澳洲降息 1% - 理財

Vanessa avatar
By Vanessa
at 2008-12-02T11:37

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The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) today has slashed interest rates yet again, this time by a full percentage point.

The fourth consecutive drop takes the official interest rate from 5.25 to 4.25 percent.

CommSec's chief economist Craig James says that the 100-point cut today means the official rate has fallen by 300 points in just four months.

After the last rate cut, analysts predicted that it was unlikely that another rate cut over 50 base points was to be expected before Christmas. Luckily for homeowners, they were very wrong indeed.

Aussies can head on into the festive season on a high, knowing that the cost of living in Australia is now at a five-year low as a result of the continuing slashing of interest rates, combined with falling petrol and grocery prices.

The 100 basis point cut means that official rates have fallen by almost 40 per cent, starting with September's 25 basis point cut.

In September, households were paying close to 10 per cent on variable mortgage rates.

"This is the most aggressive rate cut cycle that we've seen on record," Mr James said. "There's still a fair bit of gloom around the place and the Reserve Bank wants to chase that away."

The urgency of action was underlined by figures on inflation and manufacturing which were released yesterday. It reinforced the need for a "significant cut" in rates.

The focus now shifts to the retail banks. How much of a rate cut will reach borrowers remains in question, with the banks saying they still face high funding costs.

Wayne Swan called on the banks to pass on as much of the expected cut as possible.

"We expect in all of this for the banks to play their role in being part of the effort to strengthen the economy, and should there be a cut in official interest rates to pass it on as responsibly and fully as possible," the Treasurer said.

Tags: 理財

All Comments

Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2008-12-06T04:44
Belly avatar
By Belly
at 2008-12-06T21:01
Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2008-12-07T05:00
Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2008-12-11T08:26
這時候版標就該出場了"澳洲央行加油,澳幣靠你了" XDDDD
Franklin avatar
By Franklin
at 2008-12-14T04:31
希望對您有幫助 http://www.94istudy.com


Iris avatar
By Iris
at 2008-12-01T21:52
我知道買賣外幣超過台幣50萬 要填寫結購或是結售申報書 那我如果當日買台幣1千萬的外幣 除了蓋這張之外 要申報央行還是做什麼手續嗎? 還是只要蓋那張就好? - ...


Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2008-12-01T21:31
昨天老媽講了一句話 and#34;股票完到最後一定沒有賺,不如存錢買房地產好and#34; 沒玩過的我絕得怪怪又不知道怎麼反駁他 既然不會賺幹麻還是那麼多人要下去買 難道台灣人都是傻子嗎?? - ...


Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2008-12-01T21:07
之前不是有人說 那次是個失敗的經驗嗎 不知道會不會影響到日圓的跌幅 -- 這是我的故鄉 我的夢 - ...


Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2008-12-01T15:28
我有定存6萬是在明年六月底到期 利息是到期轉本金 我如果想在到期後改改成定存10萬 那我是要設定不續存 還是續存 但續存 存的金額是變成10萬 可以這樣嗎 我的是中信 那是否只需在網路銀行辦理 不用跑一趟銀行呢 - ...


Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2008-11-30T07:27
※ 引述《scholes0730 (把握當下...)》之銘言: : 小弟之淺見是:  :  金融業2種人可以領高薪 : 1.為公司帶來業績的人 : 2.靠交易或商品設計替公司賺錢的人 : 因此...不要落入證照的迷思 : 當然 可以去考 但不要認為 : 會因此佔很大的便宜 小小弟淺見是 ...