瑞士央行加息一碼 - 理財

Ida avatar
By Ida
at 2006-06-15T16:30

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瑞士央行今天加息一碼 但會後聲明仍然一貫低調
聲明說瑞士的經濟前景是廣泛擴張的 而且勞工市場表現正面 且提高瑞士今年的GDP成長率
而油價雖然高企 但通膨卻仍顯溫和

就算經過這次加息之後 貨幣政策仍然具有擴張性(就是說仍然寬鬆)
若瑞士經濟符合預期 我們將會逐步調整貨幣政策
(都把預測GDP成長率向上調整了 那經濟符合預期的話 就是加息了)
最後還和上次一貫的態度說(連用詞都一樣) 若瑞士法郎升值太快 他們將會"適當反應"
(這根本就是在口頭干預 不過今年漲那麼多也沒瑞士那邊有人在跳腳 所以不用擔心)

Monetary policy assessment at mid-year

National Bank raises the target range for the three-month Libor by 0.25
percentage points to 1.0–2.0%

The Swiss National Bank (SNB) is raising the target range for the three-month
Libor with immediate effect by 0.25 percentage points to 1.0–2.0%. It intends
to hold the rate in the middle of the target range for the time being.

The economy continues to develop favourably, with economic activity becoming
more broad-based and having an increasingly positive effect on the labour
market. The National Bank now expects GDP to expand by a little more than 2.5%
in 2006. Despite the most recent developments in oil prices, inflation has
remained moderate. The SNB forecasts average annual inflation of 1.2%.

By raising the target range, the National Bank is further adjusting its
monetary policy stance to economic activity. The SNB’s move ensures that the
inflation outlook will remain favourable. On the assumption that the three-
month Libor will remain unchanged at 1.5%, annual inflation is expected to
reach 1.2% in 2007 and 1.9% in 2008. Notwithstanding the interest rate increase
, monetary policy remains expansionary. Should the economy perform as expected,
the National Bank will further pursue the gradual adjustment of its monetary
policy. If the Swiss franc were to appreciate rapidly, the SNB would respond

Swiss National Bank

Tags: 理財

All Comments

Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2006-06-20T08:11
瑞士央行不用單一利率 而用利率區間 現在區間中點1.5%


Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2006-06-14T19:04
請問現在兌換時機好嗎 各位大大 謝謝您們~~ - ...


Michael avatar
By Michael
at 2006-06-14T14:20
可以跟我說ㄧ下,詳細的連動關西嗎?謝謝!! - ...


Puput avatar
By Puput
at 2006-06-14T13:45
哪家定存2年的利息最高阿? 是要機動的好還是固定的好ㄚ? 電視上花旗銀行3倍利率是如何? - ...


Quanna avatar
By Quanna
at 2006-06-14T12:13
※ 引述《victorsgirl (快來合購奶油飛)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《sispt (十三號天使)》之銘言: : : 請問剛簽下安泰投資型保單沒幾天,先繳了一年期的保費 : : 但是不想保了,打電話給業務 : : 但是卻得到一個消息,他說已經送件了 : : 我想應該是推託之詞吧 : : 請問這樣,我硬解 ...


Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2006-06-14T06:24
不知道是不是我的設定有問題 還是大家都有看到 最近發現很多文章都被m起來了 裡面很多是好文 但有些是提問的文章而已 為何被m 覺得怪怪的 版主可以解惑嗎 - ...