東芝案訊息 - 股票

Jack avatar
By Jack
at 2017-07-26T00:07

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Toshiba Is Scrambling to Close $18 Billion Sale to Cover Losses

11:53 AM ET

Toshiba's board will meet on Wednesday to consider offers for its chip unit
from Western Digital and Taiwan's Foxconn in addition to a bid from a
consortium that was previously favorite, a source familiar with the matter


Toshiba is scrambling to sell its flash memory unit to cover losses from its
bankrupt U.S. nuclear business Westinghouse.


But it has struggled to close a 2 trillion yen ($18 billion) deal with the
group it previously chose as preferred bidder—a consortium including
Japanese-government backed funds, Bain Capital and South Korean chip maker SK


Western Digital (WDC, +0.34%), which jointly operates Toshiba's main chip
plant, also wants to buy the business. It sought an injunction to block the
sale to the consortium, arguing that any transaction required its consent.

WD跟東芝有合資跑出來搶親 說沒有他同意不能嫁給美日韓聯盟

The legal battle has unnerved the state-backed funds and they want the deal
to be conditional on the conflict with Western Digital being resolved.


Another key point of contention has been a proposal by SK Hynix to help fund
the deal with convertible bonds—a step that could eventually give it an
equity interest in the world's second-largest maker of NAND flash memory

另一個關鍵點是海力士原本說好的可轉債聘金 這可以讓他變成第二大NAND製造廠

Japanese government officials are eager to keep Toshiba's semiconductor
technology in domestic hands, according to sources.


In attempt to revive the stalled talks, Toshiba earlier this month began
reconsidering offers from Western Digital and Foxconn, formally known as Hon
Hai Precision Industry, sources have said.


Western Digital is also offering about 2 trillion yen and would form an
alliance with U.S. private equity firm join KKR & Co as well as the two
Japanese government funds that are part of the preferred bidder group, the
source said on Tuesday.The U.S. company has significantly compromised on its
earlier demands for voting rights, said the source, who requested anonymity
because the talks were confidential.

WD提供了約兩兆日圓的報價 還要跟私募基金加入KKR & Co還有兩個日本政府基金一起搞

The U.S. company has significantly compromised on its earlier demands for
voting rights, said the source, who requested anonymity because the talks
were confidential.

WD的搞法損害了投票權的要求 這項出售案的會談過程中會是保密的

東芝會在週三開會討論出售案 目前似乎還是維持三強鼎立的狀態

Tags: 股票

All Comments

Oliver avatar
By Oliver
at 2017-07-26T20:42
沒新聯軍 就WD, 鴻海 與日美韓組織 三個在搶 現在
看起來 WD勝算比較大
Hardy avatar
By Hardy
at 2017-07-28T17:51
wd只有說妥協投票權 但沒說啥妥協 只要有點投票權
反壟斷就搞很久了 我倒覺得還是美日韓勝算最高
Adele avatar
By Adele
at 2017-07-31T15:51
我覺得你的翻譯很記者= =
Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2017-08-03T03:35
Annie avatar
By Annie
at 2017-08-03T14:04
Donna avatar
By Donna
at 2017-08-08T05:29
Oscar avatar
By Oscar
at 2017-08-13T05:09
Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2017-08-17T20:19
Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2017-08-19T16:50
Eden avatar
By Eden
at 2017-08-23T15:28
Lily avatar
By Lily
at 2017-08-24T09:07
第一段應該是除了先前的聯盟外,也考慮wd foxconn
Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2017-08-29T01:58
Heather avatar
By Heather
at 2017-09-03T01:15
Joseph avatar
By Joseph
at 2017-09-07T16:23
Skylar Davis avatar
By Skylar Davis
at 2017-09-12T03:12
Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2017-09-13T14:08
對喔 島耕作就是初芝的 XD
Yedda avatar
By Yedda
at 2017-09-17T18:18
東芝午後股價漲10趴 看來應該是收購談好了
Aaliyah avatar
By Aaliyah
at 2017-09-20T07:48


Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2017-07-25T23:25
1.原文連結: https://money.udn.com/money/story/5641/2604235 2.原文內容: 2017-07-25 21:42 中央社 記者鍾榮峰台北25日電 記憶體模組廠威剛 (3260) 公告砸下新台幣1.15億元,取得納諾-KY (6495) 120萬股私募 ...

鄉親眼眶紅…魏應充入監倒數 麵攤老闆娘

Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2017-07-25T23:02
八卦就是新聞怎麼沒爆詳細呢 只說是國中同學 https://www.mirrormedia.mg/story/20170724fin005/ 採訪當天,記者特地走一趟彰化永靖鄉的社區發展協會辦公室, 剛好碰上浮圳村長游世庭,他是魏應充的國中同學, 一問之下,他才不好意思地說: 「我手上是籃球場整修報價 ...

3426 台興電子

Robert avatar
By Robert
at 2017-07-25T22:47
1. 標的: 台興電子 2. 分類:多 3. 分析/正文: 基本面觀之 主要生產電磁鐵 工業應用領域相當廣泛 今年接到智慧電表客戶大單 且此類訂單為長期訂單 另外下半年也將出貨日本自動服務設備訂單 目前車用領域也持續發展後續看好 法說會中表示 Q1 Q2業績大約持平 但 ...

金控大股東 加碼自家股

Barb Cronin avatar
By Barb Cronin
at 2017-07-25T22:21
1.原文連結: https://goo.gl/rNK6CT 2.原文內容: 金控大股東2017年上半年持股變化出爐。 根據公開資訊觀測站資料,其中新光集團事業的新光樂活於6月敲進新光金控1,200張,新 光樂活對新光金持股拉高至0.012%,富邦金蔡家也同步敲進自家股票,今年以來增持逾6 萬張,永豐金 ...


Ethan avatar
By Ethan
at 2017-07-25T22:07
1.原文連結: https://goo.gl/6UWMPA 2.原文內容: 【財訊快報/戴海茜報導】網路家庭(8044)旗下PChome24h購物觀察,隨著父親節即將到 來,站上近兩週父親節相關小家電的銷量較6月同期成長5成,顯示進入7月下旬,網購市 場已正式進入父親節禮品的採購高峰期,統計今年父親節檔 ...