely related. Risk can be minimized by
diversification- by allocating your time so that you sell more products
rather than a single product. However, diversification is not always this
easy. Whenever sales of one are strong, sales of the other are weak. But the
principle of diversification is a general one: As long as you can allocate
your resources toward a variety of activities whose outcomes are not closely
related, you can eliminate some risk.

2. a. E(X) = Pr1X1 + Pr2X2
b. 0.1*(100-27)2 +0.2*(50-27)2 +0.7*(10-27)2= 532.9+105.8+202.3=841
c. It depends. Because a risk-neutral person shows no preference between a
certain income, and an uncertain one with the same expected value.

第三題 我有答案了:) 感激各方大德



Tags: 經濟

All Comments

John avatar
By John
at 2007-11-12T18:57
第一題就錯了 要用hedging的方式避險
Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2007-11-17T08:22
例如買近賣遠 買現貨賣option 這樣才能hedg


Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2007-11-08T09:25
昨天寫到一個題目 給定生產函數 Q = LK w = r = 2 然後要求擴張曲線 我同學說 就是通過原點的射線 L = K 想確認一下這樣是對的嗎 atat 我翻了三本書都找不到擴張曲線怎麼求 麻煩各位了 - ...


Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2007-11-08T03:21
※ 引述《pig030 (東京1號ID:13)》之銘言: : 這是因為 規模報酬的定義 你必須詳細了解的定義。 : 規模報酬的定義:當所有的投入要素,等比例增加入倍時,產出增加多少倍,其中入andgt;0 : 規模報酬遞增,全部要素投入增加入倍,產出增加大於入倍 : 規模報酬遞減,全部要素投入增加入倍,產出增 ...


Una avatar
By Una
at 2007-11-07T16:57
這是因為 規模報酬的定義 你必須詳細了解的定義。 規模報酬的定義:當所有的投入要素,等比例增加入倍時,產出增加多少倍,其中入andgt;0 規模報酬遞增,全部要素投入增加入倍,產出增加大於入倍 規模報酬遞減,全部要素投入增加入倍,產出增加小於入倍 規模報酬固定,全部要素投入增加入倍,產出增加等於入倍 ...

Agnes avatar
By Agnes
at 2007-11-07T11:39
來源: (例如: XX 年度高考, XX 年度研究所考) 91年的中山財管 科目: 經濟學 問題: 設因美國經濟成長導致台灣出口增加,假定台灣資本移動自由,物價受匯率影響, 則依據IS-LM-BP的模型: a.利率下跌以及台幣貶值 b.國際收支平衡線下移及台幣貶值 c.台幣升值及貿易餘額減少 d.台幣升值及貿 ...


Leila avatar
By Leila
at 2007-11-07T00:39
小弟剛進研究所 上課需要看很多很多的資料 雖然大學唸的是日文系 不過大學時代的課程內容跟經濟基本上是八竿子打不著 我知道普通字典大家最推的是陳博陶博士的新時代日漢辭典 不過在經濟學/商學方面的字彙真的不太夠 請問在經濟學方面有沒有較推薦的日漢/漢日辭典呢? - ...