澳洲央行又出手了 - 理財

Ursula avatar
By Ursula
at 2008-11-21T08:32

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RBA props up dollar
AdvertisementEmail Print Normal font Large font AdvertisementNovember 21,
2008 - 9:13AM

The Reserve Bank of Australia says it intervened in the foreign exchange

market to support the Australian dollar on Friday morning, as the local

currency fell under 61 US cents for the first time in four weeks.

''Yes, we provided liquidity as on previous occasions,'' an RBA spokesman

said. ''We don't disclose when, nor do we disclose the level.''

The Australian dollar sunk to a four-week low of 60.80 US cents at 7.40am

(AEDT), after opening at 61.31 US cents only 40 minutes earlier.

The currency's low point occurred as Wall Street's Dow Jones Industrial

Average was on the way to finishing the New York session 5.5% weaker, hitting

a five-and-a-half-year low of 7,560.49.

The domestic currency fell during offshore trade after data showed Japanese

exports fell by 7.7% in the year to October, marking the sharpest annual

decline since December 2001.

Japan, Australia's biggest export market, also posted a surprise trade

deficit of Y63.9 billion ($!.05 billion) in October, from a trade surplus of

Y999.4 billion ($16.38 billion) a year earlier, the nation's Finance Ministry


The RBA last intervened in the foreign exchange market on November 13, when

the Australian dollar fell to 63.50 US cents, and on October 28, when the

currency fell to a five and a half year low of 60.12 US cents.

In late October, the central bank spent $3.15 billion propping up the

Australian dollar, a bigger amount than in early 2001 when the unit hit an

all-time low of $US0.4778.

Earlier, ANZ senior markets dealer Alex Sinton said the RBA was likely to

intervene in the currency market, predicting the Australian dollar would fall

to 60.80 US cents as Wall Street closed weaker.

''The central bank activity is going to smooth things,'' he said from


看來澳洲央行要死守 0.6 AUD/USD 了

※ 編輯: seascape 來自: (11/21 08:36)
loveekin:跟我對幹 沒有好下場 11/21 09:37
ryanchao:守不住... 11/21 09:45
irwin8417:F 11/21 10:41
kuramaeric:樓上踩錯文XDDD 11/21 10:46
delpeiro:我正在看AUD破0.6, 破了可以進場嗎? XDD 11/21 11:00
narcess:破了就該try她一腳XD 11/21 11:00
loveekin:澳洲聯儲會出手干預 表示市場趨勢是往___ 所以你要____ 11/21 11:09
TZUYIC: 搶反彈的黃金期已過? 11/21 11:18
TZUYIC:不能賺0.4了 11/21 11:18
delpeiro:是的, L 大說得是...我還是繼續台幣定存了.... 11/21 11:26
dkaa:希望對您有幫助 http://www.94istudy.com 05/23 13:12

Tags: 理財

All Comments

Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2008-11-25T18:44
跟我對幹 沒有好下場
Rachel avatar
By Rachel
at 2008-11-26T08:57
Elma avatar
By Elma
at 2008-12-01T08:32
Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2008-12-06T04:00
Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2008-12-10T20:46
我正在看AUD破0.6, 破了可以進場嗎? XDD
Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2008-12-13T18:28
Catherine avatar
By Catherine
at 2008-12-16T07:01
澳洲聯儲會出手干預 表示市場趨勢是往___ 所以你要____
Irma avatar
By Irma
at 2008-12-19T11:53
Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2008-12-23T09:06
是的, L 大說得是...我還是繼續台幣定存了....
Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2008-12-23T20:52
希望對您有幫助 http://www.94istudy.com


Ingrid avatar
By Ingrid
at 2008-11-21T08:23
之前漲到0.36後又跌下來 現在又衝到0.35是怎樣... 真想進場... - ...


Mia avatar
By Mia
at 2008-11-20T23:04
※ 引述《pkcs33326 (ㄚ順)》之銘言: : 各位晚安! : 我目前是大二的學生 近日找到一份月薪一萬八的兼職工作 : 忽然有筆不錯的收入 頓時不知如何配置 故來詢問各位前輩 : 其中我分析了 我的必要開銷是 : 學費 -- 3萬 / 年 : 書本費 -- 1萬 /年 : 餐飲費 -- 2000 ...


Doris avatar
By Doris
at 2008-11-20T22:08
剛剛跌破一桶50美元 報49.91 USDCAD同步反應 黃金倒是老神在在 -- 外匯版隆重開板 看板《ForeignEX》 生活娛樂館 生活, 娛樂, 心情 Life_Plan 人生 Σ人生規劃局 → 人生/理財/考試/? [徵組長] ...


Jacob avatar
By Jacob
at 2008-11-20T21:08
※ 引述《anniehuang (annie)》之銘言: : ※ 引述《goodman1985 (好男人)》之銘言: : : 前陣子在網路上有看到EXCEL的電子記帳檔案 : : 不過連結都死了 : : 請問有人有相關的資料嗎? : : 感激不敬 : : 謝謝! : 最近在網路上發現一個記帳軟體,超好用的 : ...


Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2008-11-20T13:20
我是最近澳幣的新手 所以想詢問板上買澳幣的人多嗎? 小澳今天又跌了 適合買進嗎?? 每天都被小澳弄得好緊張 囧 - ...