紐幣的跌勢反應經濟基本面 - 理財

Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2006-05-19T18:12

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網址如下 是國外著名財經評論網站彭博社的文章

紐西蘭央行官員也認為這是匯率的循環性調整 而且之前紐幣的匯率過度高估


N.Z. Dollar's Drop Reflects Economic Fundamentals (Update1)
May 19 (Bloomberg) -- The New Zealand dollar's 9 percent decline this year
better reflects the fundamentals of the economy, Reserve Bank Governor Alan
Bollard said.

The currency is the world's worst-performing currency this year amid
expectations that economic growth will slow, reducing the attractiveness of the
currency. The Treasury department yesterday forecast growth will slow to 1
percent this year from 2.2 percent in 2005.

The currency decline was ``a cyclical adjustment to better reflect the
underlying fundamentals of the economy,'' Bollard said in the bank's Financial
Stability Report released in Wellington today. There has been a correction from
an ``unjustified and over-valued exchange rate.''

Expectations of a narrowing yield differential may lead to reduced demand from
offshore investors in the year ahead, the Reserve Bank said. Bollard on April
27 left the benchmark interest rate at 7.25 percent and said he is unlikely
to raise the rate further.

Policy makers in Japan and Europe are expected to increase benchmark rates in
coming months. The Federal Reserve raised U.S. interest rates for the 16th
straight time on May 10.

Also weighing on the currency outlook is expectations that there won't be
demand from overseas investors for New Zealand dollar bonds sold to retail
investors in Japan and Europe. Sales of Uridashi and Eurobonds the past two
years have buoyed the currency and many of those issues are maturing this year.

Uridashi sales are part of the cyclical demand for the currency, which could be
easing as economic growth slows, Deputy- Governor Adrian Orr told reporters.

Investors may ``look elsewhere for more high yielding currencies as interest rates globally are rising,'' Orr said. ``The question remains how much of these maturing Uridashi will be rolled over.''

To contact the reporter on this story:
Tracy Withers in Wellington at [email protected].
Last Updated: May 18, 2006 20:17 EDT

Tags: 理財

All Comments

Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2006-05-23T14:06
Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2006-05-25T19:03
話說我還真的沒看過這個網頁... 不過現在看過啦 XD

Re: 也想請問一下我該怎麼理財比較好

Emma avatar
By Emma
at 2006-05-18T23:10
※ 引述《MissOL (天邊一顆樹..)》之銘言: : 薪水大概30k左右 : 可是每個月的保險費就要7k : 交通費也差不多要3~4k : 另外還有家教費4.5~6k左右 : 以上的是每個月的固定花費 : 再加上自己有時候會想不開跑去百貨公司血拚 : 活到這把年紀,我真的沒有半毛錢 : 原本是想每個月都存 ...


Daph Bay avatar
By Daph Bay
at 2006-05-18T17:49
如題 一直聽說是個好東西 不過還是不懂它運作的方式ㄟ - ...


Wallis avatar
By Wallis
at 2006-05-18T12:45
※ 引述《Ashanti (您好)》之銘言: : 請問 : 金融聯合徵信中心的網頁上 : 不是說4月1號開放查詢「J10個人信用評分資訊」嗎? : 怎麼找來找去都找不到查詢的地方 : 雖然在會員查詢專區有找到「使用者登入」 : 可是帳號密碼是什麼呢? : 帳號那一欄最多只能輸入8位數 : 所以身份證號碼或是信 ...


Gary avatar
By Gary
at 2006-05-18T11:19
請問 金融聯合徵信中心的網頁上 不是說4月1號開放查詢「J10個人信用評分資訊」嗎? 怎麼找來找去都找不到查詢的地方 雖然在會員查詢專區有找到「使用者登入」 可是帳號密碼是什麼呢? 帳號那一欄最多只能輸入8位數 所以身份證號碼或是信用卡號都不行耶 還是要到銀行去查啊 ※ 引述《vivihonda (薇薇 ...


Queena avatar
By Queena
at 2006-05-17T23:07
薪水大概30k左右 可是每個月的保險費就要7k 交通費也差不多要3~4k 另外還有家教費4.5~6k左右 以上的是每個月的固定花費 再加上自己有時候會想不開跑去百貨公司血拚 活到這把年紀,我真的沒有半毛錢 原本是想每個月都存一萬元,可是這麼一來,我的生活會過的很苦 還是我的要求不要這麼高,存個五千塊就行了呢? ...