請教研究所總經兩題(排擠效果&失業率) - 經濟

Andrew avatar
By Andrew
at 2018-12-02T14:33

Table of Contents


Given the other things being equal, assume that the private sector would raise funds
by issuing bonds of 50 million. Now the government also issue bond to expend
the spending of 100 million.Which of the following statements is false?

(A) The supply of Bond would increase to 150 million and the interest rate
would increase in case of No crowding out effect

(B) The supply of Bond and the interest rate would Not increase in case of
complete crowding out effect

(C) The supply curve of Bond would sharply shift to the right and the
interest rate would increase in case of excessive crowding out effect

(D) The supply curve of Bond would slightly shift to the right and the
interest rate would increase in case of incomplete crowding out effect

C選項的excessive crowding out effect是指什麼情況

If the income taxes on wages increase, the labor supply curve will shift left,
but what happens to the unemployment rate

a. It unambiguously falls because the labor participation rate changes.

b. It unambiguously falls because some workers drop out of the workforce.

c. It unambiguously rises because some workers drop out of the workforce.

d. It is ambiguous because some workers drop out of the workforce.

e. None of the above is correct.






Tags: 經濟

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Caitlin avatar
By Caitlin
at 2018-11-30T21:48
我前陣子有幸推甄上經研所 離明年九月開學還有段時間,想先複習微積分相關課程 之前在學校學的是商用微積分,就是完全沒有用到三角函數的 想請教一下,經研所課程用到的微積分,會用到三角函數嗎? 除了複習微積分外,還需要去修高等微積分的課程嗎? 感謝 - ...


Zanna avatar
By Zanna
at 2018-11-21T17:50
近代經濟學中,所有的理論都是有模型假設清楚嚴格定義的。如果拿某一個模型中的結論 ,想要推論到所有的情境當然不可能得到合理的結論。 相對的,要探討社會企業,也是要講清楚這個社會的情境假設。不然只是意識型態的爭論 而已。 經濟學中的確探討很多效用/福利極大化或成本極小化的問題,但不代表這個學科只在乎 利潤/成 ...


Candice avatar
By Candice
at 2018-11-20T01:10
我記得我唸書的時候我在學校的課本裡(或是某種講義..也有可能是老師畫的..) 看到一張圖解 大概就是畫 兩人共有一頭牛 某甲跟銀行貸款跟某乙買牛 某乙用高出一點點的金額再跟銀行貸款買回,某甲則用該金還之前借款 銀行因為其先前交易金額與本次貸款差額不大因此同意放款 某甲再用更高一點點的金額再跟銀行貸款跟某乙買牛 ...


Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2018-11-17T00:19
看到一題選擇題答案是 物價降低 債券需求增加 債券價格提高 利率降低 不過物價降低與債券需求增加的關係 想不太清楚 另外還有一個問題 預期物價上升到底對利率的關係是? 有看到兩個想法 1.預期物價上升 不利債券持有,債券需求減少,債券價格下降,利率上升 2.預期物價上升,持有貨幣會有購買 ...


Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2018-11-16T19:55
經濟學的核心概念,我自己的瞭解是:用最小成本換取最大利潤 成本是什麼?是物質、時間、勞動。利潤是什麼?就是錢。 物質、時間、勞動統稱為資源,用最少的資源換取最多的錢,這就是經濟學。 但我始終認為這是個奇怪的概念,費盡心力,用各種方式降低成本,提高利潤, 為的就是要獲得更多的錢,而這更多的錢,又可拿來投資, ...