財務管理的問題 - 經濟

Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2008-10-16T00:30

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1.Calculating Annuity Values
You company will generate 852000 pesos in annual revenue each year for the next eight years from a new information database. If the appropriate interest rate is 8.5 percent, what is the present value of the savings ?

2. Calculating Perpetuity Values
The Perpetual Life Insurance Co. is trying to sell you an investment policy that will pay you and your heirs 20000 per year forever. If the required return on this investment is 10 percent, how much will you pay for the policy ?

3.Amortization with Equal Payments
Prepare an amortization schedule for a five-year loan of 30000. The interest rate is 10 percent per year, and the loan calls for equal annual payment. How much interest is paid in the third year? How much total interest is paid over the life of theloan?

請大大們幫個忙,謝謝! :)

Tags: 經濟

All Comments

Caroline avatar
By Caroline
at 2008-10-16T12:05
Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2008-10-19T08:21
Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2008-10-21T21:23


Ophelia avatar
By Ophelia
at 2008-10-15T22:17
※ 引述《manpowerK (英文19分怎麼辦?)》之銘言: : If fluctuation in interest rates become larger, then the demand for stocks____ : and the demand for bonds____ : 然後題目要你在兩個 ...


Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2008-10-15T21:59
If fluctuation in interest rates become larger, then the demand for stocks____ and the demand for bonds____ 然後題目要你在兩個空格填入增加或減少 請問這要如何判斷呢 - ...


Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2008-10-15T17:25
最近冰島破產 韓國也傳出危機 美國國債鍾 竟然破表 衝破10兆美金 加上這次紓困8000億美元方案 短期估計突破11兆美金 我國政府官方對外宣布外債的數字為4.5兆 佔gdp35percent 這以上從網路得知 那我想問的是 1 本國的外匯存底在全球排名 用一隻手掌就可以比的出來 應該是債權國吧 ...

Ito's lemma

Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2008-10-15T14:36
學校:SFU(溫哥華西岸的學校) 教師:R.Jones 科目:Futures, options and other deriatives 題目:Itoand#39;s lemma 1. Itoand#39;s Lemma: Let the price s(t) of a security follow ...


Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2008-10-15T06:21
瑞典皇家科學院(The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences)在10月13日宣布Paul Krugman獲得2008年的諾貝爾經濟學獎,以表彰他在新貿易理論及新經濟地理學上的貢獻。 Krugman在1977年在麻省理工學院獲經濟學博士。他的研究興趣一開始在於國際經濟學上。他於1 ...