美國抗凝血藥物原料因豬瘟告急 - 股票

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By Anthony
at 2019-08-31T21:37

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作者: GETpoint (擲雷爆卦) 看板: Gossiping
標題: [新聞] 美國抗凝血藥物原料因豬瘟告急
時間: Sat Aug 31 21:36:57 2019




By Anna Edney


Mass Pig Deaths in China Cause Short Supply of U.S. Blood Thinner


Mass Pig Deaths in China Cause Short Supply of U.S. Blood Thinner
By Anna Edney

2019年8月31日 上午4:37 [GMT+8] Updated on 2019年8月31日 上午5:21 [GMT+8]

A Chinese outbreak of African swine fever that has killed millions of pigs in
the country has also led to falling U.S. supplies of a widely used drug
derived from the animals, the anti-clotting drug heparin.

Heparin’s active ingredient is derived from pig intestines. It’s a critical
drug for heart attack patients and is used in surgery to stop clots. Much of
the world’s supply of active pharmaceutical ingredient, or API, for the
blood thinner comes from China, a byproduct of the nation’s massive pork

One major producer of heparin, a subsidiary of Germany’s Fresenius SE, said
it has started limiting allocations of the drug “due to a potential shortage
of raw ingredient,” according to the American Society of Health-System
Pharmacists, a trade organization that tracks drug shortages.


“We source from multiple suppliers and geographies to serve our customers,
but the situation in China is expected to cause API supply constraints
globally for an unknown period,” Fresenius Kabi said in a July letter posted
by the pharmacist group.

Supply Available

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration, which tracks and officially declares
product shortfalls, said that while there were shortages of some heparin
products, there was sufficient overall supply.

“FDA has been monitoring this issue since last year and has followed up with
heparin suppliers,” Nathan Arnold, a spokesman for the agency, said in an
email Friday. “Although certain presentations of heparin have been in
shortage, the overall supply continues to meet demand.”

The global drug supply chain relies on raw ingredients made around the world
and shipped to drugmakers and finishers in other countries. That complex
system has created challenges for regulators and health-care system reliant
on far-flung economies to provide ingredients and medicine.

China has lost an as many as 150 million to 200 million animals to the
contagious and deadly disease, according to one estimate, a dire example of
how problems can ripple around the world.

The FDA has listed two companies, Baxter International Inc. and Pfizer Inc.’
s Hospira, that have shortages of heparin going back to November 2017. The
agency hasn’t declared an official shortage of Fresenius’s product, though
the pharmacists group often sends notice of a shortage before the FDA
officially declares one.

Pfizer and Baxter haven’t said whether their shortages have been exacerbated
by the situation in China, and didn’t immediately respond to requests for
comment Friday. Baxter has previously blamed its shortage on hurricane damage
in Puerto Rico, where it has manufacturing.

部份原料有短缺狀況,而FDA持續關注中;FDA目前點名「百特」(Baxter International

The Fresenius subsidiary, Fresenius Kabi, “has seen a significant increase
in demand for certain heparin presentations as other manufacturers have
experienced supply interruptions,” Matthew Kuhn, a company spokesman, said
in an email.

Fresenius Kabi sources most of its heparin active ingredient outside of Asia,
including in Europe and South America, Kuhn said. He also said the FDA has
recently approved additional manufacturing space at one of the company’s
U.S. plants to help mitigate a shortage.

Prior Crisis

The ongoing heparin shortage carries echoes of a crisis more than a decade
ago, when tainted raw materials for heparin made their way into the U.S. drug
supply. The contamination resulted in the deaths of more than 200 patients,
and a congressional committee has raised concerns that shortages could lead
suppliers to cut corners again, putting patients at risk.

The FDA found during a 2008 inspection of Baxter’s supplier in Changzhou,
China, that it hadn’t established a process to remove impurities and had
used crude heparin material from a supplier it had previously deemed


The heparin crisis led U.S. lawmakers to boost the FDA’s ability to inspect
foreign drugmakers. The House Energy and Commerce Committee investigated and
held hearings on the contaminated blood thinner. Representatives Frank
Pallone and Greg Walden, the chairman and top Republican on the panel
respectively, wrote the FDA in July about the potential for a shortage linked
to China’s swine fever outbreak..

Pharmaceutical researchers are concerned the outbreak could cause an “
unprecedented shortage,” Pallone and Walden wrote last month to Acting FDA
Commissioner Ned Sharpless.

In 2018, the FDA encouraged development of heparin using cow lungs instead of
pigs. Heparin manufacturers used bovine materials up until the 1990s but
stopped given concerns over mad cow disease.

“The FDA has been in contact with several companies, both domestic and
foreign, regarding reintroduction of bovine heparin to the U.S. market,”
Arnold, the FDA spokesman, said. “The details of those conversations are

(Updates with Fresenius response in 11th paragraph)





部份原料有短缺狀況,而FDA持續關注中;FDA目前點名「百特」(Baxter International



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All Comments

Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2019-09-01T09:54
Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2019-09-02T15:03
Una avatar
By Una
at 2019-09-04T04:46
Carolina Franco avatar
By Carolina Franco
at 2019-09-06T10:27
Una avatar
By Una
at 2019-09-11T08:24
不管多生產高難度 只要是學名藥 打國際盃 印度或中
國有競爭對手 一定輸 成本差太多了
Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2019-09-13T01:57
Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2019-09-15T04:18
All in
Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2019-09-16T21:26
貸款all in 準備財富自由
Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2019-09-18T14:26
WWE,John cena!!


Victoria avatar
By Victoria
at 2019-08-31T21:16
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Erin avatar
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at 2019-08-31T20:34
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at 2019-08-31T19:38
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