76% Rise In Stocks Since The March Low - 投資

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2021-04-17T21:06

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自3月低點以來,股市上漲76% ,創100年來第三大漲幅... ... 接下來會發生什麼

For his weekly Flow Show report, BofA's Michael Hartnett picked a remarkable
front cover chart, one showing that the 76% jump in US stocks from Mar’20
lows is now the 3rd largest YoY move in the past 100 years.

美國銀行的邁克爾 ·哈特尼特

Among the factors making this possible was the return of the record stock
market mania(狂熱), which in the last week manifested itself in another round
of huge inflows into stocks ($25.6bn) bonds, ($17.9bn), all funded by an even
bigger ($47.3bn) outflow from of cash, the largest in 4 months. Among the
"flows to know" according to Hartnett, there were strong inflows to IG bonds
($9.8bn) & EM equities ($5.1bn), plus tech inflows resume ($1.6bn); inflow to
global stocks past 5 months ($602bn) exceeds inflow in prior 12 years ($452bn)
…note US corporate buybacks ($6.3tn over past 12 years).

哈特尼特表示,在“知情流動”中,有大量資金流入 IG(投資級) 債券(98億美元)
和新興市場股票(51億美元) ,再加上科技資金流入(16億美
元) ;
超過過去12年流入的資金(4520億美元) ... ...

Hartnett then notes another historic milestone: so far there have been 833
million global COVID-19 vaccines administered since 1st vaccination in UK on
Dec 8th, and at this rate global vaccinations are on pace to exceed 1 billion
jabs in 6 days, on April 23rd, "a staggering global human achievement," but
one that hardens BofA's view that Q2’21 will see peak in policy & profit


Hartnett then notes another historic milestone: so far there have been 833
million global COVID-19 vaccines administered since 1st vaccination in UK on
Dec 8th, and at this rate global vaccinations are on pace to exceed 1 billion
jabs in 6 days, on April 23rd, "a staggering global human achievement," but
one that hardens BofA's view that Q2’21 will see peak in policy & profit

哈特尼特接著指出了另一個歷史性的里程碑: 到目前為止,自12月8日英國首次接種疫苗

As a reminder, earlier this week BofA quant and chief equity strategist
Savita Subramanian explained her reasons why she expects the S&P500 to drop
10% and close the year at 3,800 making BofA tied for the most pessimistic
banks on Wall Street).

(Savita Subramanian)解釋了她為何預計標准普爾500指數(s & p 500)將下跌10% ,收於

Looking ahead, Hartnett says that after the remarkable rebound in everyghing
in the past year, "there is only one more V to go": V-shape in stock prices,
housing, PMIs, EPS, GDP now being followed by V-shape in inflation, just look
at lumber prices...

展望未來,哈特尼特表示,在過去一年的每一次顯著反彈之後,“只剩下一個 v 型走勢
”: 股價呈 v 型走勢,房地產、 pmi、 EPS、 GDP 現在僅剩下是通脹會呈 v 型走勢
,看看木材價格就知道了... ..。


The coming inflection point in the economy will be followed by monetary
policy (in 2020...195 cuts & 5 hikes; in 2021...5 cuts & 12 hikes).
Elsewhere, as the BofA CIO notes, "Vaccine = Wall St inflation, mobility =
Main St inflation", while US banks breaking higher vs EM banks reflects
secular turn in rates & inflation.

在經濟即將到來的第一個轉折點,貨幣政策將緊隨其後(2020年... 195次調降和5次上調;
2021年... 5次調降和12次上調)。在其它方面,正如美國銀行首席投資官(CIO)所指出的
那樣,“疫苗 = 華爾街通脹,流動性 = 主要通脹”,而美國銀行相對於新興市場銀行調

Hartnett then predicts that the next surge in yields/taper tantrum awaits new
highs in oil (e.g. Brent >$70/b), new floor for AHE (average hourly earnings)
of 3.5% YoY, and vaccination success triggering faster global reopening &
human mobility. Hartnett sticks with 2021 asset mix reco of

格原油 > 70美元/桶) ,AHE (平均每小時收入)達到3.5% 的新底線,疫苗接種的成功引發更
快的全球重新開放和人口流動。哈特尼特堅持2021年商品/波動性資產 > 股票/

備註:taper tantrum是對貨幣緊縮的恐慌,意思就是分析師認為今年震盪會加大、

Finally, with regard to what happens next, going back to Hartnett's key
observation this has not only been the third fastest annual surge in stocks
in history...


... but also a 2.3-sigma move above average. Such outsized moves have unhappy
endings: as BofA's Savita Subramanian calculated "two+ standard deviation
moves have only happened four other times since 1928, with losses occurring
over the next 12 months in three of the four cases, and the average 12 month
return of -4%.

也比平均值高出2.3個sigma(標準差)。這些過大的舉動都有不幸的結局: 據美國銀行的 Savita
Subramanian 計算,“自1928年以來,2 + 標准差的舉動只發生過4次,其中3次在未來12
個月內出現虧損,12個月的平均回報率為 -4% 。


In other words, as BofA concludes, the current moves implies a projected
12-month price return of -4%, all else equal... although it isn't because
never in the history of humanity has the market been injected with so much
central bank liquidity as it is now.

計12個月的價格回報率為 -4% ... ... 不過,這是因為在人類歷史上,市場從未像


※ 引述《maomaoder (毛毛的)》之銘言:

: 來源: ZeroHedge
: FRIDAY, APR 16, 2021 - 03:20 PM
: 內容:
: For his weekly Flow Show report, BofA's Michael Hartnett picked a remarkable front cover chart, one showing that the 76% jump in US stocks from Mar’20 lows is now the 3rd largest YoY move in the past 100 years.
: Among the factors making this possible was the return of the record stock market mania, which in the last week manifested itself in another round of huge inflows into stocks ($25.6bn) bonds, ($17.9bn), all funded by an even bigger ($47.3bn) outflow from of cash, the largest in 4 months. Among the "flows to know" according to Hartnett, there were strong inflows to IG bonds ($9.8bn) & EM equities ($5.1bn), plus tech inflows resume ($1.6bn); inflow to global stocks past 5 months ($602bn) exceeds inflow in
: prior 12 years ($452bn)…note US corporate buybacks ($6.3tn over past 12 years).
: Hartnett then notes another historic milestone: so far there have been 833 million global COVID-19 vaccines administered since 1st vaccination in UK on Dec 8th, and at this rate global vaccinations are on pace to exceed 1 billion jabs in 6 days, on April 23rd, "a staggering global human achievement," but one that hardens BofA's view that Q2’21 will see peak in policy & profit optimism.
: As a reminder, earlier this week BofA quant and chief equity strategist Savita Subramanian explained her reasons why she expects the S&P500 to drop 10% and close the year at 3,800 making BofA tied for the most pessimistic banks on Wall Street).
: Looking ahead, Hartnett says that after the remarkable rebound in everyghing in the past year, "there is only one more V to go": V-shape in stock prices, housing, PMIs, EPS, GDP now being followed by V-shape in inflation, just look at lumber prices...
: .... tighter labor market (almost half of all small businesses are unable to fund workers, as we discussed yesterday);
: The coming inflection point in the economy will be followed by monetary policy (in 2020...195 cuts & 5 hikes; in 2021...5 cuts & 12 hikes). Elsewhere, as the BofA CIO notes, "Vaccine = Wall St inflation, mobility = Main St inflation", while US banks breaking higher vs EM banks reflects secular turn in rates & inflation.
: Hartnett then predicts that the next surge in yields/taper tantrum awaits new highs in oil (e.g. Brent >$70/b), new floor for AHE (average hourly earnings) of 3.5% YoY, and vaccination success triggering faster global reopening & human mobility. Hartnett sticks with 2021 asset mix reco of commodities/volatility>equities/bonds.
: Finally, with regard to what happens next, going back to Hartnett's key observation this has not only been the third fastest annual surge in stocks in history...
: ... but also a 2.3-sigma move above average. Such outsized moves have unhappy endings: as BofA's Savita Subramanian calculated "two+ standard deviation moves have only happened four other times since 1928, with losses occurring over the next 12 months in three of the four cases, and the average 12 month return of -4%.
: In other words, as BofA concludes, the current moves implies a projected 12-month price return of -4%, all else equal... although it isn't because never in the history of humanity has the market been injected with so much central bank liquidity as it is now.
: https://bit.ly/2QviVGT
: 心得: 無
: -----
: Sent from JPTT on my Motorola moto g 5G plus.

Every man for himself and God against them all.

Tags: 投資

All Comments

Audriana avatar
By Audriana
at 2021-04-21T23:15
痾 這原物料飆漲已經是中期了 從原油-37事件後起漲
John avatar
By John
at 2021-04-23T20:41
原物料飆漲就會硬性拉動房地產價格 所以回不去了
George avatar
By George
at 2021-04-28T06:09
Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2021-05-02T04:27
不要忘記 最大空頭禿鷹獲利了結後就是最猛強力的多軍
Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2021-05-02T20:46


Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2021-04-17T13:34
→ avigale: 我還是覺得現在的時機點不錯,跟上一篇推文的理由一樣。 04/16 09:20 → mfcke: 投資就是要有自己主見 坦白講ib 借錢利率低於殖利率 歷史上 04/16 10:09 → mfcke: 就很少看到 04/16 10:09 如果真的對借錢買長債有興趣的話 可以考慮long ...


Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2021-04-17T11:02
大家好 不才是去年開始接觸投資的新手, 對於長期投資有一點想不懂, 許多人分享長期投資的資金是有其他用途才領出來使用, 否則就是放著或是持續投入享受複利的效果, 但如果剛好要用錢的情況是在低點(EX 金融風暴、新冠肺炎時期), 這樣不就剛好將獲利了結在相對最低點,多年的報酬都縮水了, 如果要降低 ...


Regina avatar
By Regina
at 2021-04-17T08:42
各位版友好,不知道各位有沒有推薦的全球型消費行業基金(非必需+必需品,或是必需品 消費),我目前有在投資富達全球消費行業基金,但想要參考一下其他選擇。 以上問題再麻煩各位指教,謝謝。 - ...

神盾重訊 將出脫所有對敦泰持股

Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2021-04-16T18:43
來源: 2021-04-16 17:22經濟日報 記者鐘惠玲/即時報導 內容: 神盾重訊 將出脫所有對敦泰持股 https://money.udn.com/money/story/5612/5393422 指紋辨識IC神盾(6462)於今(16)日宣布,將以盤後鉅額交易方式,處分所持有的敦泰 股票約3 ...


Lydia avatar
By Lydia
at 2021-04-16T17:52
各位好,我是剛入股市的菜逼八 2月開戶一直觀察加看書搞懂各種數據、圖形的意義,受惠於股版標的文 讓我這禮拜決定信貸個40萬出來投資 前幾天看了股版35-500心得就去了解了權證 這兩天也都小試身手買一點 https://i.imgur.com/DG7Nd2S.jpg 一個禮拜就解完信貸的每月任務 及1/3的 ...