Charles Schwab USD2Z - 理財

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2021-10-05T08:27

Table of Contents


"Your Schwab account(s) is currently enrolled in the Schwab U.S. Dollar Liquid A
ssets Fund (USD2Z), a cash feature that allows your uninvested cash to earn inco
me1. As of September 20, 2021, the 7-day yield on USD2Z was 0.01%.

As of October 1, 2021, USD2Z is no longer available as a cash feature on your ac
count(s) at Schwab. Between November 2021 and February 2022, your shares of USD2
Z will be redeemed and the proceeds will be credited to your account(s), which w
ill be automatically enrolled in the Schwab One® Interest cash feature2. As of S
eptember 20, 2021, the interest paid on Schwab One Interest was 0.01% APY. Like
USD2Z, balances held in Schwab One Interest are eligible for SIPC insurance up t
o applicable limits."
Sent from BePTT on my Sony XQ-AT52

Tags: 理財

All Comments

Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2021-10-08T14:26
你誤解了7-day yield的意思了
Charlotte avatar
By Charlotte
at 2021-10-11T20:25
365/7 所以其實沒太大差別


Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2021-10-04T18:40
各位前輩大家好,小弟目前遇到一點理財規劃上的疑惑想請各位大大指點一下該怎麼辦比 較好 【背景】 24歲/船員 單身/無房無車 月收入:140K~150K(稅後實拿) 因為一年大約都只工作9個月 所以年收落在120~135之間浮動 【每月固定支出】 1.006208 30K 2.USD 30K 3.上網漫遊費 ...

10/4~10/8 澳 紐利率決議 美非農

Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2021-10-04T16:27
星期二 11:30 澳大利亞央行利率決議 星期三 9:00 紐西蘭利率決議 星期五 20:30 美國非農就業人數變化/失業率 加拿大就業人數變化/失業率 - ...

默克(MRK-US)推新冠口服藥股價大漲 8.37%

George avatar
By George
at 2021-10-04T11:56
1. 標的:美國默克藥廠(MRK-US) 新冠病毒口服藥準備上市 疫情終於要結束嗎? 美國製藥公司默克(Merck)(MRK-US) 宣布口服新冠藥 Molnupiravir 取得 很好效果,已申請緊急使用授權(EUA), 消息激勵股價大漲 8.37% 至每股 81.40 美元 https://imgur ...

Re: 50萬投資請益

Enid avatar
By Enid
at 2021-10-04T05:09
: : : 目前有房貸4500萬,扣除生活必要開銷每個月有閒置資金約五十萬, : : : 請問應該先提前還完貸款還是分散投資? : : : 目前只有定存和儲蓄險,儲蓄險都已經繳完,現金有1200萬,許多人建議投資股市 : : : 但現在看起來似乎不是進場的好時機,請問板上專家前輩有沒有建議的方向,謝謝。 : ...


Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2021-10-03T17:26
最近想申請公教人員信貸, 土銀已貸80萬(110.3貸款,餘款73萬), 想再借第2家,年薪90萬, 無其他貸款,信用卡繳費正常, 其他股票價值約13萬美金, 請問台企銀和合作金庫DBR22計算方式是以月薪計算22倍還是年薪/12*22, 那一個比較好通過呢?謝謝 - ...