機會成本的問題 - 經濟

By Madame
at 2008-07-05T11:59
at 2008-07-05T11:59
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※ 引述《bbc (烈日秋霜ψ(._.)>)》之銘言:
: 我已經爬過文了,
: 不過還是有問題所以請大家指教一下。
: 國中公民中有一題
: 放棄月薪3萬的工作,出國留學學費5萬,
: 如果照之前文章的解釋,機會成本應該是3萬+5萬=8萬。
: 那今天如果有二個水果,我買APPLE花了5元,沒買3元的梨子,
: 機會成本為何會是3元的梨子,而不是3+5元?
: Addison Wesly Longman的書中寫著
: The highest-value alternative forgone in making choice.
For example, if student who goes skiing would otherwise have
spent the weekend working at a part-time job,
an implict cost of skiing is the income that would otherise have been earned,
if working is the high-valued alternative.
Therefore, the full economic cost of the ski weekend- the opportunity cost
-equals the explict money(that money does have an alternative use)
plus the implict costs of forgone income.
: 我已經爬過文了,
: 不過還是有問題所以請大家指教一下。
: 國中公民中有一題
: 放棄月薪3萬的工作,出國留學學費5萬,
: 如果照之前文章的解釋,機會成本應該是3萬+5萬=8萬。
: 那今天如果有二個水果,我買APPLE花了5元,沒買3元的梨子,
: 機會成本為何會是3元的梨子,而不是3+5元?
: Addison Wesly Longman的書中寫著
: The highest-value alternative forgone in making choice.
For example, if student who goes skiing would otherwise have
spent the weekend working at a part-time job,
an implict cost of skiing is the income that would otherise have been earned,
if working is the high-valued alternative.
Therefore, the full economic cost of the ski weekend- the opportunity cost
-equals the explict money(that money does have an alternative use)
plus the implict costs of forgone income.
All Comments

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