美國銀行:特斯拉被高估的原因有三十萬個 - 股票

By Audriana
at 2018-10-15T10:14
at 2018-10-15T10:14
Table of Contents
是因為偶然看到某位外國分析師John Murphy 的名字
於是乎想去找找他以前對於TSLA 的預測,來比對今天看準度如何
Bank Of America: There Are 300,000 Reasons That Tesla Is Massively Overvalued
Rob Wile
Jul 8, 2013, 11:19 PM
There have been few hotter stocks this year than Tesla.
The electric car manufacturer helmed by ambitious CEO Elon Musk is up about
240% YTD, and now sits at $121.
Elon Musk 掌舵的電動車廠股票從年初開始上漲了240%,目前處於$121
But Bank of America Merrill Lynch’s John Lovallo II and John Murphy are
holding firm to their original $39.
但美國銀行美林分析師John Lovallo II 和John Murphy 還是堅持認為目標價只有$39
In a note this morning, they write that there are “300,000 reasons” to be
sceptical of Tesla’s climb — that’s how many units the company’s current
compound annual growth rate implies would be sold in 2020:
在今早的一份報告中,他們說有30萬個理由來質疑Tesla 的上漲 — 這剛好是以該公司
… we estimate that a $120 share price implies over 321K vehicle sales in
2020, which is a full 300K units higher than our current 2013e and would
represent a 7-year CAGR of 48%. We also note that this analysis assumes TSLA
can achieve EBIT margins of about 12.5% in 2020, which would be over 380bps
better than the 2012 average of BMW, Mercedes, Audi, Bentley, and Porsche and
400bps better than our European analyst’s forecasts for this group in 2015.
據我們的估計,每股$120 代表的是在2020年必須銷售超過32.1萬輛汽車,而這比
目前2013年的銷量整整高了30萬輛,這代表的是連續七年都要有48% 的年成長率才
能辦到。我們還注意到,這一分析假設TSLA 在2020年可以實現約12.5%的稅前利
潤率,比BMW、Mercedes、Audi、Bentley、和Porsche 這團的平均水平高出380bps,
A 48% growth rate has never been achieved by any other auto manufacturer ever:
任何汽車製造商都未曾達到過48% 的年成長率:
We analysed the lifecycle of over 130 vehicles categorized as luxury by Ward’
s Auto, the result of which indicate that approx. 70% reach peak volume
within the first 8 quarters of launch. In other words, if Tesla’s vehicles
follow a pattern similar to the industry norm, volumes could begin levelling
off within the next year, rather than growing into perpetuity as the current
share price would suggest.
我們分析了Ward's Auto 分類為豪華品牌的130多種車款的生命週期,其結果表明
約在發表後的前8個季度內,有70% 達到銷售高峰。換句話說,如果Tesla 的車輛
They conclude: “While nothing is impossible, particularly with Elon Musk at
the helm, we believe these assumptions warrant a healthy degree of scepticism.
雖然沒有什麼是不可能的,特別是在Elon Musk 的領導之下,但我們相信這些
以上這篇5年前的新聞表示,Tesla 股價在$120 表示那他們必須要用48% 的成長率
連續成長七年,然後在2020年賣出32.1萬輛車,$120 的股價才算合理。
但是 從 來 沒 有 車廠達到過這樣的成長率。
最近一季2018 Q3 Tesla 一共生產了80142輛車,交付了83500輛車
若以這樣的速率看,就算明年一整年Tesla 不思進取完全沒什麼成長
雖然這標準是用$120 計算,但也可以證明Tesla 的成長幅度大大的超乎這兩位分析師
的預期。而個人的預估是,在明年2019年Tesla 的銷量就會超過40萬輛,好一點可以
再來看看這位美林分析師John Murphy 現今2018年對於Tesla 的看法:
(另外一位分析師John Lovallo II 跑去分析建築類股了)
標題是:Tesla's Q3 Numbers 'Good, Not Great
五年前2013年TSLA 的股價從約$30起漲,最高來到$18x,13年底最低約是$12x
今年TSLA 到目前為止大概是在$250 - $340 之間來回
個人很好奇這位分析師(如果他還沒被fire 或調職的話)
五年後對於TSLA 的預期是如何、以及TSLA 實際的表現
但至少這幾年Tesla 的表現,應該是大大出乎這位分析師的意料之外
是因為偶然看到某位外國分析師John Murphy 的名字
於是乎想去找找他以前對於TSLA 的預測,來比對今天看準度如何
Bank Of America: There Are 300,000 Reasons That Tesla Is Massively Overvalued
Rob Wile
Jul 8, 2013, 11:19 PM
There have been few hotter stocks this year than Tesla.
The electric car manufacturer helmed by ambitious CEO Elon Musk is up about
240% YTD, and now sits at $121.
Elon Musk 掌舵的電動車廠股票從年初開始上漲了240%,目前處於$121
But Bank of America Merrill Lynch’s John Lovallo II and John Murphy are
holding firm to their original $39.
但美國銀行美林分析師John Lovallo II 和John Murphy 還是堅持認為目標價只有$39
In a note this morning, they write that there are “300,000 reasons” to be
sceptical of Tesla’s climb — that’s how many units the company’s current
compound annual growth rate implies would be sold in 2020:
在今早的一份報告中,他們說有30萬個理由來質疑Tesla 的上漲 — 這剛好是以該公司
… we estimate that a $120 share price implies over 321K vehicle sales in
2020, which is a full 300K units higher than our current 2013e and would
represent a 7-year CAGR of 48%. We also note that this analysis assumes TSLA
can achieve EBIT margins of about 12.5% in 2020, which would be over 380bps
better than the 2012 average of BMW, Mercedes, Audi, Bentley, and Porsche and
400bps better than our European analyst’s forecasts for this group in 2015.
據我們的估計,每股$120 代表的是在2020年必須銷售超過32.1萬輛汽車,而這比
目前2013年的銷量整整高了30萬輛,這代表的是連續七年都要有48% 的年成長率才
能辦到。我們還注意到,這一分析假設TSLA 在2020年可以實現約12.5%的稅前利
潤率,比BMW、Mercedes、Audi、Bentley、和Porsche 這團的平均水平高出380bps,
A 48% growth rate has never been achieved by any other auto manufacturer ever:
任何汽車製造商都未曾達到過48% 的年成長率:
We analysed the lifecycle of over 130 vehicles categorized as luxury by Ward’
s Auto, the result of which indicate that approx. 70% reach peak volume
within the first 8 quarters of launch. In other words, if Tesla’s vehicles
follow a pattern similar to the industry norm, volumes could begin levelling
off within the next year, rather than growing into perpetuity as the current
share price would suggest.
我們分析了Ward's Auto 分類為豪華品牌的130多種車款的生命週期,其結果表明
約在發表後的前8個季度內,有70% 達到銷售高峰。換句話說,如果Tesla 的車輛
They conclude: “While nothing is impossible, particularly with Elon Musk at
the helm, we believe these assumptions warrant a healthy degree of scepticism.
雖然沒有什麼是不可能的,特別是在Elon Musk 的領導之下,但我們相信這些
以上這篇5年前的新聞表示,Tesla 股價在$120 表示那他們必須要用48% 的成長率
連續成長七年,然後在2020年賣出32.1萬輛車,$120 的股價才算合理。
但是 從 來 沒 有 車廠達到過這樣的成長率。
最近一季2018 Q3 Tesla 一共生產了80142輛車,交付了83500輛車
若以這樣的速率看,就算明年一整年Tesla 不思進取完全沒什麼成長
雖然這標準是用$120 計算,但也可以證明Tesla 的成長幅度大大的超乎這兩位分析師
的預期。而個人的預估是,在明年2019年Tesla 的銷量就會超過40萬輛,好一點可以
再來看看這位美林分析師John Murphy 現今2018年對於Tesla 的看法:
(另外一位分析師John Lovallo II 跑去分析建築類股了)
標題是:Tesla's Q3 Numbers 'Good, Not Great
五年前2013年TSLA 的股價從約$30起漲,最高來到$18x,13年底最低約是$12x
今年TSLA 到目前為止大概是在$250 - $340 之間來回
個人很好奇這位分析師(如果他還沒被fire 或調職的話)
五年後對於TSLA 的預期是如何、以及TSLA 實際的表現
但至少這幾年Tesla 的表現,應該是大大出乎這位分析師的意料之外
All Comments

By Charlotte
at 2018-10-19T15:18
at 2018-10-19T15:18

By Yedda
at 2018-10-23T11:30
at 2018-10-23T11:30

By Anonymous
at 2018-10-24T13:55
at 2018-10-24T13:55

By Donna
at 2018-10-27T00:47
at 2018-10-27T00:47

By Agatha
at 2018-10-31T00:29
at 2018-10-31T00:29

By Oliver
at 2018-11-01T12:28
at 2018-11-01T12:28

By James
at 2018-11-06T00:14
at 2018-11-06T00:14

By Candice
at 2018-11-10T22:17
at 2018-11-10T22:17

By Vanessa
at 2018-11-11T07:56
at 2018-11-11T07:56

By Jessica
at 2018-11-14T21:15
at 2018-11-14T21:15

By Mia
at 2018-11-16T13:35
at 2018-11-16T13:35

By Necoo
at 2018-11-17T10:07
at 2018-11-17T10:07

By Barb Cronin
at 2018-11-20T16:35
at 2018-11-20T16:35

By Queena
at 2018-11-21T19:07
at 2018-11-21T19:07

By Aaliyah
at 2018-11-22T06:32
at 2018-11-22T06:32

By Oliver
at 2018-11-22T14:34
at 2018-11-22T14:34

By Isla
at 2018-11-26T00:18
at 2018-11-26T00:18

By Hedwig
at 2018-11-26T19:39
at 2018-11-26T19:39

By Irma
at 2018-11-28T09:30
at 2018-11-28T09:30

By Belly
at 2018-11-28T22:23
at 2018-11-28T22:23

By Rebecca
at 2018-12-03T20:21
at 2018-12-03T20:21

By Oliver
at 2018-12-04T22:35
at 2018-12-04T22:35

By Sandy
at 2018-12-05T04:31
at 2018-12-05T04:31

By Oscar
at 2018-12-09T06:50
at 2018-12-09T06:50

By Sierra Rose
at 2018-12-10T22:03
at 2018-12-10T22:03

By Edward Lewis
at 2018-12-14T10:03
at 2018-12-14T10:03

By Yedda
at 2018-12-16T18:35
at 2018-12-16T18:35

By Damian
at 2018-12-19T10:32
at 2018-12-19T10:32

By Enid
at 2018-12-22T12:19
at 2018-12-22T12:19

By Elma
at 2018-12-22T18:06
at 2018-12-22T18:06

By William
at 2018-12-25T05:07
at 2018-12-25T05:07

By Emma
at 2018-12-27T02:17
at 2018-12-27T02:17

By Rachel
at 2018-12-31T09:03
at 2018-12-31T09:03

By Rebecca
at 2019-01-01T22:40
at 2019-01-01T22:40

By Callum
at 2019-01-03T10:41
at 2019-01-03T10:41

By Zanna
at 2019-01-07T11:57
at 2019-01-07T11:57

By Vanessa
at 2019-01-12T07:18
at 2019-01-12T07:18

By Ina
at 2019-01-15T09:26
at 2019-01-15T09:26

By Michael
at 2019-01-18T16:09
at 2019-01-18T16:09

By Elma
at 2019-01-22T14:26
at 2019-01-22T14:26

By Dorothy
at 2019-01-24T23:23
at 2019-01-24T23:23

By Rebecca
at 2019-01-27T18:18
at 2019-01-27T18:18

By Sarah
at 2019-01-31T09:46
at 2019-01-31T09:46
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