[新聞] 歐元5年內解體 - 歐元

Joe avatar
By Joe
at 2010-06-14T01:00

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因為我手上目前有不少歐元,覺得有點擔心 ^^"

※ 引述《henrypinge (Edward)》之銘言:
: 原文:
: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/financetopics/budget/7806064/Euro-will-be-
: dead-in-five-years.html
: Euro 'will be dead in five years'
: The euro will have broken up before the end of this Parliamentary term,
: according to the bulk of economists taking part in a wide-ranging economic
: survey for The Sunday Telegraph.
: By Edmund Conway
: Published: 10:23PM BST 05 Jun 2010
: The single currency is in its death throes and may not survive in its current
: membership for a week, let alone the next five years, according to a
: selection of responses to the survey – the first major wide-ranging litmus
: test of economic opinion in the City since the election. The findings
: underline suspicions that the new Chancellor, George Osborne, will have to
: firefight a full-blown crisis in Britain's biggest trading partner in his
: first years in office.
: Of the 25 leading City economists who took part in the Telegraph survey, 12
: predicted that the euro would not survive in its current form this
: Parliamentary term, compared with eight who suspected it would. Five declared
: themselves undecided. The finding is only one of a number of remarkable
: conclusions, including that:
: ‧ The economy will grow by well over a percentage point less next year than
: the Budget predicted in March.
: ‧ The Government will borrow almost £10bn less next year than the Treasury
: previously forecast, despite this weaker growth.
: ‧ Just as many economists think the Bank of England will not raise rates
: until 2012 or later as think it will lift borrowing costs this year.

Tags: 歐元

All Comments

Xanthe avatar
By Xanthe
at 2010-06-18T10:45
但是目前不能用...(  ̄ c ̄)y▂ξ
Hazel avatar
By Hazel
at 2010-06-19T13:49
Bethany avatar
By Bethany
at 2010-06-23T12:42
@@ 還有馬克流通嗎??y
Poppy avatar
By Poppy
at 2010-06-25T10:29
讓歐元解體的代價 比全力挽救歐元的代價高


Suhail Hany avatar
By Suhail Hany
at 2010-06-13T14:39
http://www.wretch.cc/blog/robinsoncano/12842851 下雨下到我都快發霉了 給貓聽聽音樂看他會不會開心一點吧XDDD =============================== 以下是純文字版 國際重要風險事件0614~0618 0614 澳洲休市 歐元區工業 ...


Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2010-06-13T11:03
Ref. http://www.libertytimes.com.tw/2010/new/jun/13/today-e3.htm 自由電子報 2010-6-13 英智庫:歐元明年貶至與美元同價 〔編譯劉千郁/綜合報導〕 英國智庫表示,如果歐元明年還沒瓦解的話,將跌至與美元平價,歐洲央行官員對歐元瓦 解 ...


Linda avatar
By Linda
at 2010-06-11T23:15
3個小時 EUR/USD 炸了100pip 歐元區又發生什麼事?? 難道是因為米國零售業月增慘不忍睹嗎?? 8點半一公佈 歐元立刻慘不忍睹............ - ...

世界盃今晚開踢!!!!! 那南非幣呢?XD

Ula avatar
By Ula
at 2010-06-11T16:05
http://www.wretch.cc/blog/robinsoncano/12841676 昨天在非凡新聞台講的其實就是這個主題 世界盃開打了! 那主辦國南非其貨幣會否因此受益? 我整理了近三次世界盃主辦國 在世界盃舉行當年的貨幣走勢 試圖歸納出世界杯會否對該國貨幣走強有所助益 大家參考看看吧 === ...

0611 盤勢閒聊

Edward Lewis avatar
By Edward Lewis
at 2010-06-11T10:50
大家好啊 又是我 超笨的閒聊文機器人 又看了一次Alejandro 今天都在等小散仙PO耶 沒想到她又偷懶了 害我們等了她一個早上 只好由我來了 究竟美元會向上還是向下發展呢? 32這價位還真讓人又愛又恨 比較關注的當然是歐元了 各方說法不定 我還是長線看空啦 不過這一波反彈應該可以 ...