Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2020-06-13T18:05

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原文及這篇 #1UZPGQDy 分享了被收取此費用情形

查了一下覺得網站上說明有點籠統 所以寄信給客服 詢問能否進一步說明?

以下節錄回覆 提供參考


From: Message Center Client Services | Date: 05/28/20

Reorganization fees are charged to cover the cost for TD Ameritrade to
re-register the stock involved and to facilitate the reorganization in a
client's account.

Reorganizations are very labor intensive and TD Ameritrade is charged fees
by the depository for their processing. TD Ameritrade passes on a portion
of these "per event" fees to the clients involved to help keep our overall
costs for all clients low; such as avoiding the need to charge monthly or
inactivity fees.

Reorganization fees are charged for:

- Reverse Splits
- Mandatory Cash Liquidations
- Voluntary Offers
(Tender offer, Exchange offer,Rights/Warrants,Consent offers, etc.)
- Name change
- Merger
- Corporate actions that change the CUSIP* of a stock

* CUSIP is an acronym for Committee on Uniform Security Identification
Procedures and the nine-digit, alphanumeric CUSIP numbers that are used to
identify securities.

Client Services

From: Message Center Client Services | Date: 06/01/20

I believe that the Reorganization fee is charged for an event that affects
an exchange-traded debt instrument as well.

Reorganization Department

Tags: 理財

All Comments

Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2020-06-16T13:35
這個是很常見的broker fee 網頁上也都有寫
Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2020-06-17T08:39
討回來的機率不高 然後主張股票合併主動權不在我身上多半
沒用 因為這也不是券商要合併的 應該主張要收之前沒有先
Isabella avatar
By Isabella
at 2020-06-17T15:19
知會本人 有一點點機率可以討回來 他會跟你說fee schedule
上面都有寫 你就回:I understand it's a common brokerage
fee, which is clearly provided in the fee schedule.
Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2020-06-18T06:55
However, that the fee is listed does not mean that TD
Ameritrade don't have the obligation to nofify me
before the reverse split process started. If I had been
Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2020-06-22T17:26
informed, I could have sell those securities/equities
and thereby avoided the fee.
Liam avatar
By Liam
at 2020-06-25T13:42
不過客服也可以回fee schedule上面有寫 所以算有通知了
所以fee拿不拿得回來 只能看人品
Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2020-06-26T16:50
勘誤: 8樓 don't -> does not; nofify->notify
Emily avatar
By Emily
at 2020-07-01T01:39
Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2020-07-05T21:23

firstrade 銀行匯款 未填附言

Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2020-06-12T19:38
請問如果沒填附言的話跟大概是幾天後回退回? - ...

富邦複委託 開戶問題

Thomas avatar
By Thomas
at 2020-06-12T17:50
想線上開富邦複委託 請問大家富邦數位帳戶都先開「基本版」帳戶嗎? 問過客服,數位帳戶好像不能設定約定轉帳,要臨櫃轉實體戶才能設定約定轉帳 考慮到資金調度問題 不知開數位帳戶的版友,轉出資金怎麼處理? 閒置美金、台幣也能線上設定定存嗎? 謝謝大家 - ...


Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2020-06-12T14:07
版上大大想請教 由於TD帳戶不常使用 最近看帳戶發現今年賣掉的股票有被扣一筆錢 是寫back up withholding(w-9) 爬了文我想是不是沒有更新w8ben資料? 不知版上大大是否知道這種情況如何處理? 更新w8ben之後可以申請將這筆扣款退回嗎? 謝謝0rz - ...

有人Charles Schwab APP進不去嗎

Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2020-06-12T08:51
如題 早上想要登入Charles Schwab APP發現一直出現錯誤訊息 不知道是我個人的問題還是大家都會呢? 感謝 ----- Sent from JPTT on my iPhone - ...


Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2020-06-11T22:47
因為接了美國案子,有大概5萬台幣需要從美國匯回來 google 以及爬文很多PTT文 但是幾乎都是要到美國CITY 或是 HSBC的全球通之類的 才享有免手續費 但是,之前問過了因為門檻關係沒有辦法開戶 也查過更低的RE..... 但是還是會被抽到1% 拜讀很多版,都說這裡大神比較多,想問一下,有 ...