資訊不對稱 - 經濟

By Sierra Rose
at 2008-06-18T23:46
at 2008-06-18T23:46
Table of Contents
※ 引述《fsv1136 (蘋果好好吃)》之銘言:
: 科目: 個體經濟學
: 問題: 假設A與B是兩種生產力不同的軟體工程師,A每年可寫20個新應用程式,B可寫10個,
: 假設每種新應用程式市價10萬元,然而C公司只知道應徵者有A與B兩類型的工程師,
: 但無法判斷.若C公司打算以學歷(就學年限)判斷其生產力高或低,採用"就學年限
: 超過x,則可簽訂5年每年128萬的合約,若不足x年,簽訂5年每年64萬合約"設A類型
: 工程師每年受教育成本是10萬,B是5萬,試問x的範圍才能使公司真正鑑別生產力
: 高低?
: 我的想法: 應該是要使A有意願升學,B無意願升學,但不知道如何求範圍?
seperate signaling model:
assume: 1.the worker's utility is simply the wage one gets minus the total cost
2.reservation utility is zero
(1) at equil.: B should be x=zero since if he can't arrive the threshold,
that's, B is separated, x=0 can max. his utility.
(2)in order to separate, we have to design a model:
for A, he has the incentive to accept education :
additive cost (or marginal cost) = 10x < additive benefit = (128-64)*5
for B, he has no incentive :
additive cost = 5x > additive benefit = (128-64)*5
Hence, x>64 and x<32 (-><-)
it's impossible to separate!
: 科目: 個體經濟學
: 問題: 假設A與B是兩種生產力不同的軟體工程師,A每年可寫20個新應用程式,B可寫10個,
: 假設每種新應用程式市價10萬元,然而C公司只知道應徵者有A與B兩類型的工程師,
: 但無法判斷.若C公司打算以學歷(就學年限)判斷其生產力高或低,採用"就學年限
: 超過x,則可簽訂5年每年128萬的合約,若不足x年,簽訂5年每年64萬合約"設A類型
: 工程師每年受教育成本是10萬,B是5萬,試問x的範圍才能使公司真正鑑別生產力
: 高低?
: 我的想法: 應該是要使A有意願升學,B無意願升學,但不知道如何求範圍?
seperate signaling model:
assume: 1.the worker's utility is simply the wage one gets minus the total cost
2.reservation utility is zero
(1) at equil.: B should be x=zero since if he can't arrive the threshold,
that's, B is separated, x=0 can max. his utility.
(2)in order to separate, we have to design a model:
for A, he has the incentive to accept education :
additive cost (or marginal cost) = 10x < additive benefit = (128-64)*5
for B, he has no incentive :
additive cost = 5x > additive benefit = (128-64)*5
Hence, x>64 and x<32 (-><-)
it's impossible to separate!
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