我的IB突然一天少了5000美 無交易 - 理財

Hedwig avatar
By Hedwig
at 2020-03-31T14:01

Table of Contents


To all traders: Fri Mar 13 03:57:00 2020 EST Due to the unprecedented volatili
ty in Global markets, call volumes to IB's Client Services desk are extremely
high, with prolonged wait times. . If you do have an urgent issue, we ask that
you listen carefully to the phone menu items and select the correct choice fo
r your inquiry. We route calls to the appropriate subject matter expert theref
ore selecting the wrong topic will likely result in a transfer that will reset
you to the end of the correct call queue,which may dramatically increase your
wait time. Be reminded that IB's website, Knowledge Base, and-in-line user gu
ides. Contain the answers to most questions and may be a substantially faster
resource for inquiries. Account funding should be done via the Client Portal.
All the instructions are contained therein. Margins and liquidations:. As a ro
ugh guide, we expect margin requirements to increase 50% from current levels.
Please take this into consideration in your investment and trading decisions,
and we strongly recommend maintaining a substantial capital buffer to advoid u
nwanted position close-outs. Please understand that, under the current conditi
ons, or other financial compliance issues. Request for delays or other special
handling will be denied. To advoid problems, .

To all traders: Fri Mar 13 14:34:21 2020 EST In response to extreme market vol
atility and substantially increased risk sentiment in global markets, we are t
aking the following steps with immediate effect: 1. Intraday margin discounts
remain suspended until further notice. 2. Liquidation deferrals: the buffer fo
r activation of liquidations is currently 5%, but may be reduced further as ma
rket conditions warrant [Background: under normal market conditions IBKR usual
ly delays liquidations for a period of time during the active trading session
when an account is only slightly (less than 10%) under its financial requireme
nts to allow clients to individually manage their risk reduction activities].
3. We will be deploying re-assessments of margin requirements more frequently
and in some cases, on an intraday basis. Clients with positions having exposur
e to large moves in most asset classes (equity, energies, capital markets, for
ex, bonds) may expect higher capital requirements on short notice and should c
onsider managing their risk and capital positions in their accounts to anticip
ate such changes





※ 引述《Hardi (因為我,還有夢。)》之銘言:
: 不好意思 大家
: 因為一直想不通 很驚恐 睡不著覺
: 大概一個星期前是有交易過VT
: 帳戶突然一下子少那麼多錢
: 只好求助各位高手 QQ
: 附上圖
: https://imgur.com/IZGD7Zq

Tags: 理財

All Comments

Hedda avatar
By Hedda
at 2020-04-03T09:02


Susan avatar
By Susan
at 2020-03-30T21:26
https://www.tdameritrade.com/zh_TW/account-types/faqs-opening.page? 在常見問答第9題 有什麼費用? 9有什麼費用? 我們相信合理、直接的訂價,對您而言,即是每一筆網上股票交易一律$6.95 佣金, 無論 您的賬戶餘額或您購買多少股;而 ...

複委託 賣出後股款尚未交割 可以再買嗎 ?

Zenobia avatar
By Zenobia
at 2020-03-30T15:13
大家好 我是複委託新手 (用富邦的複委託) 富邦的交割時間是T+4 也就是如果我在禮拜一賣股票,禮拜五才會拿到錢 請問如果銀行戶頭餘額是0 且我在禮拜一賣出了價值3000美元的股票 那我可以在禮拜二到禮拜四這段期間內買進價值小於3000美元的股票嗎 ? 另一個問題是如果我的戶頭目前有新台幣30000(即大 ...


Dorothy avatar
By Dorothy
at 2020-03-29T10:31
剛才在檢查我的支票內容 發現支票地址並沒有 市 的資料 例如OO區XX市12345台灣 我的支票是OO區12345 台灣 不過在寄來的包裹上面的地址標籤又是正確的 不知道這樣會不會影響正常使用? 另外我收到提款卡時也遇到類似問題過 同時收到兩張提款卡 卡號什麼的都相同 唯一差別是一封信地址完整 另外一封 ...

紐約州可能會封城, 關於匯款的問題

Tristan Cohan avatar
By Tristan Cohan
at 2020-03-29T08:33
請問各位版友, 紐約州可能即將封城, 本來預計3/30要匯款至ib的帳戶 不過ib的帳戶是Citi bank的紐約分行 請問這樣還能匯款嗎? 不知道有沒有知道情況的版友可以分享 如果不能匯款, 考慮直接放在台灣複委託了 感謝感謝 -- Sent from my Windows - ...


Erin avatar
By Erin
at 2020-03-29T01:30
各位在思考買OXY 的時候有研究一下新聞嗎 OXY 跟Chevron 之前競標 Anadarko 這家公司 在Chevron 跟Anadarko 談好決議後 從中搶標 Chevron 分毫不花 拿了1billion 解約賠償走人 OXY 跟巴菲特貸款 簽了一屁股的協議 目前OXY的狀態就是負債比現有 ...