推薦一本好書 - 經濟

Valerie avatar
By Valerie
at 2008-07-16T18:19

Table of Contents

Apart from an opening chapter which sketches a "pre-economic" economic
history of the world, and the occasional foray into topics such as the rise
of multinationals, it is "Lives" that dominate The Worldly Philosophers. Adam
Smith, Karl Marx, Thorstein Veblen, John Maynard Keynes, and Joseph
Schumpeter all have chapters to themselves; Daniel Malthus and David Ricardo
share one, as do Robert Owen, Henri Saint-Simon, Charles Fourier, and John
Stuart Mill (as utopian socialists) and Frédéric Bastiat, Henry George,
John Hobson, and Alfred Marshall (as figures from the Victorian "underworld"
and mainstream). The choice of some of these thinkers is clearly driven as
much by their human interest as by their intellectual importance, but
Heilbroner makes his biographical sketches lively and entertaining without
excessive dependence on anecdotal trivia or personal oddities and quirks.

The popularity of The Worldly Philosophers has no doubt been helped by its
relatively small dose of actual economics. Heilbroner restricts himself to a
few of the key ideas and interests of each thinker: with Adam Smith, the
invisible hand of the market and specialisation of labor; with Malthus, the
effects of inevitable population growth; with Ricardo, the conflict between
landowners and industrialists; with Mill the idea of a fundamental
distinction between economic production and political distribution; and so
forth. What economics is covered, however, is clearly explained — if
anything, the explanations are too easy to digest, slipping down so
comfortably one hardly notices them...

It is in his treatment of "Times" that Heilbroner really shines, however. He
describes the development of thinkers and the formation of their ideas in
their social and intellectual context — and explores the ways in which they
and their ideas in turn influenced the policies of elites and broader social
and cultural trends. Ricardo's focus on rents is set in the context of the
British Corn Laws; Veblen's "economic psychopathology" in the world of late
19th century "robber barons"; and so forth. Figures such as Smith and Marx
are all too commonly presented out of their historical context, in ways that
make them and their ideas little more than convenient cardboard cutouts; The
Worldly Philosophers is an excellent antidote to that.

July 2002

Tags: 經濟

All Comments


Carol avatar
By Carol
at 2008-07-16T15:27
如題 小弟我想向各位經濟學高手請教有關於總經的問題 就是工業產能生產率與工業生產指數,在經濟學上的意義是......? 而工業生產指數有沒有像營建業信心指數or採購經理人指數那樣有數字能代表分界點? (上述兩個指標我看網路上解釋都是說50為分界點......) 另外,工業生產指數有沒有包含服務業的呢 ...


Daniel avatar
By Daniel
at 2008-07-16T12:23
借一下這個標題 高考有一題我怎麼也算不出來 假設經濟體有x,y,z三種財貨,去年(基期)的消費量分別為10,20,30,市場價格為1,2,4;今 年(當期)的消費量分別為15,25,30,市場價格為1,3,4.請利用拉氏物價指數計算今年的消 費者物價指數為多少? 拉氏物價指數是以基期年的消費量來進行加權 ...


Kyle avatar
By Kyle
at 2008-07-15T22:07
之前威力彩二點五億 沒人領 請問買這張彩券的人 以後不管作什麼事的話 機會成本都是二點五億嗎? -- 惦在你的身邊驚乎人知影 是含著珠淚跳恰恰~ - ...


Blanche avatar
By Blanche
at 2008-07-15T16:49
來源: (例如: XX 年度高考, XX 年度研究所考) 97年高考 科目: 經濟學 問題: 某人原本是放款者(lender),當利率下跌時變成借款者(borrower),請問福利水準變化? 我的想法: 補習班解的答案是確定下降 但我認為是無法確定 各位覺得呢? - ...


Isla avatar
By Isla
at 2008-07-15T00:13
最近在逛書店時發現一本不錯的書 叫and#34;改變歷史的經濟學家and#34; 作者:R. L. 海爾布魯諾 出版社:志文出版社 市面上許多關於經濟學的書不是太硬 就是太不經濟學= = and#34;改變歷史的經濟學家and#34;首先闡述經濟這門學科是如何產生的 接著介紹幾位歷史上著名的經濟學家 並以平易 ...