有人有這樣"放空"美股的經驗嗎? - 理財

Yuri avatar
By Yuri
at 2012-11-25T12:08

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看了一文章 "Shorting Leveraged ETF Pairs" http://0rz.tw/Hltdl

我看有人用 同時等量賣空(正負向)2X槓桿ETF
shorting equal amounts of the long and short double ETFs.

"I’ve been shorting equal amounts of the long and short double ETFs.
I’m short the QID and the QLD, short the TWM and UWM,
short the UGL and the GLL, and short the DIG and DUG."

"I figure, if they are bad longs, they must be good shorts.
My thinking is that in a STRONGLY trending market,
the position may lose some ground, at least temporarily.
But in a weakly trending market, or sideways, both will decay nicely.
When I look back on the ones that are a few years old,
they just melt away (one side more than the other).”

1. 槓桿大的ETF 在美股震盪volatility越小追蹤誤decay差越小
例如: 下圖說明:
spy(S&P500)震盪越大 SSO (2X) and SDS (-2X)越隨時間decay衰敗
如果spy震盪不大 SSO (2X) and SDS (-2X)越隨時間decay衰敗比較小

2. "同時賣空(正負向)2X槓桿ETF" 在股票波動大surges/high volatility會賺
例如: 下圖說明:
"同時賣空(正負向)2X槓桿ETF"QLD and QID 和 SSO and SDS 的總報酬
當美股震盪大時會大賺 震盪小時賠的也不多

2. 當把"同時賣空(正負向)2X槓桿ETF"的效果與VIX比較時 發現無關
這我看不懂 所以無法解釋

3. VIX(股市震盪)越高 "同時賣空(正負向)2X槓桿ETF"報酬越高
Results suggest that the shorted pair tends to
produce positive (negative) returns
when volatility is relatively high (low).

(上面3項心得文章全文在此 http://0rz.tw/Hltdl)

4. How Do I Short an ETF?
The most obvious way is to call your broker or
log onto your online account and make a short ETF transaction.
You can sell an ETF at the market (be careful with volatile ETFs)
or you can even designate a certain price point (again be careful,
there is the possibility you do not get your order filled
if the price falls).
意思是說 價格下跌 借不到卷?



應該是 當大震盪來臨時 以追蹤效果來說"借卷放空sell short高槓桿ETF"比以較好?

搞不好 當"大震盪high volatile"來臨時
"借卷放空sell short高槓桿ETF"還比真實市場表現更為優異?

例如你借卷放空 QID ProShares UltraShort QQQ(ProShares二倍放空納斯達克指數ETF)
是不是在美股大震盪時 是不是表現會優於 NASDAQ原指數的2倍 還優異?


How to Short an ETF

1. Open a margin account with an online stock broker.
A margin account allows investors to borrow part of the purchase price
of securities, leveraging their investment power.
Short selling can only be done through a margin account.

2. Check the ETF you want to short to make sure it is eligible
for short selling. Not all ETFs can be shorted.
If the fund is not eligible, pick a similar ETF that is.

3. Use the stock trading screen in your online brokerage account
to short sell the number of shares of the ETF you want to short.
The trade will be designated "sell to open" to indicate a short sale.

4. Check your account activity to determine if the short sale order was filled.
To complete a short sale, you must first borrow the ETF shares
from your broker. The broker will obtain the shares from its own inventory
or another customer's margin account that holds the shares.
If the broker has no shares eligible for borrowing,
your short order will not be filled.

5. Place a "buy to close" order after the ETF has fallen in value to buy
the shares back and realize the profit in the short ETF trade.
The funds from short selling the ETF shares will be frozen in your account
until you place the order to buy back the sold short shares.

Tips & Warnings
1. For a thinly traded ETF, you should call the brokerage firm
first to see if any shares of the fund are available for shorting.

2. There are inverse ETFs available for many indexes
that accomplish the same results as short selling,
but you can buy the shares in a regular trade in a cash account.

3. If the owner of the borrowed ETF shares decides to sell the shares,
your short position will be closed by the broker to return the shares
to the owner's account.

4. Short selling subjects the trader to unlimited losses
if the ETF sold short goes up in value rather than down.

1 Foreign_Inv 試閱 ◎海外投資板
2 ForeignEX 理財 ◎外匯板 <==討論黃金最多
3 Fund 基金 ◎基金版
4 Stock 學術 ◎股票版


All Comments

Jacky avatar
By Jacky
at 2012-11-30T00:30
這篇原文很好 探討同時放空正反向槓桿ETF的獲利主因~~


Frederica avatar
By Frederica
at 2012-11-25T11:47
想用類似零存整付的方式存錢 因為是要用來當作雙親養老金的 所以會存很多年~ 找了一下資料 得到的資訊有儲蓄險以及定存 不知道還有沒有其他方式呢? 因為我能力有限 所以預估一個月頂多ㄧ萬 分成三份(應該是三千三千四千) 看了一下定存 只查到三年期的 有更久的嗎? 但是又因為我不是ㄧ次ㄧ大筆錢 ...


Elvira avatar
By Elvira
at 2012-11-25T08:13
第一,雖然3x etf的趨勢長期向下(不論多空),但你的心理承受能力是否能長期持續下去是很重要的,看著標的長期上沖下洗,真的能堅持的不多 第二,放空的相關費用會侵蝕你的利潤,而且你還一起放空兩個,侵蝕的力道會加倍,賺的可能還不夠這些成本支出 第三,我當初瘋狂全梭3x etf前,看了不少國外的文章,也沒人提 ...

Firstrade 美金支票

Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2012-11-25T03:23
想請教有關美金支票的問題~ 本人目前是使用Firstrade做美股投資, 先前有升級smart valet帳戶, 已經收到debit card也已經在使用(提錢很方便), 但遲遲未收到支票本(free) 想請問若支票本被寄丟,會有被盜領資金的可能性嗎? 可以掛失嗎? 謝謝. - ...


Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2012-11-25T00:23
我是原PO 不好意思....我講的不夠清楚 其是這只是一個簡單的投資理財問題.... 工作之後, 賺了點錢...... 不買保險基金股票........ 只存定存.....越存越多... 很多人喜歡美金勝過台幣... 因為美金是世界通用貨幣...台幣不是... 台幣比美金容易變成壁紙.. ...


Mary avatar
By Mary
at 2012-11-24T23:14
小弟平常有看報紙財經版跟看財經新聞的習慣,小弟覺得最近(約一個月以來)看到不少 奇美電的利多相關新聞,新聞也說最近大尺寸面板需求變旺了,但是我發現奇美電的股價 就是漲不起來(一直在12塊以下),雖然他的股價跟前波低點(9塊以下)比起來已經有所上漲 ,但還是很低,今年也沒有配股、配息紀錄,有人願意說一下奇美電的 ...