有關在IB收到的一封英文信 - 理財

Ivy avatar
By Ivy
at 2018-07-16T19:33

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This corporate action has at least one revision! To see the details, click
Cornerstone Total Return Fund, Inc. has announced a subscription rights
offering. Subscription rights under the symbol CRF.RTS have been issued for
effective date 2018-06-15. Rights were issued at a ratio of 1:1.

Terms of the offer are as follows:

Subscription ratio: 1 share for every 3 rights subscribed
Subscription price: the greater of (i) 107% of NAV as calculated at the close
of trading on the date of expiration of the offering and (ii) 90% of the
market price per share at expiration

CRF.RTS trading period: Not applicable
Short close out date: Not applicable
Minimum & Multiple rights required to exercise: 3 Rights
Is over-subscription available: Yes

Please note: The estimated price will be used by the Depository for
processing purposes until the final price is determined. Any difference
between the estimated and final price will be refunded or reinvested. If you
wish to have the refund reinvested please submit a ticket prior to the
expiration of the offer instructing IB to reinvest.

Rights exercises, once submitted to the depository/agent, will no longer be
eligible to be withdrawn.

Customers whose accounts are allocated a short position in the rights should
take note that the account may be held liable for the terms of the rights
offer, including any over-subscription when applicable. Liability will be
determined shortly after the end of the rights period.

IB reserves the right to perform a credit check on the basic rights
subscription request at the time of submission to the agent or depository.
Basic subscription requests will be reduced or rejected in the event the
processing of the request would result in the account being in margin deficit.

Over-subscription requests may be submitted through this election tool.
Please note, IB will accept requests to over-subscribe only in the event the
account has fully subscribed to the basic rights subscription. IB reserves
the right to perform a credit check on the over-subscription request at the
time of submission to the agent or depository. Over-subscription requests
will be reduced in the event the processing of the request would result in
the account being in margin deficit. Over-subscription requests may be
subject to pro-ration at the time of allocation based on the terms of the

Over-subscription requests must be specified in the election below as the
number of new shares you wish to purchase.

The deadline to submit instructions for exercise will be 2018-07-20 @ 11:00
(America/New York).

In the absence of an election, the subscription rights will expire worthless
and be removed from your account.


1 (Default) Take no action
2 Quantity of rights to submit for exercise (Basic offer)
3 Quantity of shares to purchase through over-subscription privilege



Tags: 理財

All Comments

Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2018-07-19T08:28
John avatar
By John
at 2018-07-20T18:47
Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2018-07-24T02:37
Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2018-07-27T09:06
Odelette avatar
By Odelette
at 2018-07-29T01:59
Edwina avatar
By Edwina
at 2018-08-01T20:56
Kumar avatar
By Kumar
at 2018-08-04T20:08
Skylar DavisLinda avatar
By Skylar DavisLinda
at 2018-08-07T09:38
Tracy avatar
By Tracy
at 2018-08-08T09:00


Genevieve avatar
By Genevieve
at 2018-07-13T14:41
請問7月配息從0.059降到0.05 是什麼原因呢?剩4.8% 年初買的股價跌 配息率也剩4.5% PML這支不動如山 快6% - ...


Mason avatar
By Mason
at 2018-07-13T14:19
IB新手第一次使用TWS,只要一打開程式,CPU運轉都在100%以上,電腦一直處於過熱 請問有人有類似情形嗎? 我是在Mac下執行的 - ...


Lauren avatar
By Lauren
at 2018-07-13T09:48
請問一下,可以把自己的TD帳戶跟家人的Citi US兩邊互設ACH嗎? - ...


Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2018-07-10T12:16
一般人要判斷一間公司的護城河等級真的不容易,不過感覺晨星護城河評等相對專業,如 果我鎖定晨星評等為寬廣護城河的公司,且該公司股價低於晨星推估的fair price,也就 是五顆星評等,不知道這樣選股的策略是不是安全的多呢?謝謝 會有這個想法是因為晨星寬廣護城河指數長期下來報酬率都高於spy - ...


Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2018-07-09T16:43
※ [本文轉錄自 ForeignEX 看板 #1RGkNyMM ] 作者: leochang (leo) 看板: ForeignEX 標題: [閒聊] 越南盾定存 時間: Mon Jul 9 12:35:05 2018 爬文看了看~~ 上次討論越南盾定存已是2013年了 這幾年來 越南經濟發展良 ...