有關tax revenue - 經濟

Zora avatar
By Zora
at 2013-11-11T15:12

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assume the price of gasoline is 2.4 per gallon and the equilibrium quantity of
gasoline is 12 million per day with no tax on gasoline . Starting from this
inotial situation,which of the following scenarios would result in the largest
deadweight loss?

A 10 percent increase in the price of gasoline reduces the quantity of gasoline
demanded by 2 percent and it increses QS by 7 percent. The tax is 0.4 per gallon

B 10 percent increase in the price of gasoline reduces QD by 1 percent and it
increases QS by 8 percent. The tax is 0.35 per gallon

而整條線的彈性可稱the price elasity of demand/supply?還是要線上的點才行?

Tags: 經濟

All Comments

Sarah avatar
By Sarah
at 2013-11-15T18:05
Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2013-11-19T01:43
Faithe avatar
By Faithe
at 2013-11-23T18:20
Christine avatar
By Christine
at 2013-11-27T02:17
Olivia avatar
By Olivia
at 2013-11-28T05:37
Madame avatar
By Madame
at 2013-12-03T02:28
英文有什麼問題嗎 ?
Megan avatar
By Megan
at 2013-12-04T01:14


Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2013-11-09T17:37
http://ppt.cc/4aWs http://ppt.cc/mIbR http://ppt.cc/8r0I 謝謝各位囉~ - ...


Freda avatar
By Freda
at 2013-11-09T09:58
請教板上各位高手 在供需的章節 經濟學課本上有些圖的需求線是直線 請問為什麼and#34;需求and#34;的變動 就只是本來的需求線在座標上的平移? 為什麼斜率不會改變? (需求的改變,需求線難道不會變陡或變平緩或改變形狀嗎?) 是有什麼基本假設嗎? 抱歉爬文不足 如果哪一帖有解答麻煩 ...


James avatar
By James
at 2013-11-09T09:30
是指某商品的數量嗎? X=1,2,3,4,5 不是連續值 代表商品不可細分 X=1~5 是連續值(中間包含1.1 1.111 1.111....) 代表商品無限細分 請問我這解讀是對的嗎?? 也許這問題有點白爛 請多見諒= =!! 謝謝各位 - ...

獨占 AR與MR

Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2013-11-08T00:04
各位前輩好, 小弟是經濟學的菜鳥, 在解一題獨占均衡題目時遇到了AR和MR的疑惑,想求教各位前輩: 題目是給q, P, TC的表格,求均衡數量和價格, 表格如下:(TC和我想問的無關就不列出來了) q P 0 100 1 85 2 70 3 55 4 40 5 2 ...

金融商品開放 驚動彭淮南

Sierra Rose avatar
By Sierra Rose
at 2013-11-06T21:15
※ [本文轉錄自 Gossiping 看板 #1IUa2dcB ] 作者: GETpoint (擲雷爆卦) 看板: Gossiping 標題: [新聞] 金融商品開放 驚動彭淮南 時間: Wed Nov 6 21:14:08 2013 1.媒體來源: 請寫出完整媒體來源!例如中國時報、TVBS等,沒寫者 ...